Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Favorites -- A hot dog, a deplorable Kardashian, and (believe it or not) a squirrel.

The other day I went to Costco and almost started to cry.
Was it the fact that the old lady in the hairnet wasn't giving out samples of these? 

Little pieces of crack that are such a big favorite that not only have they been featured in this favorites post two times before, but that I have forbidden myself from buying for at least three months because I have no self control whatsoever once I open them.

Well, sure.
And , by the way, I may or may not have been known to take a sample of these, do a lap while putting my hair in a ponytail and taking off my "Costco cardigan" that I always keep in my car (why is it always so damn cold in there?) and reappearing looking totally (not at all) different at the sample table for another small paper cup.

No, what almost brought me to tears was this ⬇

It's the sign.
The sure sign that summer is wrapping up.
And despite the fact that for the past two weeks the weather in Minnesota has been very October-like and the school supply aisle at Target has been enticing me with its colorful notebooks and freshly sharpened crayons, I really don't want to rush things.
I still have three and a half weeks of summer left, dammit, and I plan on enjoying every last one of them even if I am bundled up in sweats and (once again) cursing the weather-gods who seem to have it out for all of us in the Midwest this year. 

So let's switch gears and talk happy things.
Let's get to this week's Favorites ~

1. YMFT's Facebook page hit 800 followers!
Monday I saw that the FB page was only 9 'Likes' away from 800, so I threw out a challenge:

And thanks to a few shares by a few friends...

...I hit 804 by 6 p.m. PST (since I didn't specify, I was called out on the technicality) and since I had all those throngs of people (5) dying to see it...I danced.

(If that's what you'd call it.) 
Thing 2 was my cameraman, who, after about five takes, got irritated and left, and Thing 1 and her friend sat on the couch, expressionless, the whole time.
It honestly didn't even faze them.
They're used to me by now.
But just wait until I greet their dates this way one day.
That oughtta get a reaction. 

2. When YMFT got mentioned by Mama Kardashian herself on national (sorta) T.V.!  
Even though this didn't happen this past week, since I haven't filled you in on what happened after my big KRIS JENNER TEASE (<< CLICK TO SEE) (other than on Facebook), I thought I'd better let you all know. Because as soon as her show goes national and this episode is replayed, Imma be PRETty busy "keeping up" with my new peeps.

Like her or not (not), it was more than a little surreal and exciting.
And like her or not (not), I loved the fact that she immediately knew what my blog name meant
Oh, and also?
JOEY LAWRENCE laughed at my tweet.

3.  The Squirrely Blogger Award!
If you've been a long time reader of the blog, you might remember how I feel about squirrels.

They're the devil disguised in a furry little sack of evil.

New to the blog?
Catch up HERE (where I introduce you to my backyard nemesis -- nemesees?) and HERE (where I show you how they attack).

But for today (and today only), I'm laying down my sword.
Because the lovely Jenn from "My Daily Jenn-ism" has bestowed upon me the honorable SQUIRRELY BLOGGER AWARD.

I'm not quite sure what that means or how to take it, but not being one to ever turn down an award (even one disguised as a demonic and destructive and deplorable rodent), I'm honored.
It's actually kind of ironic...and I love it.
To accept this award, I have to tell you 10 things about myself.
Since this post is getting long winded, I'm gonna do it in my made-famous-by-the-Bachelorette-recaps THREE WORD version*.

1. Really hate snakes.
2. Like "pass-out" hate.
3. Not morning person.
4. Or night person.
5. Just love sleep.
6. With four pillows.
7. Favorite dessert? Brownies.
8. Eat entire pan.
9. Can't drink Gin.
10. There's a story.

*If you have a burning desire to know more useless tidbits about me, check out the tab up top called "Meet the Fam" and you'll find like 23 more. 

(these are all hot-links -- check them out!!)

Despite how I feel about squirrels, I love all of you

4. Gaining exposure...little by little:
I was all over the place this week (that's not the first time I've said that, btw). 
and of course, putting to bed The Bachelorette (so to speak) with the final RECAP.

I've just realized that if you actually clicked all the links in this post you'd sufficiently waste your entire Friday and justlikethat it would be happy hour and time to clock out!

You are welcome. 

Cheers to a great weekend!
I'll be spending it at the lake with a toddler and a 6 month old.
They're not mine, so it will be a blast. 

Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. Cracking up! You are one sexy hot dog.

    1. If I had a dollar for every time someone's told me THAT over the years...

  2. SHUT UP! I thought for sure my favorite part of this post would be when you mentioned me, but the hotdog dance AND your daytime talk show debut were far better!

    I'm going to Costco tomorrow, and I hope the acai berries are in my smorgasbord of samples.

    I know this goes without saying, but I love you more than my favorite cardigan. I love you more than you hate squirrels. Thanks for the mention, friend.

    1. LISTEN TO THIS! I went to Costco TODAY and GUESS WHAT they were sampling?? And they don't skimp, either. There were like 8 of them in that little cup. And honestly, it's not the only reason I went to Costco...

      Thank you, sweets! And back atcha!! xo

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks...and thanks again for the original squirrel!

  4. Thank you, thank you! I'm not a fan of squirrels, but when presented in the form of an award, I'm willing to make an exception.

    I wanted so badly to see your appearance with the kardashian's live, but we don't get that channel. I searched for the show after I saw your tweet but it said I was going to have to upgrade my subscription to watch it. I love a LOT, but....

    Also? I love me some sleep. I use 2 king size pillows so that's pretty much the same thing as 4 regular ones.

    1. The KRIS show is only being tested in 5 markets now. Such a bummer. hahaha.
      I'm guessing that despite my brilliant tweet it won't get picked up for the season.

      Oh, and my 4 pillows are king.
      Too much??

  5. You are just so sweet to put me in such good company! Thank you! That said, you totally stole my list of bloggers, so now we'll have to square off at high noon. Make yourself available.


    ~Steph (WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion)

    1. I'm always good at a quick draw (that's what he said).

  6. OMG!!!! I wondered what happened with the Kris Jenner appearance! That's so awesome!!!!

    It's been feeling rather October-ish here, too. I kind of like that I can throw a long-sleeve tee on my 2 y/o and not worry about the sunblock though. :)

    1. Well, awesome until you consider the source...but thanks!! Let's just say I was a little conflicted. :S

  7. I've never seen those chocolate blueberry things, but now I am on a mission to find them.
    I like that you are a woman of your word, but I ADORE that "I'm Bringing Sexy Back" was your running man in hot dog suit go-to song. I like your style! --Lisa

    1. Costco or Target (smaller bags and more expensive). I've also seen them at HomeGoods by the checkout!

      And yeah, "Sexy Back" is what my husband and I always play when one of us is wearing the hot dog suit. ;)

    2. And thanks so much for the shout out!! I didn't see it before! You rock! (And I am SO going to Target today!! Squee!)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.