Thursday, January 9, 2014

Crazy or Awesome? {Britney Spears}

Last week I may (three times) have mentioned her.

I had every intention of adding the following to my Friday Favorites last week and leaving it at that. In fact, most of what you are about to read was all set in my FF post and ready to go.
But then I remembered my new ongoing series I started last month with the Crazy Christmas Card Lady called "Crazy or Awesome" and really, who better to be my #2 subject than Britney?

So I present to you -

Okay, hear me out.
Let me just start by saying I'm not really a fan of Britney Spears.

Oh, you heard me
Never really have been.
Girlfriend cannot sing to save her life (although, ironically, that's pretty much what she's done over the past few years) and it's pretty evident that she's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Pretty sure that's one thing she actually knows
But here's the deal.
I can't quit her.
She intrigues me, and has for years and years.
And so I'm just gonna say it: I kind of love her.

And a couple of weeks ago I got sucked into watching the two hour E! Special, I Am Britney Jean. I wasn't alone. Well, actually I pretty much was alone, since the special was like E's lowest rated show in the last forever years. And I didn't even watch it live, I watched it on YouTube on my laptop a week after it aired (hey, it was like eleventy-two below outside, what else was I going to do?)

The documentary did nothing to raise her level of intelligence in my opinion, but it did show the world (or the 700,000 people who watched it) that this girl is back. In a big way.

Her two year Planet Hollywood residency in Vegas ("Piece of Me") kicked off on December 27th, and from the extended rehearsal footage from the E! special plus all the reviews and videos I read and watched of the opening (still blaming the weather for that), it looks fantastic and I now totally want to go to Vegas even though I ABHOR VEGAS. But for Britney, I'd go. I'd go and ignore the filth and skeeziness (which buying a ticket to her show would contradict, I do realize), but I'd do my best. And after I saw Britney's show I'd go see Donny and Marie -- just to even things out.

No filth. No skeeze. Just cheese. 
And to answer the question I'm sure is burning in your mind -- no, she's not really singing (much). But by this point, who really cares? She's performing. And even though she only "sings" like four of my favorite Britney songs in her set (which makes sense because I only have like four Britney songs I actually enjoy), I'd go -- for the performance. The dancing. The dancers (who are ahmazing). Plus, despite everything, it's Britney. And crazy or awesome, she's iconic. She is.

Even 2013's icon of the year thinks so.

^^YouTube clip for those of you with phones or pads that don't load it^^

So to get back to the question at hand: is she crazy or awesome?

A few years ago the answer would've been a no brainer.

But today? Today I'd have to go with Awesome.

And last night she won her first People's Choice Award for Favorite Pop Artist. 

Pretty Awesome. 
Because raise your hand if, like me, Britney's 180° turnaround has not only made you eat a lot of the words and predictions you uttered a few years ago, but made you stand up and give her a slow clap (whatever your opinion of her might be). I mean, it's like Lindsay Lohan winning an Oscar one day. And like it or not (not), that would be pretty awesome. 

So put on some Britney tunes everybody, and stand up and dance. And sing. Loudly (which will help drown her out). Because this bitch is back, and she's workin' the awesome pretty hard. 

*For more fabulous Britney gifs, visit

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  1. You know, I've never been too crazy about Britney's music. But, like you, I am INTRIGUED. She has always been that train wreck sitting right in front of me and I just can't look away as they carry away the carnage. I've felt a little sorry for her when she's been at her lowest, and I've felt kind of proud for her as she's slowly dug herself out of her little hole. I think it's commendable that she (or SOMEONE) cared enough to get her - and her kiddos - the hell out of the public eye for a while until she could straighten her ass out.

    But, I'm not going to Vegas for her. ;)

    Also - if I were you I would totally use the weather as an excuse to get out of, well, EVERYTHING. 24/7 Netflix, baby.

  2. You know the People's Choice Awards aren't real, right? Britney just released her new album to terrible reviews and she wins a People's Choice? Adam Sandler is Best Actor (did he even release a movie this year?) And all the nominees aren't necessarily there, but the winners definitely are! Hmmmm…...

    I just CAN'T with Britney. You know she's still under her father's conservationship, right? That she is legally not able to make any decisions for herself, and her father has to do so? That all contracts are signed by him, etc? So, is this Vegas deal Britney's wish or her father's, her manager's, her record label's wish?

    The reviews of the show have been terrible. She's obviously not singing and cannot keep up with her dancers. The video screens show old clips of Britney performing instead of closeups of the action on the stage, because the producers don't want you to get a good look at how Britney is really doing.

    I never thought I would have a strong opinion on Britney Spears, but I guess I do! Let the poor girl stay at home with her kids. She constantly talks about wanting to be with her kids, so let her!

  3. THANK YOU for this post. While I know she isn't ultra talented in the way of vocals, I've always (though a little shamefully) been a fan. Sue me. I'm sorry her music is just CATCHY sometimes and when she works at it she can dance like no body's business..

    That said, everyone know my fandom makes me a little biased, so when I try and claim Britney is back, people laugh/make fun/throw things at me. I've dealt with it my entire Britney loving life, so I'm used to it. So it's nice to see a more balanced, *unbiased* approach because I really do think she has done quite the job of turning it around. She is the epitome of what you should be seeing in Vegas. And yes, she is iconic whether you like it or not.

    I hope you get to see her (I know I will be) and thanks again!


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