Thursday, July 19, 2012

Despite what it looks like, I am not a Granny.

It's an uncharacteristically cool and breezy and rainy day here at the lake, but after the past few hot and muggy weeks it's not an unwelcome break.

Plus, waking up to the sound of grumbling thunder and soft rain is a big favorite of mine, so I don't mind occasional days where we can stay inside, read, watch movies, and crochet.

Oh, you read that right...I crochet.  And it's OK.

And even though I'm many, many years older than a lot of you who read this, I'm not really a granny (although Husband keeps telling me I'm gonna be a kick-ass granny one day because of it).

In January, right after the new year, I started seeing all kinds of darling and colorful crochet photos on - where else? - Pinterest.

"Hell, how hard can it be?" thought I, and scurried off to Michaels to purchase 1 crochet needle and about 10 balls of rainbow colored yarn with the idea of making a blanket like this by the end of the month.

Fast forward about 5 days, 20 hours of practice, 2 cramped and extremely contorted hands, 15 YouTube videos (that I viewed approx. 100 times - each) and one single colored ball of yarn, and I'd produced this (and was damn proud of it). 

Even though I have a million scarves that I've paid big bucks for ($12 tops),
I wore this one pretty much every day of January - March.

I quickly graduated from scarves to granny-squares (and by 'quickly' I mean after countless hours watching and re-watching some lady named Tracey with lovely fingernails and a gigantic wedding ring's YouTube videos), and spent almost every night crocheting away in front of the t.v., much to amusement of Husband, who made many smart-ass granny comments (no surprise).

The 'never-ending' project.
One day these (plus about 25 others that have yet to be made) will all be
sewn (haha) together to make a beautifully colorful blanket.
One day...

And when I got bored of making the same old squares over and over and over, I made smaller ones and taught myself how to make the stitch in the first photo above of the lovely blanket, and made this cute little pillow.

  front                                                              back                                                              random ripple stitch that I love but
                                                                                                                                            have no idea what I'll use for.
                                                                                                                                                A pillow maybe?

But then in March, also thanks to Pinterest, I started this little blog and suddenly all the time I'd spent working on my granny-squares and watching t.v. gave way to sitting at the computer and writing (and reading...and learning). 

It's been a few months since I've picked up the hook and yarn, but since my sister (who is visiting this week) wanted me to re-teach her some stitches I had the perfect excuse to make myself do it.

It's been too long.  I forgot how much I enjoy actually producing something colorful and useful (I seriously cannot even sew on a button so this is verrry different for me).  It's therapeutic, too.  As long as I have some fun and bright colors of yarn, I can sit for hours crocheting.  It's nice to do something away from a screen sometimes.

What I've been working on this week.
It's the blanket I first saw in January...better late than never!

And if sitting and crocheting for hours makes me a granny, then bring it on (not really, Thing 1...I'm joking).  

Its Ok Thursdays


  1. Your pillow project looks great! I crocheted when I was a kid, I don't think I'd remember how to do it at all anymore!

  2. Ok, the mental image I got of Tracey with lovely fingernails and a gigantic wedding ring on YouTube made me laugh out loud. I must now search for her. Hell, I may even begin crocheting.

  3. Definitely okay to crochet! I love it!!

  4. I want to go search YouTube for Tracey now! You are very good at it for having just started 7 months ago.

    1. Are you going to the MN Blogger HH on Tuesday?? I'd love to meet you and I can give you the link!! And thanks, btw ~ :) m.

  5. I love your creations hon!! you should seriously sell them on Etsy!! I would buy one in an heartbeat!!
    ♥ Kyna


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.