Thursday, July 5, 2012

Floating is my Favorite today (and for the next 60).

July is hands down the best month in Minnesota to be at the lake.  No, wait.  It's August.
August is hands down the best month in Minnesota to be at the lake.  No, wait. It's July.
Whatever...the point I'm trying to make is that it is now July...I'm at the lake...and I'm smack dab at the beginning of why I endure Minnesota weather for about 7 months of the year.
Happy - deliriously Happy - dance.
Or float.  Happy Float.  Happy Float @ the Happy Place.
Because that's what you'll find me doing for about 6 hours every day I'm at the cabin.

I've been here since Saturday and have spent most of every day in the water.
I love not just being at the lake, but being in the lake.  Other than Target or my bed, it's my most favorite place to be.
Swimming Pools?  No, thanks.  Even if I'm dripping hot I rarely have an interest in anything other than bouncing around in the shallow end. Oceans? Maybe, but only if the water is warm, calm and Husband has somehow convinced me via tropical cocktail that I will not get eaten by a shark that likes to swim in less than 8' of water.
But give me a small and pretty lake (the size and view is of vital importance in relation to this being my favorite) and a sunny day above 75° and try to stop me from jumping in and swimming and splashing around as happy as a fish in...well...a lake.

I really can't explain it, but here's a few things that I love about swimming in the lake:

The smell.  The green and fishy and mossy smell.  Especially fragrant during the evening and really best appreciated if your face is right above the water line.  I love it.  And I know some people hate it.  It's kind of like cilantro in that way.

The variations in water temperature.  One minute you are swimming along in nice cool water and then suddenly you swim into a spot so warm it feels like a bath (and you look around to see if anyone else is swimming near you and may'contributed' to the sudden warmth).  Then just as suddenly you hit a spot with your toes that feels like the ice just melted and makes you scream and swim as fast as you can to find another warm spot.  Or make one of your own (oh, admit it).

The way the water feels so clean on your body.  Save what you are about to say out loud to your computer. Obviously I know that the water is far from clean, but when I'm swimming around I don't like to think of the fish pee, people pee, Loon pee, and lord only knows what other bodily fluids (and  - god forbid - solids) may be part of the water.  And it does feel fresh and clean.  Who knows?  Maybe swimming around in a toilet feels the same.  Have you ever tried it?

I also love the unexpected wave rides when a boat passes, the picturesque view (really only possible on a small and relatively calm lake) and the danger and mystery of what lies beneath - down in the freezing cold and dark part - which absolutely terrifies Thing 2 who is my favorite swimming partner.  We try not to remind her too often of the large Northern Pikes who like to eat baby Loons and 11 year old girls that are swimming around under her.
He throws them back in.  Shhhhhhh....

Jump off the boat?  We love it.
Will not be posting the photos of me jumping off boat.
I look so much better in my head doing it than I do in reality.

Jump off the dock?  We love it.
See above caption.

Have flipping contests over floaty noodles? We love it.
She gave that an 8?? It is clearly a 10.

Have an excuse not to wear a stitch of make-up for days on end? I love it.
(Oh, there's no way I'd post a photo of that...and please don't look too closely at the photo above or below.)

I suppose I'll eventually have to pull myself out long enough to go home, pay bills, do some laundry and feed the family, but it's tough - especially when I've really only got 60 days to do it.

And just wait until Labor Day.  I'm sure I'll be so depressed I'll have to write all about it.
Bet you can't wait for that post.

But I don't want to think about that now.
For now, I just want to float.


  1. AHHH~! I JUST got back from a MONTH at our family's cabin in MN on Big Stone Lake. I LOVE this post. It is all SO VERY TRUE...It is really, really, really, really difficult to be back to thanks for this post to float me back to the lake....ahhh.

    1. Where is Big Stone Lake?? A month?? How lovely!!

  2. As a Maine girl I'm big on both the ocean and the lake. (Okay, I'm IN LOVE WITH THE OCEAN) But I totally get the appeal of calmness of the lake and the "fresh" water! I can't wait until my vacation on the lake later this month!

    1. I've never been to Maine! I'll bet it is one of those states like MN that get a bad rap but are really beautiful and lovely and full of the best people. :)

  3. Beautiful pictures....I was at the ocean today and the water was not that pretty! Enjoy your time at the lake!

    1. The ocean water is dicey, isn't it? I hate it when it's's scary. I need blue and tropical, and an umbrella'd drink in hand before I venture in!

  4. oh this looks amaaazing... its sooo dreadfully hot here. and i dont feel like swimming around in decaying bodies/urine *cough cough* tempe town lake/salt river *cough cough.* enjoy my friend!

    1. Oh yeah...I know of what you speak re: Tempe Town Lake. And endured many....many....many summers in AZ so I can honestly say "I'M SORRY....COME VISIT" (but you'll be the one laughing in February....)

  5. I love the lake for all the same reasons. And I will stand beside you and defend your "clean" description. I snorted my coffee when you were talking about the pockets of warm water!

    Have a great time in the lake, wish I was there! (in a total non-stalker kind of way!)

    1. Ha! I know! Wish I could have a big party with all my blogging friends!! :)

  6. I LOVE all of the above about the lake, too. There's something about the lake that's so different than the pool and ocean. But, I do agree with Thing 2...I hate thinking about what's swimming underneath me. Have a great weekend!

    1. Glad to find a lake-soul-mate!! Thing 2 says she is, too!! haha... Thanks for reading!

  7. Saw your blog on #FF and I am glad that I am not the only one that loves to float! That is the whole reason I live on the lake in Georgia so I can float 5 months on of the year!

    Have a great summer!

    1. Floating friends UNITE!! haha.... Never been to Georgia but hear it is gorgeous!!

  8. stopping by from the FF blog hop! new follower! i wish i lived close to a lake. its just so fun. I use to go to lake tahoe all the time when I lived in norcal, i love boating! happy friday! xo Kelly

    1. I love Lake Tahoe (been there once...but still..). Thanks for following! Love your blog title and am looking forward to checking out your blog!

  9. I'm so glad follow Friday has connected us. This post is hilarious and your writing style totally draws me in. In fact, you have made me wish I was in a lake right now! Enjoy the rest of your time there. I'm sure you will!

  10. looks like such an awesome getaway - wish i was relaxing at a lake :)
    just found your blog form hollies FF - excited to be your newest follower!
    ps. i'd love for you to drop by and say hi at

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Will check out your blog!

  11. Thanks for reading...will check out your blog!

  12. Your happy place looks amazing! We just spent all week by a lake too, and I have to admit, it was pretty awesome swimming in a lake all day!
    ♥ Kyna

  13. Sitting here in what is an unseasonably cold day in April for NC...found your blog from "I just want to pee alone" and stumbled across this day's blog. Oh. My. Gosh. I know exactly the bliss of which you speak: floating in the lake. That was my childhood! My grandfather had a camper in a park at a lake nearby and I'm so surprised that I don't have gills from all the time we spent in the water. Heaven!! I miss those days. I need a house on a lake.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.