Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Favorites - Cher, Kelly, and a Tasty Chardonnay (with a side of Cheese)

Did you survive?
Be honest.
How much candy did it take for you to make it through last night?

Did your kids crash in the middle of eating a Snickers and go to bed with a face smeared with chocolate? Oh, that was you? Well pour some syrup in your coffee and let the kids sleep off their sugar-high, we've got some Favorites to get to, folks.


Let's start all the way back at last Friday, shall we? 
You may (or may not) remember that I wasn't really here. That's because a week ago, I wasn't even really me

1.  I Got You Babe
A week ago I channeled my inner diva/icon and became Cher for the night. Oh, who am I kidding, I've worn that wig every day for the past week. But the point is, getting all dressed up as a fabulous icon was definitely a favorite of the past week. 

One thing that was definitely NOT a favorite? Husband's godforsaken mustache. Good god, I had to live with that for SIX WEEKS while he grew it to an acceptable "Sonny thickness." It did have a shaggy beard that went with it until the night before this party that made him look an awful lot like Saul Berenson -

- so it wasn't quite as bad as you might be, wait. It was every bit as bad. 
But even I have to admit, he rocked the Sonny look. Silly Boy Wig and all. 


2. Kelly Clarkson's new Christmas CD 
I may or may not have had the release date for this CD on my calendar for the past two months. 

And I may or may not have been listening to it nonstop since Tuesday. It's bluesy and big-band-y and beautiful and just trust me. Get it.  It's only $9.99 at Target (with two bonus songs!) until tomorrow. 
And since I didn't write a Favorites's post last week, I didn't get to share the link to the MamaPop article I wrote about the Five Reasons Kelly Clarkson's Wedding Made Me Happy.  I love her. I'm happy for her. And mostly, I'm just happy that (as is so often the case) she didn't wear something hideous. 

3. Napa Cellars Chardonnay

I'm kind of boring when it comes to wine choice. Since we had a wine distribution business that went ka-put about five years ago, we have more than our fair share of reds left over (and by 'more', I mean MORE, which, as you know, is saying a lot) so we seriously haven't had the need to actually buy any red wine for years and years (don't get jealous....we certainly DID buy it at one point). But whites are a different story. Since the only white I will drink is Chardonnay and since I'm definitely picky about the "buttery-ness" of it (don't like butter) I tend to find a label and stick with it. And I should mention, the label I find needs to be cost-efficient. As in cheap.
My usual 'go-to's are Clos Du Bois and Cupcake ($8!!) but recently I've been hooked on Napa Cellars. At $12.99 it's a little more pricey, but it's a definite favorite. For all you Chard lovers, it's LIGHT but not too citrusy yet has enough oomph to not totally taste like airplane wine (not that there's anything wrong with that).

4. Cheese
Don't laugh, but if I'm thinking of Favorites from the past week I'd be remiss not to mention cheese (especially since it goes so well with the Napa Cellars). I'm loving hunks of sharp cheddar and jalepeno Dofino lately. As in every night. And no, I'm not pregnant, but if I keep up this nightly cheese habit I'm sure as hell gonna look like I am.

* Things that were happening on the blog, not on the blog and on social media this week *

For all my new friends, I pulled out one of my all-time favorite stories about our first Halloween in the neighborhood when my husband met all the other dads....dressed like Aladdin. >> Read it HERE <<

It seems a lot of people (like a real lot) read my take on 'What Your Childhood Halloween Costumes Say About You As An Adult' -- within 12 hours it made it over there on the right in the 'Popular Posts' list. In my world, that kind of traffic is a big deal. So if you were one of the 4-digit hits -- thanks! And if you missed it, you can read it >> Right HERE <<

This week at MamaPop I was giving my two cents on Ellen DeGeneres's new sitcom. Hope it will be as funny and clever as she is.

If you read Wednesday's post, you'll know I've referenced this already this week, but four days later it's still making me laugh.

T-shirts, mugs, keychains and hats coming soon. 

And I'll leave you today with a lovely image of me last night. 
I passed out apples. 

Enjoy your weekend! I'm off to Target to watch them tear down Halloween and put up CHRISTMAS!! They love it when I do that.

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  1. Did you hear about the wine shortage?!?!?! It was on the news!!! Stock up now. :)

  2. As a fellow Cupcake lover, it is my duty to inform you that it's on sale this week at Cub for $6.99 a bottle! One of my greatest regrets after moving from Northern CA was that I never made it to the Cupcake Winery. The mothership was about half an hour away from where I lived...Run out tomorrow and buy a case (I did!)

    I also like the Clos du Bois (we're drinking twins) but my favorite 'expensive' wine is La Crema, around $20 a bottle. That's my 'special occasion' wine.

    Is it sad that I have so much to offer on the subject of wine?

  3. I drank some Cupcake chard ON FRIDAY for the first time. It was yum, and I may stray from my usual reds for another taste.

    You and the hubs looked amazing!!!

  4. Oh, the candy! This weekend I found out my parents actually turned off their lights early so they could eat what was left of the Halloween candy. That made me feel a little better about my own consumption.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.