Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Favorites — The One With The List.

I just now realized that tomorrow it will be June.
May? Done.
April? Don't remember it. 
Oh, wait. It snowed. A lot. 
And I bitched about it. A lot.
That's right. 
Once again, you guys, Minnesota has done it's damnedest to eradicate any semblance of Spring from our memory banks and try to make us believe that June is April and May never happened. 
Wait, what? 

Take a look at this.

We started off this month with snow, had days where the temp. fluctuated over 20° in 24 hrs., had a day where we almost hit 100° and then plummeted as fast as Bieber's popularity to 54°, and have ended the month so cool and windy and rainy that my favorite Peony bush is even afraid to come up. 

But man, those 80° days — all two of them — felt so good I didn't even panic (much) when I realized I was wearing shorts and hadn't had time to prepare my legs for it with the adequate amount of self-tanner (which, for me, is at least four days' worth). 

Enough about the weather probably until next Friday, though, let's get to the FaVoRiTeS!

If you were on Facebook this morning, you know why this post is late. 

Maybe it was because the week didn't really start until Tuesday or maybe it was the Chardonnay and paint fumes I was inhaling until 11 p.m. last night (and to answer your question, yes you can inhale Chardonnay)...

...but whatever the reason, I was more than a little bit panicked when I realized that --

1. It was Friday and I didn't have the FF post in the hole ready to go,
2. It was Friday and I had no Favorites. 

Guess what, friends?
Still don't.

But not to worry! 
As I'm typing this I'm racking my brain trying to remember things I've done or eaten or watched this past week.


Well, since I'm not going to write a post on pulling ungodly amounts of slimy long hair snakes out of bathroom drains or the jumbo box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch that has mysteriously vanished or the devastating contestant cut on "The Voice" or that Prancercise video I've watched more times than I'd ever admit, and in the interest of time since I have some things I actually have to do this afternoon, I'm taking the easy way out and giving you a list of things that you most likely do not care about. 

So for those of you who don't, enjoy your Friday gif and you can get on with your day.  Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry, no celebrity doing a funny dance today,
but a cat playing Fruit Ninja? Awesome
For those of you who would like to know more useless things about me, here ya go.

A Few of my Favorites:

Cereal: Fruity Pebbles (or Special K Fruit & Yogurt if I'm being boring good)

Fruit: Strawberry, Pineapple

Vegetable: Zucchini

Color: Granny Smith Green

Fast Food Restaurant: Potbelly, Baja Sol

Animal that isn't a cat: Red Panda

Store that isn't Target: Pier One

Candy: Sweedish Fish, Frozen Charleston Chew

Household chore: BAhahahahaha...

Song to sing Karaoke to: Fancy by Reba McEntyre

Outdoor smell: Sunshine on Pine Needles

Indoor smell: Not catbox

Family Member: Whoever picks up their stuff without me bitching at them

Type of Food that isn't a carbohydrate: Wait. There's foods that aren't carbohydrates??

Beer: Stella

Wine: Any. Duh.

Mixed Drink that isn't an Appletini: Bay Breeze (Rum, Pineapple, Cranberry) with a fancy straw

Meal I cook: Honey Sesame Crock Pot Chicken or Baked Spaghetti

Meal I cook that my children will actually eat: Quesadillas, tacos

Meal someone cooks for me: Any meal

Talk show host that isn't Ellen: no one

Sesame Street Character: Grover

Friend: Joey

Love Boat Crew Member: Isaac

John Hughes' Film Character: Farmer Ted

Thing to order at Starbucks: Coffee Light Frappuccino w/ Extra Whip (obv.)

80's Band: Duran Duran, Wham!

Celebrity who I shouldn't waste time reading about but totally do: Jessica Simpson

Celebrities who I've had a crush on for over 30 years: Baio (of course), Stamos (Have Mercy!)

Restaurant to meet a friend at for lunch: California Pizza Kitchen

Thing to order at CPK: BBQ Chopped Chicken Salad

Way to waste time that isn't writing favorite's lists: napping

For those of you who are still reading (Bueller? Bueller?) and want to know some truly scintillating stuff about me, read the interview I did last week over at the fabulous blog, Confessions of a Cornfed Girl -- right HERE.

Have a great weekend!

Click this box if you like to eat raw cookie dough. 
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  1. Think you're my long lost sister, but I don't have a sister and don't want this to get weird! Totally agree about inhaling wine and no one looks close to your walls, so paint over anything long or crusty, I've done the same!

    1. Not weird at all, sister!! I have a very small family so I'm always happy to expand!! :)

  2. I used to say all the time how much I looooooved to paint. Then I got pregnant a few years back and went to paint the nursery (with my doctor's permission) only to realize that I actually hate to paint. I only looooooove it when I can have a drink (or 5) while I'm doing it.

    1. I'm the same way! I always think, "Oh, that room will be easy-peasy to paint" and then an hour into blue-taping the baseboards (and cussing a LOT) I remember how much work it is and how much I hate it. Probably why most of my house has had the same colors on the walls for 12 years.

  3. I have so many things to say.

    1. Am I seeing correctly that on the 14th the high was 97 and the low was 47? That is a50 degree change! What. The. Hell.

    2. I don't see your FB posts because FB hates me. Yes, I have liked your page.

    3. Prancercise: WTF

    4. If I didn't think it would eat my face, I would totally have a red panda.

    5. Am I supposed to have a favorite Love Boat character?

  4. 1. Yes, sadly, yes. Living in Minnesota is like dating a impossibly hot fraternity guy. One minute you're in heaven, the next you're shivering....alone.
    2. No, it's not you, it's me. Which is what I told Zuckerberg when I dumped him which is why he's doing it to me. Oh, wait. That was Erica Albright.
    3. Have you seen "Insane In The Mom Brain's" spoof of it on YouTube? It's brilliant.
    4. I might take the risk.
    5. Duh. Just don't pick that floozy Julie or I'm not sure we can be friends anymore.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.