Monday, July 9, 2012

Just Admit It.

Since I've become a big fan of blog linky games lately (meaning I've just discovered them), I've decided to create one of my own.

After coming up with a few brilliant ideas and then searching and discovering that some other blogger had already stolen had the very same idea, I enlisted Husband to help.  He can be kind of clever and creative when he's not studying the stock market and/or managing his fantasy football team (and since I made sure to ask after the market closed and since it's not football season I knew his mind was ripe for the picking).

So here's my idea (credit fully given to Husband if you hate it...but if you love it it was totally my idea...and if you know of another blog that already sponsors this game - do not tell me...or them).

Just Admit It {monday}

Every Monday (or the Mondays when I remember), I'll post this nifty little button and a topic for the day - which will change each week.

You’re my favorite today.

For example - the topic for today is:

Things you did in college.

 If you decide to play, you'll blog (in a post or in a list or in photos (which would be FABulous)) some of the GOOD - and of course, the BAD (always so much more entertaining) - things you are okay admitting to - publicly - that you did in college*...or whatever the topic that week may  be.
*And because I happen to have a 16 year old daughter and a mother who read this blog regularly, I will unfortunately have to excuse myself from much of the 'BAD' of this particular topic. Duh.

 So who wants to play?!?
The only rules are to grab a button for your blog (above), submit your link below, and...

Ready?  Here we go!


Just Admit It.....things you did in college.

Disclaimer...if you think my list is lame and boring, see above*
I admit...
Almost every night of my freshman thru Junior years I ate only chocolate chip cookies/vanilla soft serve ice cream sandwiches for dinner.  And used my meal ticket points for it.

I admit...
On more than one occasion (meaning weekly), I ate an entire box of Chocolate Teddy Grahams in a single day. 
And I'd only eat them by pairing like-legged bears back-to-back and biting off their legs first and then their heads.  Still do.  But I'm normal.  I swear.

I admit...
When I was a freshman and a Pi Phi Pledge, I (...shall we say for the sake of Thing 1 who is currently reading this...) "drank too much soda" at an ∑AE party and then spent the latter part of the party puking my "soda" out in the bathroom.  For some very strange reason the Pi Phi President (who was more sacred and intimidating to me than Jesus) was holding my hair back (or maybe just re-applying lip gloss in front of the mirror, my memory of that night is a little cloudy) and I just kept saying,
"...this is so not Pi Phi....this is so not Pi Phi..."
and she said,
"Oh, sweetie, this is very Pi Phi".
Obviously not a pic from the party, but probably not too many days before.
Stop being jealous of my shorts.  And my awesome visor.

I admit...
On several ocassions, Husband and I may or may not have told our parents that we were busy on campus "studying" when we actually were going - alone...together (same thing) - camping in northern Arizona.
It's okay.  They now know it ended out pretty well (and so does Thing 1, obviously).
One of my very favorite photos of Husband and I from the college days.
There's a lot of fun memories associated with this night (can you tell??)...and I might have to pull this one back out one day and share.

Now it's your turn.

"Just Admit It" by grabbing a button and linking up, or by commenting below or on facebook.

And if it's no longer Monday and you still want to play, it's OKAY!  I'm a rule bender!  

I LOVE games ~ so thanks for playing!
That makes YOU my favorite today!


  1. Well, I'm still in college, but I'll give it my best shot. I'm a big talker, but when it comes down to it, I just can't do a lot of badass things. Hahaha. I'm a pansy.

    I've almost made out with about half a dozen friends, but couldn't go through with it because I can't kiss people unless I'm emotionally committed to them.

    My apartment burnt down my freshman year and my 4 of my roommates were awful to the girl who started it. To be fair, she was mean first, and we weren't mean because she started the fire. She was just freakin' crazy.

    Hung out in my best guy friend's 4 in the morning....just the two of us. I know, shooocker. But I go to BYU and all 3 of those things aren't allowed.

    I've seen far more of 2 of those guys than I ever wanted to.

    I live a very PG-rated life. Ugh.

  2. I still eat chocolate teddy grahams in one sitting! ;)

  3. What a fun link up! I'll have to try to remember to do this next week! :-)
    ♥ Kyna

  4. I must admit that in college my room mates and I used to sit around on Wednesday night and drink Boones Farm mixed with vodka.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.