Tuesday, July 24, 2012

These are a few of my (non) favorite things...

I called my blog You're my favorite today because I have a lot of favorites.
A lot.
I get that most people have favorites, but I tend to gravitate toward one extreme or the other.
Black or White.
Hot or Cold.
In or Out.
Stamos or Dep (sorry...but I just feel like he smells bad).

I either loooove something or I absolutely hate it (or as the Things would say, "HATE is a strong word...you really, really, really don't like it" - with thanks and credit to the Plain White T's).

I realized I've given you kids many posts about things and places I love, but haven't ever filled you in on some of the things I abhor. Detest. You get it.  And if you don't, just ask Husband.  He gets an earful of my extreme aversion to the items on this list occasionally often (especially #s 2 and 3).

Things I Hate
by Michelle - who is usually sunny and postitve and glass-half- full until presented with the following -

1.  Grocery Shopping:
DETEST every part of it.  Because if I'm shopping for food it means that I have to...

2.  Plan and (worse) cook dinner.
I am NOT a Chef, a Baker or a Foodie.  I do not like cooking anything and am not kidding when I say (which I've said plenty of times on this blog) that if a recipe has more than 6 ingredients I'm turning the page.  Don't get me wrong, I love to eat.  But I'm a girl who is just as happy with ripping off hunks of a fresh French Baguette and dipping it in garlic butter accompanied by, say, simple Angel Hair w/ Olive Oil, Basil and tomatoes and a tumbler of Chardonnay than a fancy pants meal straight from a fancy pants cookbook.  I'm easy and cheap.  (Shut-up, Husband)
And maybe one reason I hate to cook is because I hate to work so long for a 15 min. meal and then spend an hour doing another thing I abhor...

3.  Cleaning the Kitchen:
How is it possible for 4 people to use so many damn glasses and every spoon in the house but not the forks or knives?

{and based on the above 3 items on my list, it might not come as a surprise that Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday.  In fact, we already have plans this year to order Chinese.  No lie.}

4.  Cilantro:
Smells like a questionable male body fluid.
I will seriously pick out the teeny flakes in the salsa on my every chip at Mexican restaurants.
I don't get taken to many Mexican restaurants.

5.  Neil Diamond:
I know.  I'm practically non-American to admit this.  But I detest his singing and all of his songs.
And, of course, it gives Husband and the Things more than a little pleasure to belt out "Cracklin' Rosie" pretty much every chance they get.

6.  Walmart:
Makes me nervous to enter.
It's usually dirty and disorganized and overcrowded.
What can I say, I'm a Target Snob.
Fun side story, though - one time Thing 2 and I were looking for something that we could not find anywhere else so I said, "There's a Walmart across the street, let's go there." She got such a look of panic on her face and said, "Mommy, I'm scared." She was kind of kidding, but we decided to play "People of Walmart Bingo" and made up our own categories (person wearing clothing they should NOT be wearing, person with more than 3 visible tattoos, person with no shoes, person with more than 3 kids, etc.  And not-surprisingly, we 'Bingo-ed' more than once).  It was hilarious.
Reason #427 why I love that kid.

7.  Jay Leno:
Not funny. Smug. Terrible interviewer. Hard to look at.
Just keepin' it real.

8.  All the women of 'The View':
You know I love a good celebrity chat-fest more than the next gal (but probably just as much as the other bloggers reading this), but I cannot watch one second of 'The View' without wanting to throw myself out the window.  Even if Stamos is on.  And that's sayin' a lot.

9.  The word 'moist':
To be honest, it was hard to even type it.
And another thing the family loves to pepper in their conversations as much as they can.

10..  Single-digit, or even worse, below-zero temperatures:
I know. I live in Minnesota.  Terrible joke on me.

So there's 10 off the top of my head.
Oh, there's a lot more, but they'll have to wait for another day...another post.
I have to get out of here and run to the grocery store.  Ironic, isn't it?


  1. I hate Wal-Mart, will not step foot into it. Ever.

    I also hate Moist. Ick.

    Have fun shopping :)

  2. I hate that word "moist" so gross! I don't like panties either. ha. probably a bit of an over share.

    I hate Wal-Mart so much. We're in the process of moving back to MN from Missouri, where Wally World is EVERYWHERE. I can't wait to be back with my Target people.

  3. ohhhh how i LOVEEEEEE ripping hunks off of a crispy italian loaf, dousing it in olive oil & balsamic vinaigrette, and calling it "dinner." not to mention a side dish of chianti ;)

  4. I have like, ten friends who hate the word-that-shall-not-be-typed. I can't stand certain words.. but they're mostly profane so, yeah. I was such a Target person but living at my university, there's a Walmart by bus = free vs. cab to Target = $15+. So I go to Walmart more now. It's sad.

  5. Ugh - hate Leno so much. And agree also on 3, 5, 6 and 8. ;)

  6. Love this! I'm with you on Walmart, cilantro and cold weather, but I have to stop you at Neil Diamond. Sweet Caroline is "my" song! HAHAHAHAHA :)

  7. Number 9 made me go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that's totally one of mine too I hate that word. Ewwwwwie! Visiting from Life of Bon btw!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.