Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The one where I try to bake something.

I hope you're wearing a hat.
Because what I'm about to show you will blow. your. mind.
4 of my major weaknesses - warm chocolate chip cookies, brownies, peanut butter and John Stamos (unfortunately, Stamos isn't part of this recipe).

Yesterday at like 5:00 p.m. I discovered these little nuggets of sin from one of my favorite bloggers and damned if I didn't high-tail it up to Target for the ingredients and come home and make them while the refrigerated groceries I'd also bought were spoiling on the counter.


And I'm just gonna get this outta the way right now - You're welcome.

Step 1:
Press refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough into the bottom of cupcake wrappers.
Then eat what's leftover (screw you, Salmonilla).

Step 2:
Mix up some Brownie batter. I always choose the Low Fat kind, so I feel better about myself when I eat half the pan.

Step 3:
If you like Peanut Butter, and I do I do I do, put a spoon of it on top of the cookie dough.
If you don't or were born after 1996 and are allergic (and I've discovered almost all kids today are) well...don't.

Step 4:
Cover with brownie batter. (not being a cooking blogger, I forgot to take the pic until the pan was already in the oven - obviously).

Step 5:
I am not a cook or a baker (or a butcher or a candlestick maker), so I just guessed and baked these at 350° for 22 minutes (because, really - doesn't just about everything bake at 350°?). Then 2 more. Then 3 more. Then 1 more until finally turning the task over to Thing 1. Then we took them out, turned off the oven (mistake), then tested one and put them back in for like 10 or 13 or 12 minutes. Again, we are not bakers.

I'm sorry I cannot tell you how long to cook them.  Let's just say somewhere between 23 and 32 minutes. 

Step 6:
Surprise! They turned out! (always a surprise around here).
Nom Nom Nom. Heaven in a tidy little wrapper.

Yes, it is sitting on the carpet.  Because we are that classy (and do not want to dirty up a plate or waste a napkin).

If only Stamos could share them with me.


  1. YUM!! Seriously, those sound SO heavenly!! What if you put a little pretzel ontop of the cookie dough?? (just thinking about WHAT ELSE awesome stuff could be added to the recipe ;-))

  2. you seriously just combined all of my favorite ingredients into one amazing cupcake of deliciousness. i am definitely making these. only, can i trade channing tatum for john stamos?

  3. They look great!!! and yes, I'm so obvi not a cooking blogger either because as someone pointed out on my post my baking wrappers were all different! And thats why I don't do food photos!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.