Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Favorites - The Bingeing Season

It's Thursday evening, and as I write this post it's snowing.
I know, I know, "Tell me something new, sister."
"Winter Storm Seneca" is hitting us full force right now, and by tomorrow morning (which is really today) we're supposed to have accumulated about 10 more inches.
Surprisingly, it's not bothering me.

I'm finding ways to cope.

It's actually the first pretty snow we've had in awhile, although it'd be a hell of a lot prettier if it wasn't falling on the 20" we already have.

Because it was over 30° outside and we have standards in this family (like not being outside when it is a temperature where you are certain to lose an appendage), the Things actually played in it this afternoon for the second (first?) time all winter and Thing 1 proved that even at 18 it's still fun to torment your little sister by pummeling her with snowballs.

She learned her technique from Buddy the Elf.

This week it was 40°.
For a day.
I got really excited thinking we'd finally escaped the deep freeze...and then I looked at next week's forecast.

God help us.
And God help those who have to listen to us complain about it.

Let's get to the favorites, shall we?

This week I'm sharing with you a new favorite actual thing, a few favorite things I've been bingeing on to help me get through this brutal winter (other than what Olivia's got up there), and something new for YMFT.

1. Ethel

Meet Ethel.
She joined our family last week when I went out shopping for Valentine's Day surprises for everyone else and came home with nothing but one mustard colored pig for me.
I'm not really sure what her purpose is, but for now she's holding some Clementines and looking adorable on my kitchen counter.

2. Chocolate Cereals
Have you noticed all the new chocolate cereals lately?
I have.

It's possible I might have overdone it the other day at Target.
I'm addicted. I eat them all with milk, without milk, and as as a mid-morning/mid-day/after dinner snack (which translates into pretty much all the damn day).
And you wanna know what they all go great with?

3. Chicken Fried Rice

Although I can take credit for these photos, I cannot take credit for the recipe. But I can tell you it's super easy (which you know it must be if I made it) and is what I call "shovelin' food" -- meaning you'd best have a shovel ready to eat it with because you're going go to want to cram copious amounts of it in your pie hole as quickly as possible.

I'm not kidding when I say that I could eat that entire pan if left alone. I've made it twice this week. And here's the kicker: I DON'T LIKE PEAS. But in this rice, I gobble every last one of them up. 

Here's the pin for the recipe. >> Chicken Fried Rice << Click it to get to the blog it came from. 

4. Friday Night Lights

Yeah, I know I'm like seven years late to the FNL party, and in my defense I have to tell you that I've been dying to watch if for years. But I just haven't. I think one reason may be because it can be daunting to start watching a show that is five seasons (or over 100 episodes) long. But last weekend I pulled a muscle in my back and was lying in bed on a heating pad for about seven hours straight and I turned to the Panthers to pull me through.  

Especially #33. 

I cannot even tell you how addicted I am to this show. I love every character, every story line, everything about it. I've cheered for the team. I've cried with Street. I've yelled at Lyla. I've wanted to have a glass of wine with Tami. I've had a glass of wine with Tami. 
I'm only on episode 17 of season one, so no spoilers please, but this week I've lost sleep, "forgotten" to do errands like wash our clothes and buy food for my family so I can sneak in an episode or two. 
Relax, they're fine.
They've got all that chocolate cereal to keep them alive. 
And also...

5. Girl Scout Cookies

Enough said. 

6. YMFT is on Instagram!
I've told you before how much I love Instagram for capturing the small moments that make up our lives. I've showed you the fabulous Instagram book I made. But I've never shared my Instagram account with you, not because I don't consider all of you friends, but because I'm not sure you want to be bothered with the minutia of my life. 
Until now. 
I started a separate account just for friends of YMFT. I'd promise not to post too many photos of my cats, but I'd be totally lying. 

I mean, come on
If you Instagram, follow along! Just search youremyfavoritetoday in the IG search box. When you see the YMFT appletini you'll know you're in the right place.

That'll do it today. Remember to check the Facebook page periodically as FB hates bloggers and every week decides to show less of our followers our stuff. I mean, I wouldn't want you to miss any of these types of conversations with my 12 year old: 

And make sure and come back here on Monday -- I've got some SUPER-DUPER EXCITING NEWS to share with you!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I just got the call that school has been canceled. If you need me, you know where to find me. 

© 2012-2014 You're my favorite today. All Rights Reserved.
And by 'All Rights Reserved' I mean DON'T STEAL MY STUFF. 
Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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  1. My God woman, your phone is broken. I saw rows with negative temperature numbers. You ought to get that looked at!

    I always *KNEW* it wasn't my fault that eating one Thin Mint meant an entire sleeve..and by an entire sleeve I mean a whole box. (okay fine...TWO boxes). It's all coming clear to me now! --Lisa

  2. That snow is insane - do you live in Alaska?! And those temps!! I will not complain anymore because clearly your winter is way worse than ours!!! I will keep you company with the wine, though!!

    1. No, Alaska would actually be a welcome change from MINNESOTA this winter. Good grief. And we have at least another 6-8 weeks of it. March is always our snowiest month. If you want proof that we DO eventually thaw out, check the tab up top called "My Happy Place." Other than the wine, it's what gets me through every winter. :P

  3. I wish you blogged every day. Better yet, twice or even three times a day. Too much for you, sure, but not for us. Your blog is my "crack" - I'm addicted!

    1. I'm hugging you so hard right now (and slipping you the $50 I promised I'd pay you if you said this into your back pocket).

      You are TOO kind and your comment just made my weekend! Thank you!! :)

  4. I hear you! The snow is pretty, but My 5 year old got stuck in the middle of our back yard today and I had to go on a rescue mission. Brought her in, then had to go back and dig out her boots. The joys.......

  5. Having never seen snow I love seeing all these pics. It's so pretty but I would imagine you are all pretty sick of it. I guess it's possible you will ban me from your blog if I tell you I live in Florida and it was 85 degrees today. So I won't tell you. I think Ethel is pretty cool!

    I just recently started reading your blog and I have to tell you, I love it! So glad I found it!

  6. I've been suffering through one snowstorm after another as well…until this weekend when we came to Vermont to ski so we can actually ENJOY all this snow!!! It worked. I'm feeling better AND I drank a lot of wine. Win/win.
    Already follow you on Instagram and love it :-)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.