Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday Favorites - Short and Sweet.

You guys. Are you sitting down? Yes? Good. Because I'm going to say something that may knock you off your feet otherwise. 

I don't have a lot to say today and I'm not even going to mention the fact that this is the weather I'm experiencing right now. 

Please note: Feels like -19°.
 'Bitterly' doesn't even begin to describe how it feels when your soul freezes. 

Okay, that's not entirely the truth. Of course I have a lot to say today and you know I'd love to bitch about the godforsaken weather, but I just don't really have the time to say it. My life this past week and for the next 24 hours is crazier than usual (as evidenced by the fact that this post has been bumped to Saturday which I could (and will) also blame on the monster migraine that rendered me catatonic from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. yesterday). But here's the real reason: It's show week. New to the blog? Let me explain. We're show people in our family. That's right: Show People. As in, "there's no people like." And by 'we're' I mean my girls. Thankfully. Although I'd be lying if I said Husband and I often aren't insanely jealous and envious of the lights and the music and the singing and the applause, but it's probably best for everyone that our butts stay firmly planted in our seats. If you want some background (and need an excuse to waste even more time on the computer today instead of folding laundry or feeding your children) you can catch up HERE and HERE

So back to me not having time to say a lot.

You know what? Let's just get to the (belated) Favorites this week, shall we? That way I can kill like three birds with one stone and this nonsense might actually start to make sense. Bear with me, you guys. The lasting effects of the Imitrex make me feel floppy. 

1. Opening Night, etc.
Goes without saying that any time my girls open a new show it's gonna show up on the Favorites' list…although since I just said it I suppose I'm contradicting myself. Anyway, after two and a half months of 12+ hours of rehearsal a week, when the kids are all in their fancy costumes with their fancy hairdos and their fancy makeup and their fancy microphones stuck to their cheeks and you see the culmination of all their hard work pay off with the smiles and laughter and applause of the audience, it fills me with goosebumps and pride. Favorite -- always.

2. Christina Perri Christmas CD

I got this CD last year, and it's possible it's already made an appearance on the Favorites List, but since I don't have the time to go back in the archives and check, it's (possibly) getting a second life.
I love love love Christina Perri. Arms is one of my all time favorite songs (followed closely by Bluebird). Her Christmas CD isn't long -- only 7 songs -- but it's one I never take out of my ancient 1995 CD tray that only holds 5 CDs. Skeptical? Go to iTunes and listen to a few samples. I think you'll like it.

3. Starbucks Skinny Peppermint Mocha

I'm t-o-t-a-l-l-y addicted. And at only 100 calories in a tall, I don't feel guilty getting one every day when I'm at Target. I just have them add the whip like every third day and the chocolate shavings every second of every third whip day. That makes perfect sense to me, btw. Seriously, though, this is the only 'skinny' (the usual code word for 'tastes like artificial cancer') that you can't taste. Again, making perfect sense in my sleep deprived and Imitrex riddled head. Stay with me, people. Point is, I love it….it's a Favorite…and now that I'm thinking of it I may have to drive the mile to Target to get one. Like I ever need an excuse to go to Target….

I promised 'short and sweet', you guys, and I think I did a fairly good job of delivering!
Although, as I've been typing this list up I've been happily listening to the Michael Buble Holiday station on Pandora and haven't had to skip or give one song the big Pandora thumbs down, so I should probably include it.

4. The Michael Buble Holiday Station on Pandora

And now I'm really done. It's almost time to do the curls in Zaneeta Shin's hair and help Maud Dunlop with her updo (any Music Man fans out there??) and I still have to make a lasagna so our visiting grandpa can eat dinner before the show tonight and escape to Target to get my SPM. 

Enjoy the (rest of) your weekend. I'll be buried in fleece and down and frozen tears and looking for real estate in California in my free moments (you know I couldn't let this end without one reference to the  weather, didn't you?). 

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1 comment:

  1. "Tastes like artificial cancer" is right. Next week I hope to see some pictures of the girls!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.