Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Faves (or, When Seacrest finally took over the world.)

Is anyone else starting to get Olympic fatigue? Doesn't it seem like it's been on for like 2 or 12 weeks?
I'm so damn exhausted from staying up until after midnight every night.  And that's even with watching them on the DVR and fast-forwarding through the endless swimming semi-finals.  I keep getting confused and jumping up out of my chair yelling "USA! USA!" and whooping when we get 1st.  Husband just glances up at me from the game of 'Civilization' he's playing on his iPad and mumbles, "you do know that was just a semi-final, don't you?"
And is it just me or does Bob Costas look like a wax figure of himself?

Is he real? Or is he wax?
(surprisingly...this is real)

But there are a few things that have been well worth staying up late for, and they're taking the top 2 spots on my favorites list this week.

1.  Team USA (duh).

Despite the probable act of treason it would be to not mention the fab 5, their win truly was phenomenal and exciting and exhilarating to watch.
Not since Mary Lou hit those 2 perfect vaults (1. yes, I remember that and 2. whatever happened to the scores of '10'? So much more exciting to get a '10!' than a 15.346) and Strug one-footed her landing and had to be carried to the podium by Karoli have I enjoyed women's gymnastics so much.
I was seriously wracked emotionally by the end of the night.
Other than the disturbingly provocative promo reel they kept showing of each gymnast flipping her hair and looking at the camera through seductively lidded eyes (in slo-mo of course - WTH was up with that??), I was so impressed with the sheer drive and determination and incredible focus they each possess.
Even Especially these 2 -

And obviously, this little girl - 

Love. her. to. pieces.
She is truly what an Olympic champion is all about - 
focus, drive, ambition, determination, strength and passion.

2.  Ryan Seacrest - 

I had a hard time deciding whether or not to give Seacrest the top spot on the list this week.  
But I figure since he's taking over the world he didn't need to take over my favorites list as well.
Seriously.  Ryan.  Ease up, brother.  You have 'made it'.  We all know who you are.  You can stop infiltrating our every show.  Go home.  Have a sandwich.  Watch one of the 31 (not lying - I googled it) shows you produce.  
Having said that, I adore him.  I love watching his Olympic interviews. I love watching how Costas is  uneasy with him around and clearly thinking that he's planning a Dick Clark style takeover for 2016 (...oh, it'll happen. I have every confidence it'll happen).
I want just a teensy fraction of his focus, drive, ambition, determination.....hey, wait just a minute.  
Someone give Seacrest a gold medal. Pronto.

Suck-it, 'New Year's Rockin' Eve'.  I'm taking over the Olympics.

3.  Zac Brown Band - 
I've loved Zac Brown and his crazy talented band for a few years, ever since seeing this -  

...and hearing this (which became our summer theme song at the lake a couple of years ago) -

Last week I downloaded their new album and Husband and I played over and over last week when we were out on the lake and I love it as much as the others. 
Love their harmonizing. Love the fiddlin'. Love the way every song makes you want to clap your hands and stomp your feet and wish you knew how to do a snappy 2-step. 
It will be one of those albums that will bring back summertime when I listen to it in January - when I'm frozen and in the depths of despair.

4.  The Bloggess' book - 

I know, I know. 
In the blogging world I am waay behind for not having read this the second it was released back in the spring.
In my defense, I did buy it then, but I was too busy learning the ropes of blogging to read it.  
Anyway, I finally started it and do not think I've been able to get through one page without snorting with laughter &/or making Husband listen as I read aloud (he's so thrilled about that).  
Need an ab-strengthening belly-laugh?  Want to perfect your authentic spit-take? 
Buy. this. book.

Have a great weekend, kids!!
I'll be enjoying another 182 hours of Olympic coverage, and better yet, Seacrest's new 'do.


  1. Love this post... and yes, I have been trying to figure out what the deal is with Bob Costas... Wax figure? You nailed it.

  2. The Bloggess gives me hope that something AWESOME can come out of the sticks that is West Texas. She grew up about 10 minutes from where I grew up. You will never, ever know how sad I am that she and I did not know each other in our youth.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.