Monday, July 16, 2012

"Just Admit It!" - Brothers & Sistas

Happy Monday, kids!
Monday means it's time once again for the brand-new super popular link-up game
that's catching on like wildfire!
The game that had a whopping 2 - that's right, two - players last week (thank you very much, btw).
I know you've all been waiting on pins and without further ado.....

It's time to play....

(and pretend you just heard all of that in Don Pardo's voice)

You’re my favorite today.

In honor of my sister's annual visit to Minnesota this week, today's topic is "siblings".

So grab a button, admit all the horrible things you did to your little (or big) brothers & sisters, and then link up (or comment below or on facebook).


I have 1 sister who is 3 and a half years older than me, and we spent most of our childhood alternating between being each other's best buddies or ripping each other's hair out
(meaning she ripped my hair out - among other things.  Often.)  
Circa 1972
My mother dressed us alike until about 1980.
I'm kind of not kidding.
But c'mon - how groovy are our shoes??
I could write a book about all of our escapades in our youth (a good blog post for another time...), but here's a few things I'll admit to today:

I admit...
When we were little (probably like 10 and 13), we used to love to entertain ourselves by acting out the plots of Judy Blume books (except Forever. Gross.)

This book was like a train-wreck for me.
I couldn't 'look'....but couldn't not.
I admit...
We would also perform every musical scene from "The Sound of Music" for years on end (and we may or may not have re-enacted the Do-Re-Mi bicycle ride scene with the Things just last year.  In public.  On bicycles. While singing loudly).

I admit...
Once when she was about 12 and babysitting me, she and a friend prank-called a whole bunch of restaurants and ordered a lot of food.  When my mom found out (as mamas always do) and asked me if it did, indeed, happen, I totally sold her out.  (Always tryin' to be the favorite...even at age 8).

I admit...
When she was in High School and treated me like dirt I might have discovered her diary and I might have read a few entries and I might have learned some things about her that I really, really wished I hadn't.

I admit...
When I was about 8 or 9 (and let it be known that this was before I discovered Baio), we loved "The Hardy Boys" and I let her pick Shaun Cassidy as 'hers' and took Parker Stevenson as 'mine' even though Shaun Cassidy was clearly closer to my age and a little bit much cuter.  
Oh, wait.  Maybe it was because she told me I should like Parker Stevenson.  That's right.

Clearly Shaun Cassidy is a better fit for an 8 year-old.

I admit...
When we'd visit our Daddy in Texas in July for several weeks and didn't know anyone else in the dry, grasshopper infested, god-forsaken little town he lived in, we became the best of friends and have many, many hilarious memories from those summers.

Now, my sister doesn't have a blog so she can't retaliate, but if she did I imagine she'd admit to many things, including:

- scaring the shit out of me by shaking rattlesnake rattles next to my ear while I slept.  
{it might help to know that our Daddy would chop the rattles off dead snakes he'd find in the road (grasshoppers weren't the only fun wildlife that inhabited his one-horse Texas town) and give the rattles to her...which she proudly displayed on her bookshelf.  And maybe - just maybe - this is what contributed to my deathly fear of snakes to this day.  Ya think?}.

- sitting on top of me and torture-tickling me just for kicks.  For years.

- almost forgetting Husband's ring seconds before walking down the aisle at our wedding (yep...the bride - the bride - saved the day on that one).

But despite all of the bumps we've bumbled over through the years, we're sisters -  and even though she lives in Texas (with all the grasshoppers and rattlesnakes), I admit that I wish she lived a whole lot closer.

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I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.