Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Faves ~ The crack is back.

It's November and it's Friday?

Time to put on your Christmas sweater and boogie.

Since I have one of my very best friends visiting me today all the way from New Jersey (she left the kids with her husband for the weekend...without power.  This sentence takes on a whole new meaning when you realize that means no t.v. or computers or internet - Good Luck, Dad) I have to make this short.  We've got some serious shopping to do.

Friday favorites ~ Let's roll.

1.  Target's Christmas aisles -

Seriously, with brown hair this could have been me yesterday. 
Except I was also dancing like Carlton up there.
Because yesterday I was making a quick Target run for a few groceries, turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks, mouth agape.
They put out my crack.  

Needless to say, my 'quick trip' to Target turned into an hour of critical inspection of each and every wrapping paper pattern and gift bag/tissue paper combination and having to talk myself down from doing a full-out Riverdance in the middle of the aisle.
I may have a little hoarding issue when it comes to Christmas wrapping paper.
I was good, though.
I only bought 2 rolls. 
For now.

( be continued...)

2.  Infinity scarves - 

I cannot stop crocheting infinity scarves lately.
So if you are related to me, 'Merry Christmas!'
Except for Husband.  He is getting these.

3.  Pandora radio - 
And no, I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday (wow... I know I'm old, but that phrase that just pretty much typed itself was shocking and uncalled for) but the past week I've been pretty sick of pretty much every single one of the 5,259 songs we have on iTunes so I've been listening to Pandora while I type...clean...and crochet infinity scarves.
My favorites this week?
Duran Duran radio - other than the obvious fabulousness that is DD, I've heard The Fixx, Thompson Twins, Romantics, Flock of Seagulls, Peter Gabriel, U2 and The Cure - just to name a few.  

Norah Jones radio - when you want to bring it down.  I only have had to skip songs twice.  Once when Jack Johnson came on (sorry...not a fan) and again when I almost vomited John Mayer.  But a mix with Norah, Michael Buble´, Sarah Bareilles and even a Nat King Cole classic thrown in (again with the aging myself) is perfect for a cold day sitting by the fire with a cup of coffee.

4.  Cheers to my the Sugar Daddy -  

This delicious concoction is the 'Sugar Daddy' at Pittsburgh Blue.
Pineapple infused Stoli Vodka with a splash of Sweet & Sour and a sugared rim (almost exactly like the amazing Stoli-Doli at The Capital Grille).
Often imitated (believe me, we've tried) but never duplicated.



  1. Mmmmmmm. Sugar Daddy. p.s. I love Christmas too - my hubby is about to boycott Target though because they put Christmas commercials on before Halloween.

  2. OMG! I was in Target the other day and totally did the same thing in the Christmas aisles. LOVE!!! :)

  3. I frequent Target WEEKLY during this time of year. It's a disease. I'm glad I'm not alone. :)

  4. Just came home from Target<3
    I browsed the Christmas aisle but would not let myself buy anything before Thanksgiving!

  5. haha YAY for Target Christmas goodies! I am so with you on the Pandora. I am over my iTunes and I have been listening to Pandora non-stop!

  6. Christmas.....just the name invokes 24/7 Christmas music on the radio, mulled cider scented candles, lights on houses, Christmas trees, fires in the fireplace, cookies baking in the oven. I mean seriously, what is NOT to love about this time of year??????? Oh & btw, those shorts are so hilarious!! I love how the yellow turns to brown RIGHT down the butt crack, lol!!!

  7. I love Xmas paper, too. So.many.cute.ones.can't.choose!
    have a fun weekend with your friend :)

  8. Got my DD station on Pandora and am LOVING life!!


  9. I'm addicted to crocheting infinity scarves too! It's pretty much all I ever make anymore...

  10. Hi Michelle! a) I want a sugar daddy. Jk, I have a great boyfriend. I think you are such a cute blogger! Target is addicting.

    Brani Laine


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.