Sunday, June 3, 2012

Unplugged and Unhappy.

Friday afternoon I lost my right hand.
Our Internet went out.
For the past 2 and a half days it's like I've been living in Little House on the Prairie but without the benefit of a Pa playing jaunty tunes on the fiddle and singing me to sleep. I've also come to the realization that I'd never survive as a contestant on 'Survivor' (and if you are a reader who knows me personally - stop laughing) or in the 'Big Brother' house.
Sure, I've got an iPhone with 3G but that little 3" screen makes it pretty damn difficult to shop for shoes on Zappos.
And Pearl (the iPad) isn't fully loaded with 3G because we have wifi in our house and it hasn't seemed necessary. Oh, it's necessary alright. It's sandals season and we're going on vacation in a week. TICK. TOCK.
Husband, who left with Thing 1 for the Happy Place on Friday right after discovering the outage, hasn't been able to be any kind of help except to suggest activating the cellular data on Pearl so I could check emails and work on the blog until this gets fixed.
Great idea! Easy as toggling the button to "on"! Salvation!!
Except it apparently requires wifi to activate. And, of course, Verizon customer service is closed.
Last night after coming to the realization that I couldn't shop, check email/weather/facebook/twitter, open any of the blog posts I'd started last week, play DrawSomething or stalk celebrities, I decided to watch The Bachelorette 'On Demand' since NCIS taped instead of it last week (someone has the season pass prioritized totally wrong, HUSBAND). I settled down in my comfy chair, glass of wine by my side (because it is impossible to watch a Bachelor/ette episode without one, correct?), my Snuggie situated just right, and discovered that On Demand needs Internet to load. Of course it does. Why does MediaCom hate me?
So for the past 2 days I have been a lost mess, wandering around, doing useful but totally undesirable things like folding laundry and emptying the dishwasher and organizing my closet and reading a real book. Thankfully I've been busy with Thing 2 and the first round of her dance recitals so I haven't completely gone postal (but now that they can't come to fix the problem for a few days it's a real possibility).
Today I actually took my iPad to her recital where I used the free wifi to check emails and play DrawSomething. (Relax...I was just a dressing room helper. And only like 2 girls went on stage without the right costume on.) It was in a High School, though, so you can imagine my vocal rants when I discovered that facebook was blocked.
I cannot catch a break.
I'm seriously going to drive the mile to Caribou coffee later to post this (and if you are a fellow blogging friend, I know you understand and would do the same thing) and this week, after hopefully activating Pearl, I'll have to post using BlogPress. I can't be held responsible if the posts are sketchy and full of formatting mistakes. It's not my fault. It's the evil MediaCom Internet devil who is trying to sabotage my blog.
Or it's Husband telling me I have enough shoes.

- Posted using (the not always reliable) BlogPress from Pearl, my iPad


  1. I am laughing out loud because I would TOTALLY be reacting the same way if this happened to me. Hang in there, sister!

  2. I would be the same way! When our power goes out I freak! But yet sometimes it's nice to be free of everything

  3. I'm a new follower and from what I can tell, you named your iPad, which makes me love you already. I have a MacBook, which I named "MacKenzie." I name all of my electronics and love that you do, too. That is all :)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.