Monday, October 1, 2012

Good, Bad and Ugly.

Nope, I'm not talking about these 3 -

Good.   Ugly.   Bad.
Good times.  Good times.

I'm talking about my weekend.

Linking up with Kati and Kate to fill you in...

Incorporating Color

Friday night we had a fun family dinner at Red Robin (GOOD - very GOOD).  It's one of our favorite places to go for a quick, casual dinner together. Plus, bottomless steak fries, onion ring towers, warm pretzel bites and the best BBQ chicken salad around make it a place I'll happily choose over a fancy schmancy restaurant any day.

Came home ready to rock out with some Band Hero (could've been UGLY), but discovered the Wii was broken (BAD).
Thing 2 decided (for the rest of us) that playing Monopoly was a great replacement activity (BAD).
2 hours, 1 grape martini  and 46 hilariously strategic deals later, we gave up and turned on X-Factor (GOOD).

Grape Martini (GOOD. So GOOD)
Equal parts Grape Schapps and Citron Vodka
Splash of lime juice


Saturday morning Husband and I spent an hour enjoying coffee sitting by the lake in the darling little town about 10 min. from us (GOOD).  The fall colors are starting to really pop and it was lovely.

After that we had to drive 45 min. to a giant furniture store to pick out a new mattress since the one we bought there 3 years ago sagged where it wasn't supposed to (UGLY) and they agreed to honor the warranty and replace it (GOOD).  However, since they don't make that mattress anymore so we had to drive all the way back there to pick out a new one (BAD).  It took us over an hour to make up our minds and agree on one (it got UGLY).  After we finally came to an agreement, the man told us we had a $517 credit that we had to spend in the store - which was (GOOD)...until 2 and a half hours later, when we were still wandering around searching, then it turned (UGLY).

And sure, it's a high class problem.  But remember, the $517 wasn't a gift.  It was money we had already given them 3 years ago.  And in a furniture store where there's really not an actual piece of furniture for less than $700 (we certainly didn't want to spend $$ on a piece of furniture we didn't need), our only options were accessories.

When we finally - finally - threw together a few bizarre and random things, the lady rang them up and told us that since they were all apparently on sale  we actually still had $100 to spend (again, you'd think GOOD...but my feet and stomach and sanity screamed BAAADD).

Here's the flea market we came home with (kind of an UGLY mix of junk) -

Carved fish bench * glass atrium thing so I can grow bulbs in the spring without my cat eating them * small boat decor for the cabin * whimsical wooden sign for the cabin (I'm a big fan of 'lake' sayings on signs...pillows...glasses.  Husband wonders when I'll reach my limit.  Not yet, apparently) * yummy smelling candle * '@' block for my desk (why not?) * interesting candle holder for the deck that looks like an old railroad lamp

Oh, and FYI - the random fish bench?  We already have one at the cabin.  That's how desperate to spend the money and get out of there we were.  We now have 2.  Granted, the one we already have is smaller and a different species of fish, but still...2 fish benches is one too many.  Whatever.  It'll look great....somewhere.

Sorry Sunny, you ain't the only fish in the pond anymore.

Came home and went straight to the deck and had a glass of wine and a dinner of pita chips and hummus (GOOD).


Sunday I slept in until 9:45 (GOOD) and spent most of the day writing (GOOD) and helping Thing 2 get organized to go on a 5 day school trip this week (BAD...but GOOD).

Ended the weekend with the season premieres of Dexter and Homeland (so, so GOOD) but didn't get to start them until after 10:00 because Thing 2 could not get to sleep from the excited anticipation of the trip (GOOD) and the fear and sadness of being homesick (BAD and UGLY).

Had to have another grape martini to help me stay awake (GOOD).

And an update for those following along -

The god-damn squirrels have not only annihilated the pumpkins and squashed all the mums but are now approaching the house and are dangerously close to breaking in.

What I wouldn't give to watch Jackson rip him apart (UGLY...but GOOD).  

Going to get a BB gun today (GOOD).


  1. Good to read about your weekend... Apparently Bad that I've never been to Red Robin (yummmm)... and I think it is going to get UGLY with those damn squirrels.

    Good luck.

  2. I need to hit up Red Robin very soon. I miss that place.

    That martini look great. I need to try making that.

    Bummer about the bed/furniture looks like you got a few cute things.

  3. So excited that you linked up with us! I, like my mother, have also never been to RR. I feel like the bottomless fries are something I should stay away from! :)

  4. I want that lake sign and that green lampy thing! LOVE!!!

  5. Okay, all of those food items sounds AMAZING! I think I need to find a Red Robin ASAP! And a grape martini :) I'm just imagining some frozen grapes sitting decoratively in the bottom to keep the drink cold...yumm!

  6. i actually really like your fish bench collection!! they are cute and quirky. i think the picture with Jackson and that squirrel is hysterical!! i swear that squirrels do that to torment them! i have a simliar pic on my blog with my boy cat but with birds !

  7. I just read through a ton of your posts and I love your blog! Finally a blog I actually like to read! Haha seems like so many blogs are all writing about the same things over and offer. New follower!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.