Monday, November 5, 2012

Pick Flick. You might as well.

I'm so tempted to write her in tomorrow.
Because if there's one thing I hate more than self-entitled rappers, Kardashians (and self-entitled rappers dating Kardashians), it's politicians.
And elections.
And conniving little Tracey Flick is as good of a choice as any.
I'm aware that there are many of you who thrive on democracy in action, but I cannot stand it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not against free will and the voice of the people, it's the obscene amounts of ignorance (by most of the said people) that I have a problem with.  
It's the extreme skepticism I have in the candidates following through on the policies and ideas and promises they make - either because historically they've failed to deliver or because some things just sound too good to be true (you'll put a Coke machine in the cafeteria?? YeS!!!). 
It's the rhetoric. 
So, so much rhetoric.
It's the slanderous comments and opinions the 'free people' spew like the effects of too many wine coolers (of which I would know nothing about) all over Twitter and Facebook that cross the line from 'educated' to 'ignorant'. About either candidate.
It's the slanted media.
It's the sad certainty that on Wednesday (or Thursday or whenever they finish hand counting the votes, which I'm thinking might be a very real possibility this week) thousands of these 'free people' will use their freedom and their voice (and their baseball bats) to vandalize and deface and diminish the very democracy we are celebrating by our votes, in the form of cars, houses, lawns, and businesses. 

I wish that the elections in our country could be honorable and civilized and respectful, and that no matter the outcome, it would generate the coming together of the masses for the greater good. 
I also wish unicorns would sing me lullabies and magical fairies would stroke my hair as I fall asleep, so you can see where I might be living in a little bit of a fantasy world.

Bottom line?
I wish they'd just be honest.
Like Tammy Metzler.
Well, at least before she lied about ripping down the posters.

"Who cares about this stupid election? We all know it doesn't matter who gets elected president of Carver. Do you really think it's going to change anything around here? Make one single person smarter or happier or nicer? The only person it does matter to is the one who gets elected. The same pathetic charade happens every year, and everyone makes the same pathetic promises just so they can put it on their transcripts to get into college. So vote for me, because I don't even want to go to college, and I don't care, and as president I won't do anything." ~ Election

Truth of the matter is, I do have a candidate in this election that I'm voting for, but like Tammy said, I'm not sure anyone can really change anything around here or that I can believe in anyone anymore. 
Maybe they're not making promises so they can get into a good college, but they're certainly making promises they won't keep.
Either of them.
It's really not surprising that Tracey Flick ended up in Washington.

Sadly, the reality is this.
Elections are as ugly and messy and skeezy and confusing as the politicians who are part of them, and you really never know what you're gonna get. 


Maybe I'll write him in instead.


  1. I'm so over this election, actually I was over it before it even began. I agree with everything you're saying!

    Thanks for the memories of the movie, I love that movie!

  2. I keep saying I'm going to write in my dog because that's how much I love politics! Ha! I am sooo ready for this election to be over too!

  3. Nicely said. Sometimes I wish a single Presidential term was 8 years just so we didn't have to endure the torture you just described every 4 years. Thanks for your hilarious comment on my blog, too!

  4. I just wanted to say that, aside from the sheer brilliance of this post, I just cannot get on board with Forrest Gump as President. Well-intended and honest, yes. Still: a total disaster.

  5. My thoughts exactly...and way to tie in to one of the best movies ever. Brilliant.

  6. Can we put something on the ballot that say next election there are NO calls, NO extra mail propaganda and NO commercials?? Whoever puts that on the ballot gets my vote.

  7. How about a law where if a political party promises something and they don't deliver, they have to spend some time in jail with the really nasty people and donate a good chunk of their pension to a deserving charity?! I'm sick of the liars. The UK is getting into a right mess and the majority of the ill informed people blame it all on Europe and immigrants rather than the politicians who make it a mess! Eugh makes me crazy!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.