Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's OK....until it's August and then it isn't.

This link-up is quickly starting to be my favorite.
I seriously find myself mentally tagging things throughout the week to use in my "It's OK" post.

Its Ok Thursdays
I find it a little like virtual therapy, being able to admit things I might not be proud of and that coffee cup with the big 'thumbs up' is validating my every admission.  

It's OK...
...that I lie am not 100% truthful with the nurses in my doctor's office(s).
Nurse:  "Do you smoke?"
Me: "No." (total truth)
Nurse: "Have you ever used tobacco?"
Me: "Nope." (total truth - and am quite proud of it, btw)
Nurse: "Do you drink?"

aaaand this is where it gets dicey...

Me: "Yep."
Nurse: "How much/often?"
Me: "Oh, you know, just socially."
(And then, because true liars give waay too much information, I keep going...)
"Like 2 or 3 nights a maybe a glass but no more than a glass and a half of hard stuff though..." (all the while eyeing the pamphlets on the wall opposite me with titles like, "Here's to...Sobriety!" and "I can't be an alcoholic because..." and thinking they have been written for people like me that enjoy a glass or two of wine at least 6/7 of the week and that the nurse is about to blow a whistle and grab a bullhorn and shout, " WE HAVE A CODE RED...CODE RED PEOPLE" while the light shut off and a spotlight is aimed at my face and I'm squirming in the chair with the blood pressure cuff slowly causing my head to explode).
Nurse (in reality - very disinterested and moving on): "mmkay. History of cancer?....."

It's OK...
...that as I'm typing this I've just motored through half a bag of Pita chips and almost an entire tub of Hummus. It's healthy. 

It's OK...
...that I bought this dress even though I'm trying to save money. It's was 30% off and really, can you ever have too many cute dresses? Plus, it has an elastic waist so I can keep eating tubs of hummus.

photo credit: Thing 2 (who I threatened with loss of cereal if she got my head in it.
She really loves her cereal).

It's OK...
...that I like texting more than talking on the phone for day to day phone calls.  
I may be in the minority on this one with my demographic who spend a lot of time complaining about the loss of personal connections of this generation.  WTF? FWIW I don't c the prob.  And if u don't c my POV, ISTBU.  

It's OK...
...that my little Thing 2 got her schedule for middle school today (6th grade *sob sob*) because she's over-the-moon excited about it.  And by 'excited' I mean cannot-stop-talking-about-it, but also worrying about everything from getting her first locker open to getting lost to how she'll ever get from class to class on time to if she's gonna bring or buy lunch on the first day of school (and exactly what she'll bring or what she'll buy).  
To say that I might have a bit of a hard time with her going off to middle school (and the other Thing starting her Junior *gasp* year) is a lie. 
It's gonna be hell.  I'm quite positive there will be a few posts about how I'm handling that in the coming month.
You've been warned.

It's OK...
...that it's August already which means summer is more than halfway over.
No, wait. 
That's definitely not OK.

Now I'm depressed.
I'm gonna go have a glass of wine.
Just don't tell my nurse.


  1. That dress is super cute!! :) And don't worry... you're definitely not alone on the "do you drink?" question! HAHA

  2. Girl you just cracked me up!!! Too funny and I can so relate.

    Stopping by from the link up

  3. Okay, that is TOO cute about your little one starting up 6th grade. Two of our friends' daughters are starting 6th grade this year too and they are SOOO worried about their locker and getting to class on time too. I remember SLEEPLESS NIGHTS on my part because of these issues back when I was younger. Ahhh, young troubles ;-) "Just don't tell my nurse..." Hahaha! It's so true!

  4. ahhhh middle school. I felt like such a grown up, with lockers and schedules. I love it!!

  5. hahaha - if it makes you feel any better, I ate a tub of hummas and a bag of pita chips last night too, all of it - all by myself.

    I'm having a hard time with my little one going off to second grade - I can't imagine how nuts-o I'm going to be when she has to deal with a locker combination and getting herself to and from class in 2-3 minutes. I will be having anxiety attacks non stop, I'm sure.

  6. I found you through the linkup-- so glad I did, 'cause each of your "It's OKs" actually made me laugh!

    Hope you're having a great week!
    Breanna @ Blog by Bre

  7. aww great link up and love that dress girl! super cute blog by the way! if you'd like to stop by mine I'm having a giveaway with a few fun things I think you'd like! have a great th!

  8. Hahaha, that is so true!! True liars really do over share! I've done that before and then kicked myself for elaborating.

  9. I'm seriously LOLing at the conversation at the doctor's office!!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.