Thursday, February 6, 2014

Things I Believe*

*other than that the children are our future (obviously)

Last week when I was having a lazy writing day and was searching my archives for something old (but fabulous) to re-post instead of having to come up with something original (but fabulous), I came across an oldie I wrote about things 'I Believe' from September 2012.
You guys, I honestly don't remember it. (Hey, there's been a lot of Chardonnay consumed since then, don't judge. (I mean about the not remembering it part. You can totally judge me about the Chardonnay consumption.))
So I read it.
And I kept thinking to myself, Yes! I believe that! And that, too! and then I remembered that I was the one who wrote it.
Seriously, it's not easy being me sometimes.
So I shelved in the back of my brain and yesterday pulled it back out, not because I was having a lazy writing day, but because the list had stayed with me all week and I wanted to make some adjustments and additions. (Okay, fine, because I was being a little bit lazy. I Believe in being honest.)
I believe it's important to have things you believe in (<< snuck that one in there), and I'm not talking about God or no God, or Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, but about things that you stand firm on: have a definite opinion about. I tend to stay in the gray zone with a lot of things, but here's a list of things I'm black (or white) on.
This list been modified and added to since September 2012, so if you read that post and unlike me, actually remember it, you're safe to keep reading (and you're clearly not drinking enough Chardonnay). 

I Believe in sleep and sleeping in and staying in bed until the last possible minute.

I Believe in letting the little things go.

I Believe that having a glass of wine makes you a better cook.

I Believe that having 2 glasses of wine makes you a better singer.

I Believe in getting all your yearly exams.....yearly.

I Believe that doing nothing is sometimes just as important as doing something.

I Believe that eating a french baguette with garlic butter is one of life's greatest pleasures.

I Believe you are only as happy as you choose to be.

I Believe that if you have a coupon for 50% off it means you get to buy twice as much.

I Believe that your kids are as amazing as you tell them they are.

I Believe in having expectations.

I Believe that spending an hour in Target is one of the very best ways to spend an hour.

I Believe in holding hands.

I Believe in finding the bigger picture.

I Believe that a good 80's pop song can make scrubbing the bathrooms a little more bearable.

I Believe that if you don't start you'll never know how you'll finish.

I Believe in making good choices.

I Believe in laughter and finding humor in even the most mundane situations.

I Believe in being yourself and letting your freak flag fly. Proudly.

I Believe in staying in the most expensive hotel you can afford when you're on vacation.

I Believe in taking as many pictures with your mind as you do with your camera.

I Believe that if everyone in my house would actually change the toilet paper roll my mental state would greatly improve.

I Believe I should not have to ever cook dinner.  Or clean the kitchen.

I Believe that the lord God himself created the popcorn/soda combo at Target.

I Believe living in the past is for historians.  And dead people.

I Believe that I was born without bicep muscles.

I Believe in doing what is right, not what is easy.

I Believe that the people who read my blog are awesome. And have excellent taste.

What would you add to the list?

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  1. You are my people because I BELIEVE ALL OF THOSE THINGS, TOO!!! I'm with you 100%. Sing it out, sister!!

    Let's see...I believe that it's good for your mind to watch reality TV. I also believe that it's hard to have a good day without reading at least one chapter of a book. I believe that it's okay to not be the first Mary Sue in the carpool line. I believe I will never enjoy drinking water as much as Diet Coke even if I put stuff in it to make it look more delicious. ---Lisa

  2. I believe judging and jealousy is a waste of time and only makes you bitter.

  3. I believe I'm off the hook in that I get to drop my girls OFF at the One Direction concert this summer in DC and then pick them UP afterwards and I don't have to listen to 17000 screaming teens!

    1. Oh, but you'll miss HAAAARRRYYY!! OH MY GOD, HAAARRRRYYYY!!!
      My daughter is considering not going to college because the concert date here is the day we have to move her there so she can't go. I guess there's always online school.

  4. I believe in treating people the way you want to be treated

  5. I love this list - I'm 100% in on the wine drinking!!!
    I believe that we are all going to make mistakes and that is part of the beauty of life!

  6. Oooh, great list! I agree with so many of these. The Target one is a for sure. I believe that it's okay to sneak/buy a shirt for yourself while you are grocery shopping at Target because who else is going to surprise you with a new shirt? Actually I believe you should buy yourself something each time you go to Target for that same reason. I believe a tall, salted caramel hot chocolate at Barnes and Noble while browsing books or working on writing is a little bit of Heaven on Earth.

    1. But of course you should buy yourself something at Target! Fuzzy socks, a new book, colorful measuring cups, maybe a bag (or 3) of Swedish Fish….

  7. Oh I agree with SO much on this list - 80s pop songs, Target, your kids being as amazing as you tell them - oh yes! I would add that I firmly believe that everything can be resolved with a good LONG run :-)

    1. I may have to respectfully disagree with you on that last one…but I Believe I admire and envy people who believe that! :)

  8. I love the entire list and believe every single thing on it to be true....especially the part about the toilet paper roll. I mean, how hard is it people?


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.