Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday Favorites - Is it Juanuary* yet?

*not a typo.

You guys, I've been living in a deep freeze for the past week. LITERALLY.
And for those of you who get annoyed when people misuse and overuse the word 'literally', I REALLY MEAN IT. 

Fact: Your freezer should be kept at 0° F to keep your food safe (a fact I actually just googled from the FDA). 
Fact: Here is what I've been living in for the past week: 

Hi 2°F
Lo -10°F
Precip (in)
Hi 2°F
Lo -13°F
Precip (in)
Hi 12°F
Lo -4°F
Precip (in)
Hi 11°F
Lo -7°F
Precip (in)
Hi 11°F
Lo -1°F
Precip (in)
Hi 3°F
Lo -11°F
Precip (in)
Hi 17°F
Lo 1°F
Precip (in)
Hi 14°F
Lo 7°F
30 %

Please note the LOW temps. And Wednesday's "observed" low is a lie, btw. This I know because when I was taking my fat diabetic cat to the vet for her blood glucose check my car thermometer told me it was -12°. Her blood was the consistency of an Icee by the time we got there. And yesterday when it was a balmy 17° it felt like spring. No kidding, I almost wore my clogs with no socks, but then I remembered how much I actually like having toes so I reconsidered.

What's even more depressing though, is that in a month I'll probably be looking back at this weather week with envy when the high temps are well below zero.  Stop it, Michelle! Be optimistic! Since we've had a week of unseasonably cold weather so soon it must mean that the worst is over! January will be downright hot!

*segue alert*segue alert*

You bet it will.

Which brings me to my first Favorite of the week -- THE RETURN OF JUAN PABLO!

ABC has dubbed next month "Juan-uary" and I like it. 
I like it a lot
Don't you worry, my recap fans, I'm getting in shape. I've already started staying up waaay too late on Monday nights drinking too much wine and eating too much SkinnyPop and getting up early on Tuesday mornings and typing waaay too much practice drivel to get my mind and body back in the game. "The Bachelor calisthenics" is what I call it. 
Juanuary 6th, I'll be ready to roll. 
Actually, that's a lie. Because Juanuary 5th ABC is giving us a juan hour special to help us "get to know Juan" a little better. Don't worry if you can't dedicate two nights of your life to The Bachelor,  I'll take juan for the team and will cover it for you. Juanderful move, ABC. I'm already giving you the slow clap…and starting to make a list of all the ways I can make words from Juan's name in my recaps. 

2. This. 

When this came in the mail the other day I almost cried. Not literally, but still. I haven't even read it yet because I've been so busy this week and I want to save it for a time when I don't rush through it and can enjoy it fully. So in about two and a half weeks, I guess. 

Until then, it's sitting on my nightstand and makes me happy every time I pass by. Doesn't take much, folks. Doesn't take much. 

3. Scandal

My new favorite thing I don't have time for. 
Husband and I started watching this on Netflix about six months ago, got through the first episode and were like, meh. Then it seemed like it blew up the binge watching community so I gave it another try, and son of a Fitzpatrick Grant I was hooked. And justlikethat I have a new bingeing pleasure. 

Before you get to the comments box I need to tell you that I'M ONLY 2/3 OF THE WAY THROUGH SEASON ONE. SEASON ONE. So no spoilers, pleasepleaseplease!! With the way I troll the TV/entertainment sites on a regular daily basis it's a wonder I haven't spoiled anything for myself, but whenever I see a picture of the supremely awesome Kerry Washington or my favorite Ghost-maker Tony Goldwyn I practically make smoke fly from my mouse I click away so fast. 

Oh, Carl Bruner, you got what you deserved. 
Hopefully tonight and tomorrow I'll make it to Season Two, but since we're two episodes behind of Homeland I'm thinking tonight might be reserved for Carrie and Brody (even though I'm already bored of and annoyed with Brody and he's only been on for like two episodes). 

But that's another Favorite (non-Favorite?) for another Friday. 

Moving on.

4. These cookies that are my absolute FAVORITE and that I will be making later today:

I'm cheating (again this week) by re-posting something from last year, but I'm going to look at it as more of a service to my new friends. Because you must must must try these cookies.

Chocolate Pixies
1/4 cup Butter (I use margarine)
4 squares (1 ounce each) unsweetened chocolate
2 cups flour, divided
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder (make sure it isn't old)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (I do not use nuts in mine...but that's just our family's preference)
powdered sugar for rolling

In a small saucepan, melt butter and chocolate over low heat. In large mixing bowl, combine melted chocolate mixture, 1 cup of the flour, granulated sugar, eggs, baking powder and salt.  Beat at medium speed until well mixed.  Stir in remaining cup of flour and nuts (if using).  Cover; refrigerate at least 2 hours.

Heat oven to 300°.  Shape rounded teaspoonfuls of dough into balls; roll in powdered sugar.  Place on parchment lined cookie sheet (or greased if you do not have parchment paper - which you should go immediately to Target or the grocery store and get if you do not because you will forever wonder how you baked without it).  Bake about 15 minutes or until firm to the touch.

Things that happened on the blog and on social media that you might have missed because Facebook hates bloggers and hides our posts from our friends ~

This one is from last week (FF violation) but it's so damn funny I want to share it again. Please note, I didn't write it (as much as I'd love to take credit for it).

Once again, over sharing…

And lastly, my real Favorite of the week…of today…are my new friends. If you made your way all the way over here from Facebook (and Twitter), WELCOME again! Happy to have you along for the ride!

And because you made it all the way to the end, you are rewarded with this Friday gif. It's a short video I had Husband take of me last weekend. 

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1 comment:

  1. BWAH HA HA HA on the Jimmy Kimmel status! And I am OBSESSED with that issue of EW, you, I am totally saving it for the kids being on holiday break. As I do with all my EW issues, I plan to read cover to cover. And oh girl, Scandal is SO GOOD. That is ALL I am saying!! ;)-Ashley


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.