Friday, October 5, 2012

Baio's back...and I'm his favorite.

Remember a couple of months ago when Scott Baio retweeted me and I died a thousand deaths?
If not, you'll need to read this post for this one to make any sense.
Go ahead.  I'll wait.

Okay, so today, for only the second time in my life (I am not lying, HUSBAND) I sent a tweet to Scott Baio that might have also mentioned Scott Baio (@ScottBaio for us tweeting pros) so he might happen to see it (duh).

And for the second time in my life - HE READ IT.

Scott, listen.  I'm a married woman.  You're a married man.  This cannot keep going on.  The spouses are gonna get suspicious. Which I'm sure is why you didn't retweet me again. Would raise a red flag, I know, I get it.  We'll play it cool.  Keep it on the DL.  

And being favorited by him is even better, anyway.

Because you know what that means, don't you kids?

I was Baio's


  1. wow that is so cool. I love Scott Baio. I always wanted a mannanny that looked like him.

    1. Yes, please.
      Although, if I'm being totally honest, I'm much more infatuated with the Baio of 1981 than the Baio of 2012!

  2. I'm so excited for you! I say you, me, Scott and JT totally need to go on a double's meant to be.

    Also,just FYI, I can't figure out how to fix my comments so people can reply...I'll have to get my 7 year old to show me how to do it or something. Argh!

  3. Newest follower here. This post it great :)

  4. I seriously love that you are twitter pals with Scott!
    ♥ Kyna

  5. i just love this. again, so awesome!

  6. shut up!!!! this is sooo awesome!!!!

  7. Jealous. As. Hell.
    Lucky wench. Seriously.

    Happy for you.

    Sort of. First Clooney, now Baio?


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.