Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Last Day Lists ~ Halloween edition.

It's finally here!
No, not Halloween, the Last Day Lists Link-up!!
(I may or may not have thought of that terribly clever...or just while drinking Chardonnay).

Okay, who came prepared?  Who read THIS POST last weekend and used the past 5 days to think of clever answers?  Who changed her answers no less than 13 times because there's simply no way to narrow down 'Favorite candy' choices to 5 (why are you all looking at me?)?  Who doesn't give a damn?

Well, here ya are anyway.  So you might as well finish reading.

A brief recap of the game.

I loved the old facebook game called 'Pick 5' (from LivingSocial).
Was sad to see it go.
Resurrected it as a link-up on the last day of the month (have only had this one so far so you're getting in on the ground floor if you play...and really, how many times can you say that?).
2 people played.
Many said they'd like to play if I'd post the list categories ahead of time because they write blog posts by the bunch on the weekends. Overachievers.
Done. Lists were given out last Saturday (see above link).

Play along - there's NO RULES (my favorite kind of game) -  and don't worry about taking the time to insert explanations or pictures, I just had insomnia Sunday night and a frightening image of the bull-man from Dexter chasing me around my house every time I tried to sleep.

Grab a button if you want to play....or don't.  NO RULES - remember??
(But I did just spend over an hour trying to figure out how to make this button and text box and have used many, many fancy words in my frustration and it would thrill me to see someone actually use it. But whatever).

You’re my favorite today.

Now you're caught up....and now it's time to play....(insert Tom Bergeron's voice here)


5 favorite Halloween candies:
What is it about fun-sized candy bars that render me powerless?
Offer me a full sized Baby Ruth and I'm not interested, but offer me a 2" Baby Ruth and I'll say thank you ma'am and proceed to eat 3.  Same goes with Butterfingers and Snickers and Heath Bars.
This was a tough category for me to only pick 5.
But after extensive taste-testing to narrow down and solidify my choices, here are the winners (in no particular order).

It's a freakin' Reeses Peanut Butter cup and a Snickers mash-up...and it's pure heaven.
Sadly, the past 2 years I haven't been able to find the fun-sized ones at Halloween, so I've been forced to buy a box of full sized ones and cut off small pieces.  Which I hide.

ONLY if it's been in the fridge for at least 2 hours.  Otherwise, it's a deal breaker.  Plus, each fun-sized bar is scored into 2 individual bars so you don't feel like you've eaten as much when you eat 3. Or 7.

100 Grand Bar
The lowest calorie content of pretty much any chocolate fun-sized candy!!  Unless you count 3 Musketeers, which I do not because those taste like chocolate covered spit.

Snickers (again - only if cold)
When I was a kid I hated nuts and would always happily turn over all my Snickers to my stepdad after trick-or-treating.  But, much like with halibut and asparagus and beer, my taste buds changed as I grew up.

Milk Duds
I know I'm in the minority here, but I love the adorable little boxes almost as much as the usually too hard little caramels inside.  I keep cruising Pinterest to find an awesome DIY project to make with the drawer full I've been collecting.  I'll make something to give my dentist next week when I'm there holding my cheek with one hand and an old filling with a Milk Dud attached to it with the other.

5 worst things to find in your trick-or-treat bag:
People who give out anything that isn't candy on Halloween deserve every rotten egg they find in their mailbox and every scrap of toilet paper clinging to the branches of their trees.  The end.
But here's some specifics.

The worst part of getting a coupon in your bag is that because the person who gave them out had to buy a shit-load of them, they're usually for like .10 off a DQ cone or some other worthless crap.

Candy from a past holiday
My kids have discovered many a pastel foil wrapped Hershey Kiss in their trick-or-treat bags in years past.  The worst, though, was the mini candy cane one year.

A random bag of chips
Listen, we all have run out of candy.  But when you start rummaging around in your pantry for things to pass out, it's time to turn out your lights.  Nope, my kids do not want your ramen noodles.

Plastic Halloween spider rings
Like I need any more shit laying around my house to stop up my vacuum or make my cat vomit.  And if you insist on giving out plasticy rings/pencils/tiny worthless notepads, at least make them Christmas themed instead of Halloween themed so my kid actually might use them.  Hey idiot - tomorrow Halloween is over.

Small boxes of DOTS
I make my daughter write down the address of anyone who passes out DOTS so I can be sure and contact them to accompany her to the dentist and hold her hand when she's screaming and thrashing as they replace the filling that the DOT is attached to.  

5 Best things you've been for Halloween:
I looove to dress up for Halloween.  Sadly, as an adult, I've never really been to a Halloween costume party.  But that hasn't stopped me from dressing up to pass out candy. I'm quite certain the kids who have been coming to my door for the past 11 years can't wait to see what my costume will be make that swirly sign with their finger by their head as they walk away from my house.  Whatever.

Blues Brothers Bee

Ah, the sorority/fraternity exchanges.  Good times.  My roommate and I thought our homemade costumes (especially our stingers) were terribly clever and had great fun dancing like the Blues Brothers all night.

Classic Witch

My go-to costume.  I've been a witch about 6 times.  That little pumpkin is Thing 2.  Yeah, I'm sure she wasn't traumatized by mommy at all that night.

70's babe

2010. This was supposed to be a fab 70's chick, but I think I just look like a creepy older housewife who hits on the pool boy (which I know nothing about).


Not my best effort, but as you can see, those glasses get around.

Dead Prom Queen & King from the 1950's

This was my very favorite costume ever.  It was in like 1991 and Husband and I were going to a party thrown by one of my fellow teachers. We went all out. But we didn't win.  You know what did? A guy dressed as static cling.  Basically a dude in a sweatsuit with socks stuck all over him.  We have freakin' spiders stuck to our cheeks.

We were robbed.

5 things that scare the bejeezus out of you:

This SCREAM mask

EVERY year it never fails to scare me silly when I open the door to find this mask.  Particularly frightening when the person wearing it is a giant teenage boy who I know could kill me.

Finding a giant spider anywhere you are not expecting to find a giant spider
Actually, let's just blanket that statement to any sort of insect/arachnid/reptile  

Running out of Chardonnay
'nuff said.

The bull-man psycho killer from Dexter
Making a last minute addition to this list, Speltzer - a.k.a Bull-Man from last week's Dexter (see above reason for this detailed blog post).  Good God Almighty.  That was terrifying.

Honey Boo-Boo and family

Seriously, kids, the nationwide obsession with this family scares me more than all the above put together.


I think I had given a topic for extra-credit - '5 scary moments in your life' - but now I'm finally getting tired and think this post is long enough.

I'll have to tell you about the 2 times Husband and I have had a gun pulled on us another time.

Link up and weekend...whenever!
Remember - there's NO RULES - just  your lists.

5 favorite Halloween candy
5 worst things to find in your trick-or-treat bag
5 best things you've been for Halloween
5 things that scare the bejeezus out of you

And look for the categories for the November 30th lists (holiday related) the weekend before (23rd or 24th).

Happy Halloween!


  1. I will play... eventually. Love that there are no rules... otherwise I would never get it done! Happy Halloween...

    Did you get all the costume components for your kid/kids?

  2. Agreed, I'd like to jump on this train one day. ;) just not today. haha!
    I agree about chocolate on the fridge/freezer. Much more enjoyable. I haven't dressed up in years, but I have a Minnie Mouse purple and orange witches hat (that cost an arm and a leg at Disneyland one year) that I wear to hand the candy out. One little girl was particularly intrigued by it last that was fun. :)

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I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.