Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hot Hollywood Hell - Kardashian Khristmas Kard Edition.

You guys, just the other day I was perusing my old Hot Hollywood Hells (<< that link will take you to the 'Favorites' tab where they're all listed…along with a lot of other scintillating reading like The Bachelorette and award show recaps) and was thinking that it had been way too long since something had come along in the celebritysphere that struck me enough to ridicule it. And then, as if they could read my mind, the Kardashians made Khristmas come a little early for me -- and you -- this year.

Kue the trumpet fanfare and ready the konfetti kannon, because the Kardashian Khristmas Kard has been revealed:

What. The. Hell.
Is it a Christmas card or have we all smoked from the same hookah pipe and fallen down a very frightening hole in the floor of Britney's dressing room in Vegas and ended up in a bizarre alternative fetish room full of Kardashians? Hold on. Is Britney in there? Hard to tell, because unfortunately my blog NOR THE NATURAL VIEWING WIDTH OF THE HUMAN EYE is panoramic enough to take all the horror of it in at once. But don't worry. I've chopped it up in four sections to better scrutinize. And by 'scrutinize' I of course mean rip apart with glee.

Hold on, let me refill my wine glass*. This is gonna be fun. 
*In case you're worried, I am writing this on Tuesday night, you guys. Contrary to popular belief, I don't day drink. Unless I'm lying prone on a pool lounge. Or it's a Sunday. 

Part One: Kim
Let me just get one thing out of the way: Girlfriend's lookin' good. Of course, I'd look good too if someone PHOTOSHOPPED all aspects of my body on my Christmas card. Which brings up a good point: If I could be photoshopped on my Christmas card, I'd totally give myself gigantic melon boobs. 

And also? I totally almost wore that same outfit in my family picture this year. Awkward. 

Part Two: Kendall and Kelsey...or Kandace...or Kylie...or whoever the very attractive but not quite as attractive little sister is (oh, relax, you know you think so too).
I used to feel sorry for these two, until a year or so ago when they each proved to be just as spoiled and materialistic and attention whorish as the rest of their family.  I guess you could say they can't help it, but they totally can. They've embraced the Kardashian legacy with gusto and are living the high life (I'll let you decide if that pun was intended).  However, that one on the left -- the Khloe of the Jenner children? She kinda looks like she wants to get the hell out of this Kircus (soft 'K'), doesn't she?? Oh, wait. Maybe she's looking at something else.

Part Three: Khloe, Kourtney, Kris and Kids
The first thing I notice is that I cannot tell if that is Kourtney or Kris holding the baby that thankfully isn't being pimped too hard yet and was actually allowed to be looking away from the camera. But then LEGS LEGS LEGS all up in my face and I'm set straight. Because Kris better damn well be noticed, and since Kim got to be the boobs this year she called dibs on legs. Khloe is obviously overcompensating for her recent struggles through her hair, but hey, it's better than crack and hookers. Oh...wait. And poor little Mason. Doesn't he speak a thousand words in this picture? Fingers crossed for him (*shaking her head as she types those words*). 

Part Four: Bruce (or what used to be Bruce)
Poor Bruce. I'd really have thought they'd have let him off the hook this year, what with the separation and the notable absence in this photo of Slick Willy, CRACKer Jack, and Yeezus. And Rob. But it's totally okay and normal because ohmigod you guys, they trapped him in a glass box and killed him. 

Nah, I forgot, that's how Bruce always looks. 
Anyone want to take a stab at the significance of that sign??

And dammit. You know what pissed me off the most about this card? I spent like three hours on Saturday looking through hundreds of Christmas card templates for one that would fit the photos I wanted to use and would capture the happy message I wanted to send to my friends. If only I'd known the Things and I could've just teased our hair, greased up our legs, plumped up and exposed the girls, tossed some old mannequin parts around and stuck Husband in the deep freeze I'd have had a hell of a lot more free time. Krap.

Oh well, there's always next year.

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  1. I have no words. Just.......nothing. Is this for real?

  2. When I first saw this card I was hoping that it was a joke. This has to be the tackiest card I have ever seen!

  3. I die.
    I cannot BELIEVE that panoramic photo is from a Christmas (excuse me Kristmas) Kard. Bwahahahahahahahaha.
    I'm so glad you took the time to break down the photo for us. Beside her impressive boobs, I also noticed shiny, silver legs lying at Kim's feet! Her boobs caused a shiny casualty!
    Poor little Mason. He looks like a ventriloquist's dummy.
    I can't believe they did that to Bruce, but that's what you get when your name doesn't start with a "K" in that family. It was only a matter of time. --Lisa

  4. Do you think those klothes are all from the Kardashian line of clothing? From Kmart? Kool!

  5. Holy krap! There is so much going on here - it's set in a Kasino? WTF is that? And nothing screams the holidays like cleavage and ass cheek. And why oh why is the freaky guy embalmed? Was he high when they suggested that? And here I went with some pics of the kids, the dogs, and the hubs and I with a nice Monogram H. I should be ashamed.

  6. Stopping by from Finding the Funny, and this post just made my day. Thank you for breaking this down and analyzing in such amazing detail! LOVE!

  7. Hahahaha! Awesome. And poor Bruce, indeed.

  8. Love the dissection! Another garish example of faux celebs flaunting silicon, botox, and neuro-oxygen deprivation (sorry, Photoshop can't scrub the obvious). Anyone seen James Franco and Seth Rogen?

  9. I don't even know where to begin to praise you. You have nailed every.single.aspect of bizarre, outrageous and disgusting that epitomizes the Kardashians. Well done!…and hilarious.
    Stopping here from Work in Sweats Mama - so glad I did.

  10. I love that the baby daddies and Lamar aren't in the family photo. That particular message is loud and clear, but not quite as loud as the "LOOK AT US ALWAYS" message that this kard screams. I wish I could unsee that, but I'm happy for the laughs you always provide!

  11. Wow this is like an I Spy picture for adults! I've spent a shameful amount of time looking at the panorama and your close ups, so far I can't spy anything at all holiday related. Loved your commentary on it all.

  12. I think I get what's happening with Bruce. He's the "mint in package" Limited Edition Bruce Jender Bender Doll. Oh yeah. They're all the rage this year.

  13. Stopping by from Finding the Funny, and I've definitely found it here! Their kard is a disaster...I thought it was a joke that some tabloid was making fun of their kards, but no...it's the real deal. And by real deal, I mean real photoshopped.
    Well, glad to see they were able to include the meaning of Christmas in their kard! hohoho!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.