Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday faves - home makeovers and homecomings - High Five!

This week started off as kind of a I went shopping.

I've been battling a head cold since Monday that's left me simultaneously stuffed up and dripping and absolutely bone tired and craving a 4 p.m. nap (okay, that last part might be the norm for me, but this week I'm blaming the cold).
Thing 2 has been on a school trip since Monday morning, and we haven't been able to have any kind of contact with her all week. Nazi teachers.  It's been killing me to not be able to just say ''s it going?'...make sure she's eating more than butter pats and bacon...and tell her all about my cold.  No, but I have missed her non-stop chatter like crazy and I've been pretty blue all week.

So Monday I decided to cheer myself up and give my office a makeover.

And so I don't fool you into thinking I'm that impulsive, you should know that it's something I've been wanting to do for about 8 years. I'm not kidding, we've lived in this house for over 11 years and I still haven't picked out fabric for window treatments in our bedroom and living room.  I might be a tiny bit particular.  And really, unless I can find it at Target or Pier 1 or HomeGoods, it usually 'aint gonna happen.

But this week it did.  And it's at the top of the weekly favorites list.  The first of the week's big High Fives!



1.  The "new" and very much improved blogging/facebooking/pinteresting/reading/photo-monkeying/timewasting spot -


Clearly, there is nothing wrong with the left side of the room.  I adore the built-ins (even though I hate to take everything off of the shelves to dust them - which is why I don't nearly as often as I should).  It was the desk set up that's been driving me crazy for 11 years.

We had that desk custom built for the tiny corner alcove off our kitchen in our Indiana apartment in 1996 when Husband was in grad school at IU.  It's actually held up remarkably well, but it's always been a sore thumb in this office.  Plus, with the computer screen up against the window, it is impossible to see anything you are writing from about 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. And yes, I could close the blinds, but they are so full of dust I didn't dare.

Voila! The new and improved office!

And if you are not a HIMYM fan (you should be), the rocket poster is a replica of the one in Barney's office.
"Awesomeness - When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story. - Barney Stinson"
Words to live by.  Words to live by.
Why, yes, that is Dexter Morgan keeping watch over me while I write.  Makes me feel safer.

Cleaner...more current...and Lucy really loves the new chair (but I'll fight her for it if I have to...and I'll win).

In case you're wondering, yes I did get most of it from Pier 1 and Target and HomeGoods.  I'm nothing if not predictable....and loyal.

* 3 shelf cabinet and Daisy chair- Pier 1* Green Lamp - Target * photo frames - HomeGoods * Campaign Desk - Cost Plus World Market *

And because I feel I have to be totally honest with you kids, here's the current view from the desk chair looking out of the office.  Wonder how long that old desk and other crap will stay in the foyer?  I've got $10 that says it's still there in a week.  I'm currently wearing blinders on the right side of my glasses so I can't see it as I type.  It's working out pretty well, actually.


2.  Fall Decor -
Last week I finally came to terms with summer being over and started taking down the little nests and green ferns and bright colored throw pillows around the house and replacing them with signs of fall. Fall is my favorite season in my house.  I think it's because all the colors that I use year round are already fall colors.  I wish I was a blue and white and orange person, but I'm all about mustard and gold and green and burnt reds and oranges.  So naturally, my house wears its fall decor well.

                                                                                                          He's lucky he's not real.


3.  Pumpkin Spice Eggos -

I'm sorry to tell you that I don't think you can find these everywhere (at least my sister, who lives in Texas, can't) but if you do find them - STOCK UP.  They're amazing.  The end.


4.  Homecoming -
And even though Thing 1's high school is having its homecoming parade today and its game tonight, that's not the kind of homecoming I'm talking about.
I'm talking about being able to give my little Thing 2 a ginormous hug today at 3:30 when she gets off that bus.  5 days was way too long to go without hearing that happy (and loud) voice.

But because it is also homecoming for my alma matter this weekend (Saguaro High School - Scottsdale Arizona) and because I thought you might enjoy this, I'm leaving you today with a photo taken from SHS Homecoming - 1987.  Stop being jealous of our pouffy 80's hair...and our fancy uniforms.  We ruled.

I don't know why I'm pointing myself out, but I'm the one squatting lower left.  

And since I'm always hoping to add to my 28 Twitter followers...

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. i'm really liking your office make over. that new desk just works out so well for the space. lucy is cute: ) my cats tend to like my chairs like that too! and how do you have all that cutesy fall stuff out? dont your kitties try eating them or knocking them over???

  2. Love your office makeover, it looks great! And pumpkin Eggos, I may have to try those... Stopping by from H54F!

  3. LOVE the office makeover - will you come and decorate my house, please?

  4. ah it looks sooooo good! ive looked at the pics like 20x today. where did you get the upholstered chair? and the plant with the stand thingy? sorry in advance for literally copying this entire room LOL it's just so cute!!! ps - copying the fall decor also.

  5. pps - i drove my saguaro today and thought of you!!

  6. I love the office make-over. I don't hate our office set-up, but mostly I want a new desk and I love the one you got! I think I need a little more storage space though (we have a lot of shiz).

    I could absolutely pick you out of the photo!

    And that stupid cold - I have had it allllll week too. I'm determined to get rid of it this weekend. Ugh, I hate being sick - hope you feel better!

  7. Wow... the office looks amazing. I'm impressed!

  8. OK, so that chair is freaking perfect. LOVE. Found this on Ellen's blog because she's always awesome like that and gives her besties the nicest shout-outs! To me, offices are the most fun to decorate for some reason. I think maybe because they don't get dirty easily like kitchens and bathrooms and they stay awesome and new.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.