Monday, August 12, 2013

Once is enough.

The other day Husband and I went to Costco...hungry.
As you all know, Costco is (usually) a fine place to go with a rumbly in your tummy, as you can (usually) count on a delicious morsel being sampled at the end of every aisle.
But for some reason everything that was being sampled the other day was decidedly UNdelicious -- things like one corn chip smeared with a glob of baby-poo colored hummus; a paper cup full of salsa with a single Frito stuck in it; Cottage Cheese; Coffee (Coffee??); and suspicious looking meatballs that were neither meatball colored or meatball shaped.

So by the time we were checking out, Husband was eyeing the snack stand like a man who'd been incarcerated for a year would eye a hooker.
A pretty one.

Husband: "Wanna split a Chicken Bake?"
Me: "What in holy hell is a Chicken Bake?"
Husband: "Only the most delicious thing you'll ever put in your mouth."
Husband: "Never mind."
Me: "No No! This I've gotta try."

So Husband gets a Chicken Bake, which looks a lot like a big breadstick...until you cut it open.

Me: "Oh, god! What is that brown thing??"
Husband: "I think it's ham."
Me, who detests ham, gagging: "Get it away! Get it away!"
Husband, taking a bite: "You're crazy. I had one of these a few years ago and it was delici---*"
*Insert gagging noises and picture the scene from Big where Tom Hanks tastes caviar for the first time and then tries to remove his tongue.

Needless to say, the Chicken (Ham) Bake went immediately into the trash, and after Husband washed his mouth out with a liter of soda, we started talking about other things that you really only need to experience ONCE in your lifetime.
You know, those things that sound really good at the time, and maybe even for a short while while you're experiencing them, but for a variety of reasons are most definitely not something you'd ever, ever want to experience again in your lifetime.

Here's a few we came up with.
And yes, they all have a story behind them.
Stick around and I just might tell you one or two of them one day.

It's an ongoing list.
What are some things you'd add??

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  1. Drinking 151
    Having a child get the flu while away from home
    Monkey Joe's
    Babies R Us

    1. Excellent choices!! I especially like KFC. Well, I don't....but I like the inclusion.

  2. Camping
    Is 151 the same as Everclear? If not, Everclear.
    Hemorrhoid surgery
    Home perms

    1. I almost put camping, but since I figured that one was too specific to my own dislikes and I know a lot of people who like it, I didn't. Same for "Rodeos" and "County Fairs".
      This list is fab.
      Every one.

  3. Morning sickness
    Mommy-and-me music classes
    Bobby Flay

    (This post made me laugh my ass off!!)

    1. I've never experienced Bobby Flay so I'm gonna take your word for it.
      Excellent additions. Excellent.
      (and thanks!)

  4. A port-o-potty at Irishfest where they serve Jameson on tap and he Irish stew is made of mystery meat.

    1. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
      I don't EVEN want to know the backstory on that one!! :S

  5. Sloe Gin with Michelob chaser
    The Batman movie with Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey
    The Batman movie with Arnold Schwarzanegger & Uma Thurman

    1. Again with the camping. I knew I should've kept it in.
      And I'll see your BATMANs and raise you a couple of HANGOVERs (the movies, the movies!...because we all know that as much as you tell yourself a real hangover will never happen again, it always does).

  6. I've never had a chicken bake. I've thought about it, but now I believe I will pass. Actually, I kind of feel like I need to go brush my teeth. Again. Even though I just did it 5 minutes ago. Blech!

    Puking on Bourbon Street
    BEING on Bourbon Street
    Sitting on the last row of an airplane
    Sitting on the last row of an airplane while it sits on a runway for 2 hours. With kids.
    The restroom in a frat house

    1. Having never been to New Orleans, I'm gonna take your word for it.
      And I'll add "Sitting on the last row of an airplane right in front of the only bathroom working...on a 6 hour flight."
      The memories of the restrooms in frat houses still give me night terrors.

      Excellent list.

  7. Chicken bakes are disgusting and camping is awesome.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.