Monday, November 4, 2013

Suck It, DST.

Today I'm saying something I don't think I've said on a Monday morning (hell, on any weekday morning) since the last day of summer vacation: I feel rested. 

Could it be the fact that I have a sick daughter who has been battling a nasty cold all weekend who I let sleep until she woke up this morning so we could assess the 'going to school' situation? And that despite being woken up at 4 a.m. by said daughter to administer Afrin and not being able to fall back asleep for over 45 minutes because someone lying next to me was gargling toads and then again at 6:50 when Thing 1 woke me up to say goodbye (so thoughtful of her) those bits and pieces of sleep were restful? Maybe it's the cozy flannel sheets I put on my bed last night?


It's the damn Daylight Savings Time. 

I've discovered that I have a love/hate relationship with DST.  Living in Minnesota, DST means that the dark days of winter are, quite literally, the dark days of winter (the first reference of 'dark' was referring to my soul, of course). By 4:30 p.m., it's headlights on. By 5:00 p.m., it's pitch. black. dark. Sure, 6:00 a.m. does dawn a bit brighter than it has in the past month (a bit), but SINCE I AM SLEEPING AT 6:00 A.M. WHO THE HELL CARES. Plus, that only lasts a few weeks. Pretty soon we'll only have about 8 hours of real daylight a day.

And you wonder why I drink.

But last night I'd made, eaten and cleaned up dinner; had a nice bath with a couple of People magazines; folded a load of laundry; put the flannel sheets on both my bed and Thing 2's and was feeling mighty sleepy and ready to hit the hay...and it was only 8:15. You guys, usually at 8:15 I haven't even opened up a bottle of wine yet. (Huh. Who knew Daylight Savings Time could also be good for my liver?) But instead, I got my new Entertainment Weekly, said my round of 'goodnights' and crawled in bed. Before 9 p.m. Before my kids went to sleep.

Which brings me back to why I'm feeling so rested on a Monday morning. IT'S BECAUSE I HAD OVER 9 HOURS OF SLEEP. I'm sure this won't be a regular thing this winter; in fact, I know it won't be because of late weeknight rehearsals and intermittent tests someone is cramming for and the fact that I'd never consider going too many days without opening a bottle of wine at 8 p.m. (don't be ridiculous). But because of how fantastic I feel this morning, I think I'm going to make it a point to succumb to the lure of the darkness every now and again.

Suck it, DST. I'm making you my bitch this year.

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  1. That sounds like a great Sunday night. Flannel sheets, a nice bath, People magazines and a nice early night. Hope your daughter is feeling better though. Omg, the darkness at 4:30 thing is a drag. The kids just get home and it's dark before we know it. You're right - such a good thing there's wine.

  2. I went to bed early, too! Read a little Mark Twain (Joan of Arc) and fell asleep. I'm a morning person, so it's great to get some light a little earlier. But man-o-man, the dark comes early. It's time for wine. (I'm linked up to "I hate Monday's as TheBlackTortoise. Unfortunately, your comment widget failed to recognize me, so I commented under my other ID.)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.