Monday, February 24, 2014

I Just Want To Be Alone

I love my husband.
I do.
And recently I grew to love him even more because of what he agreed to let me do.
Oh, stop it. Don't be gross.
As many of you know, we've been married for 20 years (and together for the four before that), and for every day of those 24 years he's been my rock. My pedestal. My best friend. My very literal 'other half'. 
If you know him personally, you know that while initially seeming quiet and reserved, he's got one of the driest senses of humor around, a wit so quick he makes Letterman envious, and would give a friend the shirt off his back if needed (although it might be a faded and stretched out tee from 1993). 
And if you know him very personally, you know that he sometimes does things that make the rest of us simultaneously shake our heads and (*segue alert*) pee ourselves with laughter.

A couple of months ago the brilliant mind behind I Just Want To Pee Alone, the #1 Best-Selling Humor Anthology that I was so humbled to be a part of a mere year ago, put out an all-call for submissions for Volume II. But there was one stipulation: The essays had to be about the men in our lives. And they had to be funny. Really funny. And they couldn't have been a story that had been published before. And (at least as was the case in my house) they had to be husband approved.
Well that eliminated like 12 good stories I could've told right there.

But I told one. 
I told a good one.
I told one that went through over 10 edits. 
Husband edits. 
Which sounded something like this, nine times:

Me: Here. Read this. Isn't this hilarious?
Him (after reading): Yeah, no. No effin' way. 

But eventually I ended up with a story that got his approval, which when you read it might make you wonder what kinds of favors I had to promise (I plead the fifth), and guess what?

It got selected.

And so now I'm about to get on the same roller coaster I was on a year ago, and I couldn't be more excited, proud, and once again, humbled.

"A collection of humorous essays from women about the men in their lives"
I'm not sure you can really see the fabulous writers I'm keeping company with this time, but trust me, they're good. Really good. There's old friends from the first volume, but many of the writers are new. New voices. Funny-as-all-hell voices. I've read a handful of the essays and have laughed out loud. So has my daughter. And she's a pretty tough critic, so that's saying a lot.

I know you're probably dying to get your hands on a copy right now so you can find out what my husband did, am I right?? 
The book won't be published until March 22nd. 
BUT I do have good news!
Since Volume I was such a hot ticket, Amazon has offered a pre-sale on Volume II!!

Yes way.

You can go ahead and PRE-ORDER either for your KINDLE or the PAPERBACK VERSION right now! 
Your spring break reading is taken care of!

For all the links to the other "Super Cool Lady Writers" who are contributors to this book, check out my "buy my books" tab. Well worth the reads, all of them!

Over the next month you'll hear more about the book (you've been warned) and I hope you'll all read…and laugh…and share.

And please, the next time you see my husband, try not to laugh too hard at the poor man for what he did that is about to be shared with over 20,000 people. 
He has enough to deal with simply by living with me. 

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And by 'All Rights Reserved' I mean DON'T STEAL MY STUFF
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  1. Cannot wait to read it, as we will know it will make us laugh ourselves silly! You rock friend, and we are so excited for you! :)-The Dose Girls

    1. Thank you, my sweets!! You girls are the best! xo

  2. Awesome news! Cannot wait to read it!

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure my husband is as anxious for you to as I am, though. Sucks to be him. ;)

  3. That is so great! Congrats!!! I cannot wait to read ALL the stories.

  4. Congratulations! I own the first book so I'm sure I'll be getting this one too! :)

    1. Thank you!! I'm sure you'll love it -- after all, laughing at the men in our lives is always a good time, isn't it??

  5. Oh - I'm so excited! I just downloaded vol. 1 on my Nook - can't wait to read it.
    Congratulations on getting selected to be published again!!

    1. Great! This one will also be available on Nook after it publishes -- I'll keep you posted on the details!

  6. Oh lawd if your promo is this funny, imagine your piece? Love it...xo DG


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