Tuesday, July 24, 2012

3 hours, 1 Scorpion Sting and 15 new blogging friends later...

(...and let the record show that the 1 Scorpion Sting was due to the suspiciously high amounts of rum it contained despite it being listed as 'medium' on the bar's alcohol barometer, coupled with the fact that I had to drive home - not because I wouldn't have loved to have had 3)

So tonight I made 15 - 16? 17? - new friends who I have (at least) one fabulous thing in common with.

Yes, I can count.  Several had already left when we grabbed found a girl to take this photo.  With 12 cameras.
That's me on the top right.  And 11 members of the coolest new club in MN.

We are Minnesota Bloggers.

We are vastly different and all have our own individual stories to tell.  Which we did.

I am, by far, the oldest (and by 'by far' I mean that I could totally be their much older sister,
 of course). 
I listened to my new blogging friends talk about their brand new marriages, the weddings they are planning, their first anniversaries, their pregnancies and their babies.  
I talked about my 19 year marriage and my teenager's obsession with One Direction and kept my mouth shut when they were describing toys they used to play with that 
I remember my own daughter playing with.
Two opposite ends of the spectrum.
But it didn't matter.
As Kelly (one of the adorable planners of the Happy Hour and one of 
the founders of MN Bloggers and a dead ringer for Elle Woods) 
said at one point in the night, 
"...age is just a number." 
(and I swear this comment was not initiated by me overcompensating 
for feeling like the old lady in the bunch).  
We are old (cough) and young, married and single, career-oriented &/or looking for a job, 
mamas and mamas-to-be, native Minnesotans and transplants, old friends and new friends....
and we have one fantastic thing in common (besides our obsessive love for The Bachelor) - 
We love to write and we love to share our stories.
And now we are friends.

And I'm happy to be part of the club!


  1. OMG! this is sooo cool! everyone lately has been going to blogger meetups and im so jeal. you all are too cute... how fun!

  2. Look at you posting already!! I just have my pictures ready & that's it! So great to meet you & can't wait until the next one! = )

  3. I can't wait to meet you at the next MN Bloggers outing. Sad I couldn't be there last night.

  4. I love this!! Such a fantastic way to descrive us all! What a fun night - so happy to meet everyone and can't wait to meet up again soon!

  5. P.S. I'm stealing some of your pics! Thanks! xoxo ;)

  6. YAY!!! Love this! :) I'm SO GLAD I got to meet you last night! Our Bachelor discussion pretty much sealed the deal that we need to do this again. HAHAHAHA :)

  7. Awww, LOVED this post!! Can't wait for the next get-together so that we can chat more-- I had forgotten about the Polly Pocket conversations, hahah ;-) And I too love One Direction... So, yeah. Age IS just a number and I can already tell that you're cooler than me, so you have that for sure!

  8. I seriously love this post, girl! Also, those drinks were very high on the booze scale -- what's up with that?! Kelly is right, though - age IS just a number when it comes to friends. :)

  9. Your post is so cute!!! You so cute and I had loads of funny talking with you! Can't wait until we meet up again!

  10. Hey! Just added you to my google reader. it was so good to meet you last night! You can call yourself an old lady all you want, but you are fun fun fun! :) Hope to see you again soon!

  11. Wish I could've made it! Looks like it was great. Let me know when the next MN Blogger get together is. If I am there, you won't be the oldest!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.