Monday, July 30, 2012

Fail Blog.

Nope, I'm not talking about this fabulous and always hilarious site, I'm talking about this one.
The one you are reading.

A few weeks ago I decided to stop being a follower and take the reins - get behind the wheel - call the shots - and start my very own link-up.

It was gonna be huge, I tell ya.
I'd have like 100 people dying to play the game each week and anxiously awaiting Mondays so they could link-up to "Just Admit It."
It was going to be the new "Oh, How Pinteresting" or "It's OK Thursdays" in the blogging world!
It was going to put YMFT on the map and on the radar of hundreds of other bloggers and I'd soon have advertisers flooding my inbox with requests for reviews and give aways!!

The first week I had 2 - yes, two - link up and play (you two were definitely my favorite, btw).
The second week I had zero - zilch - nada. I might have cried.  Okay, I totally didn't cry, but I might have checked my blog that day no fewer than 50 times.  At least my page views went up significantly.
The third week was the day after Emily and Jef got engaged and I was still too excited and emotional to write a blog post, so I'm giving myself a pass on that one.
Today is week 4.
And I think I'm gonna Just Admit that it was a gigantic Fail.

I know, I know - way to stick with it, girlfriend.  Way to show your kids that to find success in your goals you have to persevere.  That with patience and hard work your dreams can become a reality and all that crap. Whatever.  How 'bout -  'Do as I say and not as I do?' (I've always liked that one best in regards to parenting, anyway).

So I think I'll Just Admit that I'm really way too insecure to keep looking like a blogging fool.
And I'll Just Admit that it might not have been the fun and fabulous link-up idea Husband I thought it would be and that I clearly do not have enough followers to become a leader.
So I'll keep playing all the other link-up games, and will Just Admit that sometimes it's okay - and fun - to be a follower.

Sooo...because I'm nothing if not game for ....well, a game...I'm gonna give someone else's good idea a plug and am linking up to play

Incorporating Color

Here's what's what from the weekend...

Husband and I ditched the Things and escaped all by ourselves to the Happy Place.  Don't get me wrong, our kids are old enough that they are basically no work at all (seriously, I always forget to make sure they eat anymore) but having 2 days to float, boat, fish, bike and nap....and nap...and nap without interruptions was pretty damn GOOD.

Good thing #2 - watching the Olympics Saturday night (and FF through all the filler crap they put in. Thank you DVR).  Loved watching the beach volleyball (or at least the last few points of each set), the swimming (big favorite) and the little muscular munchkin male gymnasts in their adorable footy tights.  Like little muscley babies.  They are crazy talented - watching them fly around that high bar is astounding. But I have issues with the pommel horse.  Ridiculous, boring, and quite frankly, not impressive.  Throw it out and bring in a mechanical bull.  I'll bet those boys would crush it.

The BAD:
The Opening Ceremonies.
Oh, come on (and Just Admit It - hey, I'm not goin' down without a fight...), it was 4 hours of terrible.
Husband and I settled down with our Appletinis ready to be wowed and astounded.  S-N-O-R-E.
200 men who looked suspiciously like Abraham Lincoln and Kenneth Branagh giving a 20 minute monologue is not my idea of spectacular.  The James Bond/Queen Elizabeth bit was dreadful.  Crickets.  She's a pistol, though, ain't she?  Real clown, that one.
Yeah, the sparking Olympic rings rising from the Industrial Revolution was cool, but I was still so creeped out by the 200' tall Voldemort swaying around the small child flying around on a bed 50' in the air that I was trying to think happy thoughts....happy I wouldn't have nightmares.
And the U.S.A.'s outfits were horrible.  Really? Berets? So yesterday (and French). And the girls' knee length white skirts paired with white socks and white keds?
1959 is wondering why in the hell they stole it's look - 53 years in the future.
Aaand after the athletes walked in we'd pretty much had enough and switched to ABC On Demand and watched Monday's episode of Bachelor Pad that we'd missed.  
It was better.

And listen, I know there are like 300 of you out there who loved it and think I'm being overly critical of something of such national enchantment, but relax, it's just my opinion.  Go USA.

Not this guy.
Definitely not this guy.


  1. I love your take on the Opening Ceremonies. I like it but I totally see how people didn't. But we are 100% on the same page about the outfits. You forgot to mention they were made in China. Way to go Ralph Lauren.

    Maybe... Move your link up to Tuesday's. :)

  2. So many things to comment on. GLAD you had a great weekend without the kids! I often go back and forth about the children issue and joke about "picking up" our kids once they're of age. Babies are so... Needy! Gah... ;-)

    The opening ceremony kind of freaked me out too. I did like the music and internet act though. And I agree with the USA outfits, though I think they wore something similar in the last olympics?? But the BIG FAIL was that Lauren had them manufactured in China. Boo.

    And one more thing? Muscley Babies, LOL! I actually love the Pommel Horse-- well, really ANYTHING that those boys do is great :-)

  3. I wasn't that crazy about the opening ceremony either. It was a bit boring. We're totally enjoying the Olympics though. I love watching the US gymnastic team. They're just killing it! Great post! I enjoyed reading it :) BTW don't give up on doing link up parties. :)

  4. Awe, so sorry it was a fail! At least you tried!
    And I am right there with you on the opening ceremonies. I was so bored, although the hubby fights me on this one. He thinks they were well done! Ugh!
    ♥ Kyna

  5. I made an attempt at a link-up once, but it make you feel really vulnerable putting yourself out there as a leader. I think I did it 3 times :-/ *Fail*

    On another note, the opening ceremonies were a total snooze. I literally fell asleep.

    Happy Monday!

  6. Well. Now I feel like a better American for falling asleep while the Queen attempted to be a Bond girl and not waking up until the "Independent Olympic Athletes" strutted out while busting a move.

  7. Haha, YES, I'm so glad you linked up with us! Sally at Splash of Whine is my mom, and she's been talking about how awesome your blog is - so glad I've discovered it! :)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.