Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last day lists...{a link up if you like}.

I'm a list maker.
A list lover.
And I'm not just talking groceries and to-do items and Christmas gifts and things I need to make the Things do so that I do not have to - I'm talking favorites lists and Top 10s and people you'd like a hall-pass from your husband/significant other for (Stamos).

A couple of years ago when facebook was way more cool and you could pin flair to your corkboards and send friends virtual gifts from the 80's like IZOD tees and Rubik's Cubes, there was a game from LivingSocial that was making the rounds called 'Pick 5'. Remember?  You could pick a topic, like '5 Best TV shows', search for photo icons of 5 things that fit the category and post to your wall.

I loved it.

I'm quite certain my facebook friends got sick of seeing all my Top 5s show up on their newsfeed daily and couldn't have cared less who the top 5 celebrities were who I'd like to be trapped in a cage with (Stamos).

The other day Husband and I were listening to Dave Ryan's show and they were all playing the list game.  We happened to be driving to the cabin and had a couple of hours to kill so after they were done I opened up my notebook, jotted down a few categories and lightbulb! - a blog, a blog link-up...was born!

I'm guessing there are a lot of other bloggers who like to tell everyone else what their favorites are whether everyone else wants to know or not share their internal lists, so here's what I propose.

On the last day of every month I'll give a few list categories in a blog post.
I'll share my answers (of course) and if you feel like playing along you can link your post up so we can all compare lists.  If you want to play but don't want to link up (or are one of my 12 readers who is not a blogger), feel free to add your lists to the comment box or on YMFT's facebook page (and if you have not yet 'liked' YMFT on facebook, that nifty little round button up on the right will magically transport you there).

So put it on your calendars!  And let's get ready to play.....

Last Day Lists!
In honor of 3 of my favorite shows all premiering tonight (my head might just explode), 
the topics are all about TV...

Best TV shows:
1.  Dexter
2.  Homeland
3.  Revenge
4.  Parenthood
5.  How I Met Your Mother

TV shows you have never watched...but that lots of other people do:
1.  Mad Men
2.  Sex and the City
3.  Downton Abbey
4.  The Office
5.  Family Guy

Best TV Theme songs:
*a few of these might date me just a little...

1.  Golden Girls - Was never a big fan of the show, but c'mon, how can you not sing along to this?

2.  Friends - ditto (except we were - and still are - huge fans)

3.  Family Ties - This one tied with Growing Pains and Who's the Boss, but beat them by a narrow margin.
Maybe it was Johnny Mathis on vocals that clinched it.

4.  Gilmore Girls - not sure this can be a legal entry because they just used an old Carole King song, 
but since I was a HUGE fan of the show (and of the opening) I'm gonna include it and call it legit.

5.  Charles in Charge - You know how I love Baio, so this shouldn't surprise you.

Plus, Jimmy Fallon Bob Dylan obviously appreciates a good Baio theme song as well...

TV shows you loved as a kid:
(why do I keep dating myself?...)
1.  Happy Days
2.  Love Boat/Fantasy Island - Friday nights.
3.  Family Ties - Alex P. Keaton - I adored you.
4. Joanie Loves Chachi (surprised??)
5.  Dallas - when I just checked the dates that Dallas aired,
I realize I was only like 11 when I watched it.
Makes me question - once again - the things I was exposed to as
an impressionable young girl and wonder how I did not go all Lohan in my teenage years.

That's gonna do it for today - I have to run to Target to pick up snacks for the Dexter/Homeland/Revenge-'palooza tonight. 
Let's just say there might be a bag of fun-sized candy involved.  We know how to party.

If you want to link-up, add your name below and just link to this post somewhere in yours.
Here's the topics so you can copy & paste -

Best TV Shows
TV shows you have never watched...but that lots of other people do
Best TV Theme Songs
TV Shows you loved as a kid

And even if you don't link up, I'd still love to hear your picks in the comments box or on facebook!


  1. PUMPED. I already wrote my posts for this week (my bad...), but I'm definitely linking up with this biz next week. YES.

  2. SO fun! Such a great idea :) I'm going to see if I can get my act together to get post like this written up :) If not- count me in for next month! Going on the calender now ;)

  3. YEs! Count me in for next month! I am the list making queen! J hates and loves it! haha!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.