Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Favorites - October 4th edition.

Disclaimer: This is one of those Friday Favorites posts that is totally random and nothing really goes together or makes any sense.
Pretty much like most of the Friday Favorites posts, you say?

Wise guy.


1. I Have Been Changed For Good - 

Ever since I was a child I’ve loved going to musicals and have, over the course of the past 35 years or so, been fortunate to have seen many amazing performances and grown to truly appreciate live theatre. Seriously, forget American Idol or The X Factor, some of the very best voices in America are singing their souls out in front of a live audience eight times a week. 

Three years ago the Things and I finally saw Wicked when it came to Minneapolis, and it instantly became our favorite. Like o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d kind of favorite.  Since then we’ve been lucky to have seen it twice in NYC at the Gershwin Theatre and have even met a few Glindas and Elphabas and other various munchkins by loitering waiting by the stage door. But I mean, we don’t stalk or gush or anything. Cause that would be creepy.

This month Wicked returned to Minneapolis and last weekend we were front and center. And as usual, it was unbelievable. Goose bumps on my earlobes kind of unbelievable. If you’ve seen it, you understand what I’m talking about. It’s funny and sweet and undeniably has one of the best soundtracks of any musical I’ve ever seen. 

I wonder when we’ll cross the line to become one of those weird groups of people who’ve seen it like 50 times. Don't laugh. It could happen. 

2. This cereal -
I love cereal. I adore cereal. No lie, many a day it's all I'll eat. Bowl in the morning, bowl mid-morning, bowl for lunch, dry for snack, and bowl (#4) for dinner. I'm not even that picky about what kind of cereal I eat. Fruity Pebbles, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Special's all good.
About eight or nine years ago I was hooked on Honey Bunches of Oats. Like IV kind of hooked. I ate them with milk; I ate them in yogurt; I ate them on bananas dipped in peanut butter.  And one day I had an idea. A delicious, wonderful, cutting-edge, blow your mind kind of an idea.
I mixed them with Honey Nut Cheerios.
Okay, not exactly rocket science, but I was pretty impressed with myself. And the mixture was ah-may-zing.
Well, guess what?

Before you go congratulating me for having my idea patented and created by the good folks at General Mills...don't. Much like my two handled umbrellas and candy corn/peanut ideas, I was robbed.
But it's okay. No, really. Because (like I knew back in 2005), this cereal mixture is unreal.

And if you go looking for it in your store (Target) and can't find it, it's most likely because Minneapolis is the proud home of General Mills and we're often a test market for new stuff from them and Betty Crocker.
You guys.
I think I've just admitted something I like about living in Minnesota.
Somebody, quick....write this date down.

3. The Never-Ending Project >> COMPLETE.
A little over a year ago I told you about my new hobby. I think I've mentioned the "never-ending" project a few times, since over the past 18 months since I taught myself to crochet I've made two blankets, a pillow and about eight infinity scarves, but pretty much ignored this giant time-sucking blanket.
Well, guess what?
I finished that sucker.

Don't look too closely, and for goodness sake don't look at the back of it (yet) but it's DONE and looks decent enough.

The blanket found its home on the back of the couch at the cabin, right next to a pillow I crocheted about a year and a half ago. The only problem is that now that it's not summer and we're not at the cabin every week I don't get to sit and admire it.

So now that the never-ending project is done, what will I do, you ask?
Start another one.

I just ordered all the yarn to make this lovely ripply blanket for Thing 1 to take with her to college next fall.
11 months from now.
Because I'm realistic.

Things that were happening on the blog, not on the blog or on social media that you might have missed ~

★ Tuesday I was over at MamaPop talking about Bachelor Bad Girl Courtney Robertson's new memoir. Sheesh. Read it >> RIGHT HERE! <<

★ Have you entered THE BIGGEST GIVEAWAY EVER yet? You have the rest of today to get on it! I know at least 350 people have entered, because that's how many new Facebook friends I've collected since Monday. Seriously, when I crossed 1,000 my mind exploded and I may or may not have texted this pic to Husband and then driven myself to Starbucks for a Mocha Frappuccino with extra whip to celebrate.

Now I'm over 1,230 and while you may wonder what kind of celebration that will create later tonight, I'm realistic. I know that many of my new 'friends' will unlike me over the weekend even though I've tried to tell them what a monumental mistake that would be.

But it's okay, really, because as long as I've got you...and you....and you....I'm a happy and lucky girl!

★ I stepped on a wasp and told you about some other things this week over on the Facebook page but Facebook is being a bitch right now and not loading so I can't take any fancy screenshots to put in this post. If you're curious and missed some of the chit-chat this week, you'll have to actually go to Facebook.
Like you weren't heading over there after this anyway.

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  1. The blanket is gorgeous! If I were you, I'd just gaze adoringly at that picture until it's time to head out there and spend time at the cabin. :)

  2. These squares look amazing! I can't seem to finish one of my squares before something else comes up or a better crochet project comes up. What makes this all the more awesome are that they are giant squares. I also love that even with fewer squares you used the colors so remarkably well together. Thanks for sharing such beauty!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.