Monday, October 7, 2013

Binge Watching: The New Kind Of Hangover.

My name is Michelle and I have a problem.

Too much Chardonnay? A daily mid-afternoon nap with my favorite kitty? Double-Stuff Oreos dipped in peanut butter after the daily nap?

Um, those are not problems, my friend. Those are necessities

No, my problem is that I'm a binge watcher

Oh, you too? Then you get it! You appreciate the craving you get when you start a series on Netflix and finish that first episode only to have the other 65 waiting right there, taunting you. You understand how it feels to be jonesing for just one more when it's 1 a.m. and you know how wrecked you'll be the next day if you give in...but you do it anyway.

Today I'm happy to be back over In The Powder Room giving you my short take about this terrible time-sucking addiction and the resulting head on over >> RIGHT HERE << and let me know if you feel the same pain, and what your TV drug of choice is. 

Solidarity, my sisters.

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  1. I am a total binge watcher. I sucked down the entire season of Orange Is the New Black in two days. Two days. Now what am I gonna do while I wait for season 2? Thank god there's a book. ;) Heading over to the Powder Room to read more.

  2. Ooooh! Read the book! I read it over a year ago - totally forgot about it when we started watching the show - and it's great!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.