Thursday, November 7, 2013

Don't Hate Me.

You know those people who no matter how late they go to bed at night still get up at the crack of dawn just because of their weird internal alarm clock or because they're "morning people" or to (god forbid) work out? 

Yeah, me either. 

My answer to the question, "Are you a morning person or a night owl"? 


I love sleep. I always have. My mama says that when I was a wee one I never had to have a bedtime because at around 7:30 or 8 every night I'd just head up to bed. As I've gotten older, my bedtime has gotten considerably later, but that's not so much due to the fact that I don't want to go to bed as it is that there's still some wine in the bottle and it's not gonna drink itself. Nah, I'm kidding (mostly). Usually it has everything to do with my kids. Damn kids. You'd think that by now, at ages 18 and 12, I could get to sleep at a decent hour. Okay, okay, I can't blame them entirely. I also blame Husband. And the DVR. 

But regardless of who or what is to blame, the fact is that the mornings when I can sleep in are everything to me. No kidding, I plan for them. I put them on my internal calendar and anxiously and eagerly await for them like it's friggin' Christmas. My family knows not to poke the bear on those mornings. Trust me. They know.

This morning was one of those mornings. My kids didn't have school so last night I was practically giddy with the thought of sleeping in. I turned off my alarm clock, made sure I wasn't wearing pants (don't get excited, it's so my legs don't overheat in my flannel sheets and make my sleep less than perfect), and got my sleep mask ready on the corner of my nightstand for the 7 a.m. sunshine (which in November in Minnesota is being very optimistic). This is where you're probably expecting me to launch into a sad yet hilarious story of some kind of shenanigan that occurred this morning that foiled my plans, like a cat puking on me (which has totally happened) or a kid screaming from the bathroom (ditto) or kids screaming at each other (hasn't happened in awhile, thankfully).


My sleep in was perfection.

And that's really the point and the end of this post. It was so heavenly to wake up at 7:30 to a silent house and have my body-temperature-to-flannel-sheets-ratio so perfectly balanced (NO PANTS) and a warm and non-puking kitty asleep on my chest and my pillows so perfectly plumped and be able to close my eyes again and fall back asleep until 9:30 that I just had to write about it. I considered yelling for a kid to bring me my laptop and coffee and just stay in bed writing this, but I had to pee. As one does who HAS BEEN IN BED FOR TEN HOURS.

So this is for you, mothers of babies and toddlers and pre-schoolers and other assorted aged children who still require your care and presence in the mornings. Another glimpse into your future. I'd apologize, but I've had such a relaxing morning I really don't want to feel badly about anything. And if this made you tremble with anticipation? Read > THIS <.  It's an oldie that I now realize I should've titled "Porn for Young Mothers." Although instead of making you excited, it might make you want to punch me in the neck. 

Enjoy your day! As for me?

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  1. I know this makes me sound like the laziest person in the world, but sleeping is probably my favorite thing to do.

  2. I love this! I too love to sleep. My husband says I am the only person he knows who gets up in the morning planning on when I can nap. Love the weekends. I get to read until my eyes close, whether that is 10 at night or 2 in the afternoon!

  3. I'm writing this at 11 pm, and I'm totally pissed that I'm still awake. Because I love to sleep, too. My kids are four and six, but they have been able to entertain and feed themselves on weekend mornings for at least a year. It's great for mornings when I need to sleep in, but generally I like to get up early. I always have. This post is the perfect nightcap. I'm heading to bed now.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.