Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote 'Yes' for martini shakers.

Today was a monumental day.

It started with the obvious.
Coffee and Baileys.

Then I went and did my civic duty.

Umm...who the hell are all these other people running for president?
Had I known there was a guy named "Rocky" in the race I'd totally have been on board.

Oh, btw, as you might be noticing, after much contemplation last night, I changed my write-in from Tracy Flick Forrest Gump to Barney Stinson.

No brainer.

So anyway, back to my day.
I voted for president,  a couple of constitutional amendments (that are also no-brainers in my opinion - like it's my business to decide who can marry who? All you need is love, da da da duh daaaa), a handful of county offices (but only the candidates with cool names) and was done with it.  
Kidding about the cool names for those of you who are thinking I'm making a mockery of the seriousness of democracy. Simmer down. But I may or may not be kidding about Barney Stinson. 

At least I thought I was done with it.

I walked outside and almost tripped over this.

No NO No...on so many levels.

Then I had to go to Bed Bath & Beyond to get some K-cups.
Be honest, have you ever gone to BB&B and not walked out of there with a basketfull of crap you don't need? 
And this close to Christmas, it's a dangerous place for me.
I find sh*t left and right for my girls...my mama's stocking...assorted relatives...my bed, my bath, my beyond.
And so the voting continued.

Would one of the Things like this little speaker? To go with the other 2 or 3 they have?

I love tervis cups and hate leaky martini shakers (who doesn't?) so this was a no brainer.
And yes, it's for us. And nope, not gonna wait for Christmas.

This was tempting because my muffin top is in danger of of looking like that if I don't lay off the fun sized Kit Kats, but when I discovered it's actually just a girdle like belt you wear for 8 minutes while you do a few core exercises, I was skeptical and declined.
And then bought a movie sized box of Junior Mints at the check out.

I'd like to say I voted 'No' on both, but by god if that elf wine bottle cover isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Then I ventured to the mall.
I was on a roll.

First stop, Apple Store.

Man, oh man, I wanted to vote 'Yes' on this. But I didn't.
However, if anyone (Husband) needs a Christmas gift idea for me...
I had to see the ipad mini.
It's adorable.
Like a mini-Pearl.
Get it?
(100 pts. for you dedicated and long-suffering YMFT readers who do....and another 100 for those who got the He-Haw reference.  I love you.)

After voting 'No' a few more times at the Apple Store, Bath&Body Works and The Gap (sometimes when your deficit is great you have to cut spending on some things that you want or that seem important until your cash is flowing again and you are back on your feet), it was time to head home.

It's now 6:30 p.m. and the voting hasn't ended.
But this one was easy.


  1. Bahahahaha, Tervis has a shaker top?!? OMG, I need this. And I loved that you put in Barney Stintson, haha

  2. ummm, thank you. i laughed hysterically. and now have the desperate need to go shopping while doing my civic duty.

  3. What the heck? My Nebraska ballot legitimately did not have ANY of those extra presidential candidates. Lame. Not that I would have voted for them, but now I feel like I got screwed over. :) And I just voted "Yes" to my second glass of wine. Best vote ever. :)

  4. HAHAHA, 'No' on Smart Cars. Agree, 100%. Those things are ridiculous.

    I've been debating putting together a fancy Tervis tumbler for myself but am getting dangerously low on cupboard space, so I've put it off. But you showed me a shaker top... and I now must reconsider.

  5. Lol awesome post. And I LOVE that plaid iphone case. So cute. I would have been so tempted to vote yes....... ~Stephanie

  6. That 6:30 vote wins by a landslide!!!

  7. The first one is my favorite today (Ha! See what I did there?)...it should totally be illegal to drive a roller skate.

  8. Seems like you put your election day to very good use! Love that wine cover! Freaking cute!

  9. My favorite post! :) too funny! And Yay for love being enough!! ;)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.