Monday, October 29, 2012

It's tough to make new friends when you're dressed like Aladdin.

Happy Monday, kids!

So this morning I was going through some old Halloween photos (because for the life of me I couldn't remember what Thing 2's costume was in 2006 and things like that drive me crazy.  I think I've told you before - it is not easy being me) and I came across some oldies of Husband and Thing 1 ~ pre-Thing 2.

Husband and I have always loved to dress up (shut up) and when we had Thing 1 Halloween became even more fun.

Husband couldn't wait for her to get old enough to go trick-or-treating, and has always been the one to take her out (which may or may not have something to do with the fact we live in Minnesota where it is usually around 34° on October 31st and I like to complain about the cold).
When she was 3, our whole family was crazy about The Lion King.

The next year? Star Wars. They're both obsessed.

But the real story today is about the next year.  
The year 2000.  
The year we moved into our neighborhood.  
It was Husband and Thing 1's first trick-or-treating outing in the new 'hood that was (still is) full of hundreds of kids on Halloween. We live in one of the only giant neighborhoods out in the sticks, so kids from all over come to hoard our candy.  Bottom line - the streets are packed on Halloween.
Husband and Thing 1 get in their complimentary costumes (of course) and head out.
Since we'd been pretty self-involved since we'd moved in with Thing 2 and the fallout from her premature birth, as well as unpacking and trying to get settled, Husband hadn't really met any of the other fathers that lived on our street.
Apparently, it's a big neighborhood tradition for the dads to take their kids out trick-or-treating, pulling a wagon full of beers that they not only enjoy themselves, but offer to the neighbors and vice-versa.  It's a very big social night for the men (did I mention we live in the sticks?).
And since it's usually pretty chilly, they're usually dressed in their jeans and parkas and snow-hats.  
Not like this -

Nothing brings your magic carpet ride down faster than having to introduce yourself to the other dads while wearing a purple fez with an elastic band around your chin.

Needless to say, the 'Daddy-Daughter' Halloween costume tradition ended - abruptly.

Now, Husband and his buddy like to very slowly tail the kids (their kids...not random ones) in his friend's camouflaged hunting 4-wheeler having a couple of beers and dressed in many layers of fleece and down. 
I think he's overcompensating and trying his best to eradicate the 11 year old image of the purple Aladdin vest...
...That I've just posted for all the world (or about 100 of you) to see.


  1. BEST Daddy Daughter costumes I have EVER seen, by far. LOVED this! :)

  2. Love the costumes... and Raja was even along! What a great dad!

  3. OMG! I love that Aladdin costume! SO FUNNY!!!!!

  4. What a good dad. That story is too funny. The 4-wheeler sounds like the best option for anyone. I want one!

  5. Oh wow, the paired costumes are too cute and funny! But I can imagine in real life that being a kind of hard thing to pull off while wondering what the other adults are thinking...

  6. It's a shame the tradition had to end. Those are some priceless duo costumes!

  7. Haha, I love it! The costumes were amazing and so sweet of hubby to do that! I can't imagine how immasculating that was being the new guy on the street, I'm sure everyone has moved on ;)

  8. So cute!
    Love the outfits!

  9. Ha! I would rather stay inside while my husband takes the kids out to beg for candy in the cold, too. Although, I may want to take them trick-or-treating if I could drink beer and ride a four wheeler. Those costumes were adorable. I'm a sucker for a theme!

  10. Perfect! Did you keep all of those costumes? My kid loves to have dress up birthday parties and so the Hubs dresses in old Halloween costumes for the party, might be a way for him to get back in the spirit.

  11. OMG, this got me laughing so hard! You're hubby looks GREAT in all his costumes, but the Aladdin one TAKES THE CAKE!!!
    ♥ Kyna

  12. LOVE this post and God, did it bring back memories! When our kids were little my husband dressed up as a scary wizard and freaked out all the neighborhood kids. Don't think their parents were too happy about that. I dressed as a witch and hit the streets with the kids just so I had an excuse to snack on mini Twix bars all night (in between sips of wine from my thermos!). Best year was when someone down the street approached our house with a little red wagon full of jello shots for the adults. Best. Halloween. Ever. Now the kids are all grown and damn if i don't miss that trick or treating! Think I'll sign up now in your GFC!

  13. That is love right there! Awesome you have proof of it! Looking forward to following your blog!

  14. Awww, those are some cute Daddy/daughter shots. I'm sure she has grown out of it, too, though. ;)
    Also, that is WAY too cold to be outside, I don't know how you Minnesotans (?) do it. :P


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