Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hot Hollywood Hell - startin' 'em early.

I don't have time for this. I'm in the middle of making dinner, but this cannot go untouched on this blog.

Just came in to do a quick email check while the cornbread is cooking and (of course) opened up UsWeekly.com.

Thus, today's {quick} installment of Hot Hollywood Hell.

This is Jamie Lynn Spears' 4 year old daughter going to school this week on 'celebrity day' - dressed as her favorite celebrity...

...her aunt.  In all her teenage slutty girl glory.

I suppose dressing your 4 year old up to to replicate a skanky private school girl is totally adorbs and normal if you are a single teen mom who comes from the same lineage as Britney.   The apple doesn't - and won't - fall far from the tree.

If I'm being totally honest, little Maddie looks adorable (and thankfully is not wearing her white shirt tied up over her belly button), but it's the image she's supposed to be copying* - at age 4 - that's making me shake my head. 

*I'm really not an old prude, except when it comes to little kids and how Hollywood and the media portray teenage girls as objects of sexual fantasy....and make our little girls want to look just like them.  And I really believe the images that so many young girls aspire to and admire can perpetrate some pretty dangerous behavior. 

It's like how last year everyone went ballistic when little Paisley from Toddlers & Tiaras dressed up like hooker-Vivian from Pretty Woman...

Adorable?  Sure.  Until you realize she's supposed to be a hooker.

(Should've gone with the brown polka-dotted dress anyway.  Classic look.)

I seriously doubt little Paisley had any clue what character her mom dressed her up as (I'm sure she looved those boots), but I'm guessing little Maddie Spears knows exactly what she was representing...and just how to work it. And do I think because she dressed like a skanky schoolgirl she's now going to be a skanky schoolgirl (like her mama and aunt)?  Maybe not.  But still...if she wanted to go dressed like Britney, she could've worn....um....hold on....one more minute...nope.  I cannot find one image of teenage Britney on google that would've been acceptable for a 4 year old.  And we all know how she spent her early 20's.  Point made.

And now I cannot stop singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time".  Terrific.

What do you think? 


  1. so this post made me laugh. Unfortunately it was somewhat awkward, uneasy laughter. It's hard for me to believe what some parents are okay with allowing their daughters to wear. Even if it is dress up. I just complained to a coworker of mine that girls are quickly running out of decent role models. T. Swift may be the only one left as of now. sad sad days ahead.
    preach it!

  2. This post definitely made me laugh this morning. But you are right, girl role models these days are far and few between!!

  3. Holy crap! I've never seen the Hooker Toddler image before. I'm no prude either but could almost be considered child abuse, in my opinion. That is so, so wrong...on several levels. But, is it weird that now I want to dress up as Hooker Vivian for Halloween? I guess that would also be wrong on several entirely different levels... with the most problematic being the whole my love handles in plain view level...

  4. wow i have to sign up for those emails! this is hilarious yet disturbing at the same time. It's sad almost. That 4 y/o's skirt is a little too short... it would have been "acceptable" if it was at a normal length!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.