Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Favorites - Tastes Like Chicken.

Somebody, please. 
Help. Me.
It is APRIL19th and this was what it looked like outside yesterday. 

Over 10 shiny new inches of snow fell during this "winter storm" (last time I checked, April was not a winter month). I'm seriously considering moving. Although, the last time we wanted to move it was to Colorado and I'm pretty sure all this new snow we just got came from there so it's clear that somebody in the weather-making world hates me.
Oh, I see you Al Gore, I see you.

When the weather finally does turn warm and the snow is gone and the leaves come back and I can plant flowers and sit out on my deck (I'm estimating late July), there's gonna be so much sunshine and rainbows spewing from my ass right onto this blog that you're gonna need highly reflective goggles. 
Consider yourselves warned. 

Anyway, I could go on and on about the weather (which everyone who lives here is doing), but if I continue I'll be in serious jeopardy of breaking things that are not usually breakable (like my spirit) so I need something to make me smile - quickly.  

Oh, that's better. One of my all time favorite magical moments from a movie. Seriously, when this happened the first (and next 50) times I watched this in the late 80's I died. Still do. Love you, Blaine!

My other favorite magical movie moments? 
The last minute of "Sleepless in Seattle" -
and the very end of "While You Were Sleeping"-
The depth of my cinematic appreciation is staggering, I know.
But I digress.
This week the favorites aren't movie moments (although judging from the above 6 or 7" it would appear otherwise), but instead come straight from here -

My Crock-Pot. 

I'm not a Crock-Pot cooker. Chef. Whatever. If you've followed along long enough you know I just simply do not like to cook. Anything. And if I do it usually has to have (say it all together, now) less than six ingredients. So while it's true that I'm always interested in Crock-Pot cooking, I rarely use it other than to make my famous spaghetti sauce a handful of times a year.

Until now.

Thanks to Pinterest (of course) and my friend Melissa (what up, Melissa!), I've discovered something that has revolutionized my view on cooking dinners. 

Chicken in the Crock-Pot.

You guys, it's the easiest and most delicious thing ever.  In the past two weeks I've made the most delicious and tender (gag - that is one of my all time most hated words, but necessary here) chicken dishes that are easy and fast (much like America's former Sweetheart, Taylor Swift).

Here's the basics -
Put 4 chicken breasts in a Crock-Pot and cover with sauce. 
Turn on LOW for 4 hours (thawed) or 8 hours (frozen).
Dinner. Done.

And here's the ways I've cooked it, but because I'm not a food blogger, I totally forgot to take pictures of all but one of these - 

1.  Salsa Chicken -
Cover chicken breasts with a mixture of your favorite red and green salsas*. Shred* and put in heated corn tortillas with lettuce, cheese and black beans. (Thanks, Melissa!)

2.  Buffalo Chicken -
Cover with your favorite Buffalo Sauce* and half a package of dry Ranch Dressing mix. Shred* and put on mini buns. Serve with celery, ranch and tater-tots (of course).

3. Teriyaki Chicken -
Cover with Teriyaki sauce*. Add pineapple at the very end. Instead of shredding, "chunk" up and serve on steamed sushi rice.

*The amount of sauce is totally your call. You can always add more at the end, so I usually adhere to the "less is more" rule at the start. I also take the chicken OUT of the Crock-Pot to shred and then drain a bit of the juice before putting back in. I don't like soupy chicken. 

4. This last one I found on Pinterest, so I'm giving you the link to the recipe. 
(While you're there, check out some of the Six Sisters' other recipes. Although they have way too many ingredients for me and I'll probably never make them, they look yummy.)

This is actually my result. Have I told you how addicted I am to Edamame?
I eat a whole bag about four times a week.  I've apparently got a soy addiction. 

This one is a lot like the Teriyaki method, but a bit different. More ingredients, but still easy. I added pineapple and served over steamed sushi rice. It was fabulous warmed up the next day, too. 

So there ya go!
Next week I'll use BBQ sauce I think, and Husband and I have been brainstorming even more delicious things to use. It's so dang easy. Which, for me, is key.  

I'm sure I'm late to the party on this whole thing (as usual), so sound off in the comments - What are some ways YOU make Crock-Pot chicken? I'm always happy to get more ideas!

Oh! I almost forgot! The WINNERS of an e-copy of the newest Life Well Blogged book - Parenting Gag Reel!

Jenn (2nd time winner!)
Evil Joy

Congratulations! You five were chosen in a highly scientific method which included Thing 1 and Thing 2 reading your responses and cross-checking Facebook while I cleaned the kitchen. Email me your email addresses and I'll have the fabulous ladies who put the Life Well Blogged books together send you the e-books!
Thanks to all 9 of you for playing! Your odds were great, so if you didn't win, I'm sorry to say that if I were you I wouldn't waste my money on a Powerball ticket in the near future.

Have a great weekend, you guys! 
{I'll be staring at my flip flops and crying.}

Follow along on FacebookPinterest and Twitter (although I suck at Twitter). 

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  1. I am going to overlook the fact that I give you a Crock Pot recipe every week, and this MELISSA person gets all the credit?! Just kidding, Melissa. I'm sure you are lovely, and your recipes win since they include only two ingredients.

    This is my favorite chicken recipe, and it can be used in about fifty bazillion recipes like tacos, chicken spaghetti, bbq chicken on buns, chicken pot pie, and any other recipe that calls for cooked chicken. It has a nice flavor, but is versatile enough to go in many different types of cuisine. We used it last weekend to make chicken salad sandwiches for my sister-in-law's baby shower luncheon.

    Check it:

    1. Amy, Amy, Amy...How could I forget your Crock-Pot Thursdays?? I was focusing on chicken so much I must've been out of my head. I LOVE your recipe for French Dips - make it all the time!
      Missed this chicken one...will definitely be trying! :)

  2. Mmm, that looks good. My kids are totally addicted to edamame too (only they delight in calling it eda-mommy). I think I may have to buy some chicken this weekend...

  3. LOVE this way of making chicken. I can cook but I hate it. I like to eat, not cook.

    I make an assload of chicken and then shred it. (Shreds so nicely from the Crock Pot.)

    I then use the chicken for chicken salad sandwiches, chicken tacos, or just throwing the chicken onto a plate of salady stuff. I can usually stretch it out for a few days which limits how much I have to cook. Love it.

    And thank you for the nostalgia through movies. As Andie told Iona, "you're going to O.D. on nostalgia". Yes. Yes, it's possible. I might just do that.

    1. What do you put on the chicken when you're just making it for sandwiches or salads? Do you use any spices or liquids?
      Love me some Iona quotes. Classic!

  4. my favorite crockpot chicken recipe is similar to your first recipe, but with the delicious addition of sour cream- YUM. and i just checked- it has less than 6 ingredients so you're golden. i like to use a black bean and corn salsa because it's a little bit smokier and chunkier. then we toss them in some taco shells, top with more sour cream (oops), cheese and avocado. so tasty.

    can't wait to try the buffalo chicken recipe!

    1. YUM! Sour cream makes everything better! Am heading over to your blog to print that out! Thanks!

  5. 1. Where do you find these hilarious clips? Al Gore is killing me!!!!!
    2. I have been debating getting a crock pot for a long time now. I feel like it'll just make my life easier. And now you've inspired me. :)
    3. Sour cream DOES make everything better!!!

  6. I am a huge crockpot fan, but mostly because I am too lazy to cook, and certainly no domestic goddess. I will be trying all of these recipes very soon!

  7. One super delicious crock pot chicken recipe I swear by is a roaster chicken, a bottle of BBQ sauce (I use Sweet Baby Ray's), a can of Coke, one onion quartered and one lemon quartered. Throw on low for eight hours and the meat literally falls off the bone. You can use any sugary carbonated drink, supposedly, but so far I've only make I'd with Coke.

  8. One super delicious crock pot chicken recipe I swear by is a roaster chicken, a bottle of BBQ sauce (I use Sweet Baby Ray's), a can of Coke, one onion quartered and one lemon quartered. Throw on low for eight hours and the meat literally falls off the bone. You can use any sugary carbonated drink, supposedly, but so far I've only make I'd with Coke.

  9. Dani--you don't have a crockpot?? YES, get one!

    I work part-time and stay home the other part, so I rely on crockpot recipes a lot b/c by the time I get the kids from the sitter after work, we're all STARVING (even though it's only about 4 PM). Here is one of the whole family's favorites:

    You'll need one packet of dry Italian dressing, 1/4 cup water (although I use more--I probably do a cup--b/c I'm always scared of stuff burning and starting fire :) ), 4 chicken breasts, thawed, 1 package cream cheese, one can cream of chicken soup, and a small can of mushrooms (optional).

    Place chicken in crockpot. Combine dressing and water in a small bowl and then pour over chicken. Cook 4 hours on low (or longer if chicken breasts are still frozen)
    After 4 hours, soften cream cheese and mix with the cream of chicken soup and mushrooms. Add to crockpot and cook for one more hour on low.
    Serve over noodles or mashed potatoes or whatever. I always serve it over angel hair pasta.

    I use this recipe at least once a month b/c my family loves it so much. If you try it, hop on over to Trashy Blog and let me know if you loved it as much as we do!

  10. Snow? We had a tornado warning. Want to trade?

  11. I love my crock pot. And coincidentally I love YOUR crock pot because it's the same make and model as mine. I'm also of the mindset that less is more. I hate making recipes that require me to actually go out and FIND some off the wall ingredients, so usually it's cream of chicken soup or bbq sauce and boom: there's dinner. But I'm definitely doing to try your recipes!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.