Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Be my Guest...

As I've been navigating the surprisingly deep waters of the blogging world, I've discovered many trends and tricks to lure readers over to your blog.  Link parties, sponsoring and (my favorite), guest posting.

I've become a follower and a fan of many blogs that I only discovered by reading their guest post on one of the regular blogs I visit (or try to) on a daily basis.

Since I'm going on vaca next week....for a week (more on that later) I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to open up the floor to anyone who'd like to be my guest...be my guest (put my service to the test!  Favorite Disney movie...couldn't help it) next Tuesday, June 12th.
I figure it's great for my new little blog since a lot of you who stop by have more seasoned blogs with many more followers.  And by 'a lot'...I mean maybe 20.  Max.  But don't let that number discourage you! You might get 19 new readers! (which may or may not be mostly my relatives and neighbors.  Whatever.)
Seriously though,  I'd love to host your post!
Shoot me an email at youremyfavoritetoday@gmail.com if you're interested.

But unfortunately, you won't be my first guest blogger.
That honor is going to my very own Thing 1 who is finishing up her sophomore year this week.
She's in a lot of Honors classes where all the kids are studious and responsible and take school too very seriously, so when she came home the other day with the Jimmy John's story, I told her she had to share it.

Looking forward to having you as my next guest!


Hey! Thing 1 here!!

And welcome to ‘Into the Mind of a Teenager’ or what I like to call ‘ITMOAT’ (catchy right?).  

Anywho nice to… meet you…write to you…tell you exactly what’s on my mind?  Whatever.  I’ve just been told to ‘write something and I’ll proof it’ so I’m going to write what I want to.

Since it’s the last week of school I thought I’d share this...

For all of you parents out there who wonder what goes on in your child’s brains during that ‘oh-so-fun’ 7 hours we’re trapped in what many call ‘school', here’s the top ten thoughts that run through my head about 500 times a day.

1. When is this class going to be over?
2. I really hate (insert day of the week here).
3. Wow.  That is so interesti- **snore**
4. Am I being graded on this?
5. OMG.  What if One Direction walked in here right now?  I think I would pee my pants. 
6. What day is today?  Friday?
7. It feels like it should be the weekend tomorrow.
8. He’s attractive.
9. Why does the girls bathroom line have to be so long?
10. I’m actually learning something right now.  This lesson is so interesting.  I love this class. *

*Note: this comment should only be used in classes where the teacher actually teaches something.

I have this theory that all of the teachers plot together to assign all of our projects/tests on the same day so that we get a minimal amount of sleep and frequently break down in stressful tears.  But actually.  I had a:
  • Presentation
  • Math Test
  • Communications Paper
  • Communications Book Reflections
  • Communications vocab (we get a butt load of communications homework)
  • Vocab quiz
  • AND a biology test
IT SUCKED.  (oops am I not supposed to use that language?  Am I going to be censored?)

Granted I am in regular biology (shocker right?).  And my class is FULL of druggies.  Yes.  I’m being serious. How do I know this?  They talk about doing drugs. IN CLASS.  When I can clearly hear everything they’re saying.  

Just to give you another example of the people that I go to school with here’s a little story for you…

The setting: Block 4, Child Psychology
What’s happening: A test
Characters: my teacher, myself, our teachers assistant (T.A.), and a random girl (lets call her LaFonda)

So it’s silent (obviously) because we’re in the middle of one of our (extremely easy, don’t really have to study for) tests.  Suddenly a phone that is plugged into the back wall - a phone that is plugged into the back wall - starts buzzing.  
LaFonda jumps up.
L.F: “Oh! Its my Jimmy Johns!” 
Then she runs out of the room.  
Let me repeat that.  She ran out of the freaking room.  DURING A TEST.
Teacher and T.A. look at eachother.  Teacher rolls her eyes and makes an astonished face.
L.F. runs back in. 
L.F: “Nah, it wasn’t here yet.”
We all look at our teacher with wide eyes to see what she’ll do and she just shakes her head.
And this happened four more times.  Each time LaFonda would run out of the room and come back in until she finally got her precious Jimmy Johns. 
Which was apparently tuna.  
And smelled really bad.

The joys of being in high school.  


(and no, that isn't me on the right.  But I had to put this picture in.)


  1. Lol this was cute. Apparently highschool is pretty laid back now...


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.