Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Favorites - crazy, psycho and delicious.

This edition of High-Five Friday Favorites brought to you by my first favorite thing of the week - my 75 fabulous followers (15 new this week!) and those others who follow on facebook and email - whether you read every post or just once in awhile, YOU are the 'You're' in my favorite

So let's get to it - the list of delicious and psycho and crazy and exciting things that popped up on my favorites radar this week...

1.  Grahamfuls!! (delicious)

...or as I now refer to them - "The Last Supper".
Seriously, one bite and I died.
I'm a fan of the banana vanilla creme.  And by 'fan' I mean I'd happily eat a box every day instead of an actual meal (they also come in Peanut Butter and PB/Chocolate, which Thing 1 is a big fan of). Plus, they only have 110 calories.  Which means I don't feel too guilty eating 2.  Or  3.
{found them at Target, of course....where all good things come from}

2.  Dexter - (psycho)

I hate horror movies.
I hate gore.
I cannot watch a fake needle penetrate fake skin on t.v., let alone a real one on myself.
But I love Dexter.
It is, hands down, the most disturbing and graphic and horrific show I've ever watched, and I cannot get enough.
Maybe it's Michael C. Hall (he's interestingly appealing), the banter of the crew at Miami Metro, Deb's ridiculous and eff'n hilarious potty-mouth, or the fact that Dexter's 'dark passenger' is ridding the world of monsters who deserve it, but Husband and I love every brilliant episode.
Dexter makes the list this week because we've been watching Season 6 episodes a lot lately so we're caught up when the new season starts this fall.  It's a good one.  Our favorite was the season with Jimmy Smitts and the season with Lumen, who I hope will make a re-appearance one day.

3.  Mariah Cary a new judge on American Idol - (crazy)

Hooray!  AI gets a new train-wreck!

I can't wait to hear the crazy shit that comes outta her mouth.
It'll be just like old times.

JLo was way too pretty and perky and non-medicated.
It's time to get back to AI's roots - with a bat-shit-crazy judge who talks jibberish and is incoherent most of the time.
Thing 2's illustration of Paula - circa 2008.
"I'm loopy...I'm loopy.  Loopy Paula is so loopy!"
(and please note the caption top left with arrow - "Paula's drunk")
I haven't watched AI in a couple of years....until now.  Can. Not. Wait.

4.  Pumpkin Spice Cookies - (delicious)

If you try to find this mix now, you'll probably be looking for a loooong time.  
I discovered this little pouch of heaven last fall at....where else....Target.  And it's definitely a seasonal item.
Our family became so obsessed last year that I bought like 6 sacks.
We actually got kind of burned out on them, though, and Thing 2 and I just discovered 2 pouches in the back of the pantry tonight and made a couple batches (and filmed a kick-ass cooking show on iMovie while we baked - Rachael Ray, your days are numbered).  
Best. Cookie. Ever. 
And if you really want to experience nirvana, spread a little cream-cheese frosting on them when they're warm.  You will die.
But unless you live in MN or a surrounding state, I'm afraid you might be out of luck finding this mix this fall. It's Betty Crocker. General Mills.  Headquartered in Golden Valley, Minnesota.  Apparently, we get a lot of 'test' items in our stores that the rest of the country is denied (as my sister who lives in Texas discovered last year when she searched like 4 stores for this mix).  So sorry.
I wish you could lick this photo and taste the ridiculous goodness of this cookie.  

5.  Summer Olympics - (exciting....and delicious)

I know, I know, technically they start tonight (in a 4 and a half hour opening ceremony...thank god for TiVo), but I love the summer Olympics so I'm adding them this week (...and next....and next...).
My fave sports to watch?  Swimming and women's gymnastics (I'm nothing if not predictable).  
I remember 4 years ago like it was yesterday, getting ridiculously excited and nervous to watch Phelps swim for gold...and gold...and gold...and gold...and gold...and gold...and gold...and gold.  
And watching those freakishly small and muscular and borderline-masculine gymnasts lay all those years of work and dedication and sacrifice on the line for a one minute chance on a 6" beam or a 30 sec. run to a vault.  All the dreams can disappear in the blink of an eye.  
Drama and life at it's best.

Oh yeah, and I guess this year there's also this.


Yeah, I guess I'll be watching. 

Will you?

Happy Weekend, kids!! 



  1. Oh, yes, I will DEFINITELY be watching the Olympics. Now just for Lochte, but he has something to do with it, haha. ;)

    Happy weekend!

  2. I LOVE finding new treats! thanks for sharing. Happy weekend! Enjoy the olympics! xo

  3. I am totally stopping at Target on my way home from work - grabbing a box (or 2) of grahamfuls and then spend the rest of the night vegged on the couch while watching the Opening Ceremony!

    Girl - you crack me up!

  4. Grahamfuls look amazing! Thanks for the heads up. And yes to the Olympics! (we'll see if I make it 4 hours). haha

  5. HAH! JLo WAS way too unmedicated LOL. I'll definitely be tuning in to see how crazy next season will be. LOVE when you find surprises in the pantry too ;-) The pumpkin spice cookies sound delicious! Have fun watching the Olympics this weekend, as I will be too!!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.