Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Favorites LATE edition - Blame Bunco.

I'm gonna be honest and disclose something that might shock some of you; I write a lot of these Friday Favorites' posts on Thursdays.

I know.
It's like pulling back the curtain and discovering that the great and powerful Oz is a small, unimpressive old man, isn't it?
Okay, maybe not quite, but the point is that usually by Friday morning this post is about 75% written and all that's left to do is some editing (and I use that term loosely).
Until today.
And I blame Bunco.
Or as I like to refer to it, Skunko.

As in, since every person is required to bring either a bottle of wine or a 6 pack of beer that effectively means that every person has the potential to consume either a bottle of wine or a 6 pack of beer.
I mean, if they so choose, of course.

So last night we kicked off a neighborhood Skunko group, and I might have exceeded my nightly quota of glasses of wine (1 - 2. On weeknights, of course. Duh.). I won't disclose the number, but let's just say it was more than two and less than a bottle and leave it at that. In my defense, it was over the course of four and a half hours and I was eating my way through every minute of every hour but since I'm actually not a big drinker (shut up...I mean that in purely a quantitative sense) having 3 and a half glasses of wine on a school night was my ticket to a nice long nap after the house cleared out this morning. And since I now have Skunko one Thursday night a month, I think it's safe to assume that this won't be the last tardy Friday Favorites post.

So since it's already lunchtime....let's get rollin' ~


1. Skunko

See above.

2. New TV (finally)
You might remember a couple of weeks ago the Friday Favorites post was all about the new TV season and some of the shows I was excited to watch. Here's the status update:

The Blacklist - Love Love Love this show. It's fabulous. Will definitely keep watching. Although I had one disappointing moment mid-show when my 17 year old walked down to tell us goodnight and we paused the TV on a still of James Spader and she said, "Hey! It's that guy from The Office!" and I said, "...and STEFF!" and she said, "Who's Steff?" and I felt like I'd failed her as a mother.

HIMYM - "...and this kids, is how Lily met your mother." And then I cried. And this scene? Goosebumps.

Mom - meh. I'm 50/50 on this one. Just when I'd grab the remote to change it something would be said that would make me crack up so I'm giving it another week or two.

New Girl - This might get bumped to "treadmill watching" this year. Not sure it's worthy of my mini m&ms and wine.

The Micael J. Fox Show - Had to DVR because of Skunko. Damn (fun) game is really messing up a lot this week, isn't it?

Parenthood - Ditto. This one is killing me to have to wait for. (*NO SPOILERS in the comments, please.) But the good news is that I have an awesome Friday night of TV watching now, don't I? And because it's Friday, you know what that means?

Hello, gorgeous.

3. M&Ms 
Okay, I know it must seem like all I do is sit around (nap), drink wine or Appletinis (nap), watch TV (nap) and eat M&Ms (nap), and while those are activities that I enjoy I actually do a small handful of other things with my days.
But back to M&Ms.
Last week I mentioned that the thought of Pumpkin Spice M&Ms made me want to vomit.
But because I'm always up for taste-testing things that I think might make me vomit, I bought a bag. And guess what? They're pretty good. Seriously, they're hardly pumpkiny at all. Plus, they're giant. Sort of the size of a peanut m&m without the peanut....but exactly the size of a Peanut Butter M&M.

Oh my sweet lord, you guys. Have you tried these Peanut Butter M&Ms?
Seriously, get in your car right now and get to Target (or whatever other store exists) and buy a bag. Trust me. You will not care how many calories or fat grams or lard or crack is in them. That's how good they are.

You have got to check out this hilarious new blog (which just so happens to be helmed by one of my fellow authors in IJWTPA) >> Art Fails.
Basically a place for you to submit all your toddler's crappy drawings. Nah, but you know there's some that make you choke when they show them to this one.

Great stop while you're time-sucked in the interwebs...because laughing at children's artwork is always a good time. 

*Things that happened on the blog, not on the blog, and on social medias this week*

Local friends -- DON'T FORGET!!


Monday I was venting about the snoring Emmys and the mongo-disappointing finale of Dexter. >> RIGHT HERE <<

Wednesday I told you 7 phrases my husband says that make me feel loved and respected (Target, tampons, wine and naps are all involved). >> RIGHT HERE <<

Over at MamaPop on Tuesday I was talking about how Disney has had to change their policy regarding handicapped guests all thanks to some horrible and entitled moms. >> MamaPop article <<

Follow YMFT on Facebook and you can get scintillating updates like these every day:

And I'll leave you with this wisdom today.
Words to live by...words to live by.
Have a good weekend! 

© 2012-2013 You're my favorite today. All Rights Reserved.
Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. ArtFails is everything I love about the internet. Congratulations on finding a monthly drinking event that is within walking distance of your home. That's every girl's dream!

    1. It is....until you remember that I live in Minnesota and in about two months I will not be able to walk outside for more than 10' without becoming quickly covered and frozen in ice much like a cartoon villain.

  2. Sounds like your oldest needs to have a weekend of awesome 80's movies, starting with Pretty in Pink.

    1. Agree! Except when she turned 16 and I WAS SO EXCITED to introduce her to the brilliance of "Sixteen Candles" and when it was over she was like, "meh" and I WAS ASTONISHED and simultaneously CRUSHED TO THE CORE I'm not sure I want to feel her rejection at like my VERY FAVORITE movie of all the 80's.

    2. I found 16 Candles on sale one day at Target for $5 (because Target is the most magical place in the whole wide world) so I bought it because it's rated PG and I thought I could watch it with my 12-yr old daughter. FORTUNATELY, I decided to preview it first and thank God I did. It's much more risqué than I remembered! Holy teenage sex.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm kinda over the pumpkin flavored everything. I'm with you that the thought of the m&m's kind of make me want to puke. HOWEVER, I am also with you that the peanut butter ones are heavenly.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.