Friday, June 1, 2012

Weekly favorites - the Beek is back.

I'd like to start out this week's favorites by saying that 4 day weeks are my favorite.
The End.

Nah, but it's true that as I sit here with a nice chilled glass of chardonnay by my side I can't believe it's time for another favorites list already because I actually had 2 - yes, TWO - other blog posts ready to go this week. Guess I've run out of time and will have to save them for another day (and in case you're worried, I'm writing this on Thursday night, kids. I don't drink wine in the mornings. Very often).

So, short week = short list, but it's all about quality over quantity, right?  Sure it is.
And before we take off, check out Tiffany over at blabbering thoughts. She's nice enough to help out the new kid and sponsor YMFT this month (and that makes her Favorite #1!!).  Thank you, Tiffany!

And heerre we go -

1.  befunky -
Ever since I got Pearl (my can read that exciting story HERE) and discovered the fantastic camera, I've been using her for most of my photo taking opportunities (and looking a little bit like a giant dork holding up my iPad in front of my face).  Last weekend I came across the app befunky and love it.  It's pretty basic, but has a lot of different effects and really cool frames.  Plus, it's super user friendly.
It can turn this -

into this - 

in like 30 seconds. 
I discovered this app last weekend, but have since found out that it is also a photo editing website.  I'm addicted to on my Mac for photo editing (another favorite for another time), so I'll probably just stick to the app.  And bonus! -  the logo makes me smile.

2.  Peonies in bloom - 
I told you (in the 22 moderately useless things to know about me) that my favorite flower is the Peony, but that if I cut them (which is what one does with Peonies - especially if they are one's very favorite flower) my adorable yet naughty cat, Lucy, eats them and then immediately throws them up. Lovely.
But even though I can't bring them in and enjoy their glorious perfumey smell and amazing petals, I still get a ridiculous amount of joy from my 3 bushes and have gone outside many times this week just to gaze (and the fact that it stormed all weekend and totally obliterated most of the blooms that I wait all year for made me mad at the Peony-hating-weather-gods and is something I'm trying very hard to work through and forget).

Here's a few pics of my beauties -

I have to put the ones I cut out on the deck.  Thanks a lot, LUCY.

3. Don't Trust the B---- in Apt. 23 -
If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that Husband and I give almost anything on T.V. a shot (once) - we really have very low standards - but even we were skeptical of this new show on ABC.  Maybe it was the completely asinine title that threw us, but finding ourselves with nothing to watch a couple of weeks ago we gave it a try.  
Let me just say 3 4 words.
James Van der Beek.
The Beek from the Creek.
That was 5.
And he's GENIUS.
Unfortunately I was never a Dawson fan. And I say 'unfortunately' because I had a 3 year-old at the time and not a lot of it left over for Dawson and Joey (as much as I was interested in their teen angst).  Keep in mind this was before TiVo, and the time it would have taken me to set up my VCR to record was better spent sitting in silence and staring blankly into space muttering "is she really asleep? is she really asleep?...".  It's definitely been on my series-to-watch list  (actually, it still is and I'm not embarrassed at all to admit it).  But the Beek is pure genius in this show, playing "himself" (a slightly very exaggerated and fictionalized version as he's apparently a doting father and regular guy in 'real' life, according to the Bible Us Weekly) as the clichéd and narcissistic and washed up teen heart-throb B-list actor still trying to make it big and milk his former A-list stardom.  He's brilliant. I now love him. 

Oh, and the B---- is hilarious, too. 
Glad it got picked up for next season and I can get my Beek fix. 
Better late than never.

2 summers ago we were fortunate enough to get to watch a baby Loon grow up at the Happy Place.  It was amazing to watch it grow every week from chick to awkward teenager to adult flying away all by himself.  Last summer the baby (egg or chick...we don't know and I don't want to think about it) must've gotten eaten by an eagle or a Pike or a muskrat because I've learned that Loons lay eggs every year (and I've learned a lot about Loons in the past few years).  I was deeply depressed for our poor friendly lake Loons (one thing to know about Loons it is that they return to the same lake every year so they've become like family to us) and selfishly, for me.
Imagine my vocal delight, then, when this is what I saw last weekend:

2 BABY LOONS!! One is floating on mama's back.  ADORABLE.
And don't worry, I'll keep you updated throughout the summer so you, too, can watch them grow!

So that's the list, kids.
Short and sweet.
Check off another week and tuck it away.  
Hope you had a great one and if there was anything that made your favorite list, I'd love to know about it!


  1. hii!! thanks for the comment on my blog :) i am your newest follower! love your blog.. sooo cute. you are hilarious! cant wait to read more!

  2. Haha. I love this post. Anything is better with some Chardonnay in our hand, right?

    I love that you named your IPad. I've been dying to get one! And I love that app. Instagram is good, too!

    I've been meaning to try that show. I recently discovered New Girl and am totally obsessed with it. You should sef give that one a try if you haven't. Hubs and I are with ya, we watch basically anything. Sad but true. :)

    1. We love New Girl, too! (especially Schmidt!).

  3. i totally love picmonkey, it's my favorite! :) also do you live in az? because that first photo is totally arizona!

  4. No, but you are correct!! That was taken last month at the Phoenician. We are originally from AZ (Go Devils!!) and were visiting family. Good eye! Are you from AZ?


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.