Friday, February 28, 2014

Oscar Night Bingo

As most of you know, this weekend is Superbowl Sunday.
At least in my world it is.
Because other than the Golden Globes, the Emmys, the night Parenthood premieres, my birthday eve, taco Tuesdays, and pretty much any summer evening I'm at the lake, Oscar night is my favorite night of the year.
Remember last year when Seth McFarlane hosted and everyone went nuts?
Nuts (at first) because they were so excited about Seth McFarlane hosting, and nuts (the day after) because EVERYONE'S A CRITIC and had an opinion.
Exibit A. (duh.)
If you have an extra eight minutes to kill, read my "Awesome and Awkward" recap, as well as my unsolicited fashion policing, from last year's show.
Seriously, what is it with the criticism of the Oscar host? What a horrible, sucky job. And the irony is, it should be an awesome opportunity and experience. I've said it before and I'll say it again (you're welcome), the Oscars are supposed to be stuffy and boring. They are the pinnacle of Award's shows! The serious sister to their rule-breaking siblings Emmy and Globe! There's a job to do, dammit, and no time for fun and frivolity.
Well, maybe there will be this year.

I loved it when Ellen hosted in 2007, and because I love her so much I'm excited to see her nail it again, which I can already tell you she will. I'm also looking forward to seeing all my favorites in their fancy dresses (which I'm sure to both love and ridicule), but since I haven't seen any of the nominated movies except Frozen I don't really care who or what wins.  (I do have plans to watch Dallas Buyers Club tomorrow night, but since I am emphatically not a fan of Matthew McConaughey do not care the outcome of his category. Please do not aim at my hair when hurling those tomatoes at me: I just got it colored.)

If, like me, you'll be watching but not really paying attention to much more than the fashion and the disasters, I've once again created some bingo boards to help make the three+ hours a little more interesting (sorry, you're in charge of your own liquid accompaniment).

There's spaces for when a winner has an ugly cry --

when a presenter can't seem to get the envelope open --

and even if...when?...Leo finally wins an Oscar --

All you have to do is right click on the image of the bingo board, copy and paste it into a document and print it out. Or you can just use a dry erase marker on your laptop screen to make big Xs right on the board. (I'm KIDDING. DO NOT DO THAT.)

Alternatively, you can use these boards as a drinking game. Instead of covering up a space, take a drink. Or better yet - do both. Cover and drink. Cover and drink.
Winner is the first one to get 5 across, up & down, or diagonally....or whichever one of you is left after your playing partner gets bored and leaves. 

Let me know if you played...and check back here sometime Monday for my Awesome & Awkward recap and always constructive Red Carpet fashion critique.  I'd tell you a specific time, but since there's a definite possibility I'll be playing this bingo game both ways, and because of the fact that I'm a total lightweight, it could get as ugly around here as the winner of the Best Documentary Award.

Oh, and if Leonardo DiCaprio does happen to win? I'll share a video of Thing 1 coming home from getting her wisdom teeth out last summer, still loopy from the anesthesia and crying about how much she loves him and the injustice of him never winning anything. 
On second thought, that needs to get shared win or lose. 
You're gonna want to come back on Monday for that. Trust me. 

This post sponsored by YMFT's Friday Favorites, because any excuse to have a Cosmo (or two) and some artichoke dip is a Favorite. 

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And by 'All Rights Reserved' I mean DON'T STEAL MY STUFF. 
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PurpleTrail Birthday Invitations


  1. Would it be weird for me to say I might have a total girl crush on you? No, not weird at all, right? If so, then I was totally kidding! (seriously, I am happily married) I honestly adore your writing style. Since I'm new to your blog, and I love it so much, I have gone back and started at your very first post and am working my way through them. Reading your posts make me smile, laugh, and has even brought a couple tears to my eye ("Celebrating Mae", specifically).!!!

  2. Your bingo cards are awesome! Side boobs, political jokes, and someone dying who you thought was already dead. Pure awesome!!

  3. I have to agree with Kim, you're all kinds of awesome. Now, I hate to ask, but there will be three of us. Can you whip me up a third card? LOL

  4. I can't wait to see the video of Thing 1 tomorrow. I've never been more excited for a Monday. (JUST KIDDING. Everyone goes to work and school on Monday, and I get four hours of alone time. I love Monday.)

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! I'm glad you pulled the trigger on that.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.