Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Favorites - People's Choice Awards Edition (psych)

Awards Shows. 
 (^^that's a link to where I once told you how much)

You know I love them so much I rank them.
                                                 (^^same link)

And I love them so much I also recap them.
                                          (^^different link)

But if you read (and you can use either the past or present tense of that word) the first (and second) linked post up there, you'll see that I rank The People's Choice Awards 5.
Out of 5.
That's right. It's my least favorite awards show. So why am I devoting an entire Friday Favorites's post to it, you ask? 

Favorite. Inappropriate Favorite. And Favorite.

The end. 

Seriously, wouldn't you love to hang out with those three? Have drinks? Drinks and a sleepover? (I call dibs on putting my sleeping bag next to Zac's.)

Seeing this photo of these three at the show really could be Favorite enough for me this week (and pretty much is) but there is one more moment related to The People's Choice Awards that is Favorite worthy, but I'll make you wait until the end. First, let's discuss the lameness.

Top reasons The People's Choice Awards wins for "Choice Lamest Awards Show":

1. These Two Broke Hosts - 

You guys, I cannot stand them, or their show. I've tried to like them, and it, like three times, and three times could not make it halfway through without wanting to throw things at them, and my TV. They're not funny. The show is not funny. At. All. So here's a good idea! Let's have them host an Awards Show! I have a feeling CBS was trying to capitalize on the whole Golden Globes Tina Fey/Amy Poehler girlfriend/sidekick host team thing but guess what, CBS? THESE GIRLS AIN'T TINA FEY AND AMY POEHLER. They're more like these guys. 

The past two years haven't been any better. The blond Cukoo girl from The Big Bang Theory has been the host. Which leads me to....

2. The guy who sounds like Kermit the frog and looks like he has a stick up his ass and The Big Bang Theory -
You guys, I cannot stand him, or that show. I've tried to like him, and that show, like three times, and three times could not make it halfway through without wanting to throw things at him, and my TV. He's not funny. The show is not funny. At. All. And I know I'm in the minority here. Obviously. BECAUSE HE, AND IT, KEEPS WINNING AWARDS. If you read either of those linked posts up above, you'll know I've mentioned it before, but it infuriates me. He is talentless. Swear to god, any one of the dudes in my daughter's high school theatre department have more talent in their ear lobe (right or left) than the guy who sounds like Kermit the frog and looks like he has a stick up his ass. And he keeps beating people who are actually funny. And the stupid show keeps beating shows that are actually funny. And don't even get me started on Blossom.

Coincidentally, this is what she wore
to the show the other night. 
3. The writing is embarrassingly horrible -
It's so bad that it actually makes me feel physically uncomfortable having to watch the presenters bumble through their scripted banter and their "jokes" while the audience just sits there.

4. The crowds -
I suppose because it's The People's Choice Awards it makes sense that the balcony and rear of the auditorium would be filled with regular people, but the cheering and hooting and "I LOVE YOU!"s during the show drives me crazy. It's not the Teen Choice Awards, people! The hysteria and screaming during their speeches takes away much of its respectability (yet would totally be me if I was there), which leads me to...

The thing that bothers me the most about The People's Choice Awards, though? IT ISN'T REAL. I'm not saying that the voting is rigged (although since everything I vote for NEVER SEEMS TO WIN I have my suspicions), but it's obvious the winners are informed with enough time to shop for a dress (or have someone else shop for a dress) because there they are! Sitting in the audience! Without any of the other nominees! Not looking surprised at all when they win! And the fact that they're usually there alone or with a manager or a friend instead of a partner or spouse is telling -- THEY DON'T THINK IT'S REAL, EITHER. Sure, in their acceptance speeches they say that, "--this award means the most because it comes from you, the fans!" but they don't really care. If they did they'd at least bring their mom instead of the lady who blows out their hair.

Thank god there's only two more days until this disaster is redeemed, though.

My favorite of the awards shows.
Two days.
I'm already planning my snack menu and figuring out which of my favorite pairs of yoga pants I'll be wearing.
I'll try my best to live tweet during the show, but since I usually tape it so I can zip through the commercials I'm not promising anything. If you want to see what I decide, follow me on twitter @urmyfavetoday.
Here's a glimpse at my efforts on Wednesday, which got quickly thwarted by my boredom and a new episode of Modern Family (which was robbed, btw).

Okay. We see them. 
And now, since this is a Favorites's post,  I'll leave you with my one other Favorite from The People's Choice Awards -

J.T. getting some Taco Bell after the show.

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  1. Well, you know how I feel about award shows. I live for them. I'd recount why, but you've already laid it out perfectly so I will just sit her and nod my head and shout out "EXACTLY"!!
    And might I say that I will never, EVER tire of seeing Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock together. And they both looked so beautiful. They are THE BEST inside and out. I love them.
    I am so excited about the Golden Globes (TINA AND AMY!!!!) I can hardly stand it. GET HERE SUNDAY NIGHT!! GET HERE!!!
    See you on the Twitter!! XO --Lisa

  2. I have to agree with you. The show was awful. The hosts were HORRIBLE. The writing was deplorable. The show was, is and always will be a train wreck. Most uncomfortable moment of the night for me: Watching Shemar Moore verbally seduce the chick with the T-boob dress. Awkward!!

  3. How lame am I? I don't even know who those two women are! Maybe that's not all bad though...

  4. "Lady who blows out their hair" haha. I used to watch awards show. Now my obsession is Fashion Police the day after, the TV-show equivalent of sloppy seconds.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.