Monday, November 18, 2013

Friday Favorites. Surprise.

Since it's Monday I was going to start this FRIDAY Favorites post by apologizing for the extreme tardiness of it, but then decided that much like when you get a birthday present the week after your birthday it could very well be a nice surprise. Delayed gratification, if you will. And yes, that is me presuming that the Favorites post can be considered gratification. Big assumption, I realize, but I'm going with it. 

But to reward you for your patience, I've got a surprise for you.

This week's (last week's?) Favorites have a theme

I know. It's almost too much to handle. I'll wait while you settle down. 

Are you ready for the big reveal? The theme this week (last week) is "Things That Haven't Happened Yet But  Are Already Favorites And Will Probably Be On The List Again Once They Actually Happen."

Stay with me. It will all make sense. Hopefully.

1.  The Princess Bride ~ The Musical

Inconceivable? I think not. 
A few days ago several reputable sources reported that the time has come to bring Westley and Buttercup's love story to the stage. And I think it is a brilliant idea. You know I love musicals, you know the whole family loves musicals, and because The Princess Bride is in my top five favorite movies of all time this news has made me more excited than Miracle Max in a room full of MLTs. 

Disney has just begun development, so it could be awhile before this one reappears on the Favorites list, but in the meantime I'll start humming the upbeat and jovial tune to the sure-to-win-a-Tony-song-that-isn't-actually-a-song-yet-but-I-totally-think-should-be, "Rhymes With Peanut." 
Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can fuss
Fezzik: Fuss, fuss… I think he like to scream at us

Inigo Montoya: Probably he means no harm. 

Fezzik: He’s really very short on charm

Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme. 

Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time. 

Vizzini: Enough of that. 
Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? 
Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead. 
Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it. 
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
Seriously, can't you just hear it? See it? And there should also be a love ballad called "As You Wish" which Buttercup can sing wistfully while looking at the balcony (but not really looking at the balcony) and imagining her long lost masked man. I imagine some fog swirling around her feet. And ballet dancers. 

Hold on, I need to make some notes and send a quick email to Disney. I'll be right back.

2. Flowers in the Attic 
If, like me, you are a girl who is part of Generation X, you almost certainly know the twisty feeling in the pit of your stomach and the inexplicable (yet at the same time very explicable) guilt I'm feeling just looking at the following photo:

A horrible, fantastic, disturbing, terrifying book. 
I read it when I was about 11 or 12 and remember being deeply disturbed by every page. So, obviously, I kept reading.  
Abandonment, abuse, rat poison, incest, death...all written for the YA audience (or in my case, age 11. It's okay, I watched Grease when I was 9. I was a mature 11 apparently). 

It was developed into a horribly made-for-TV movie in the 80's, and come January, the sordid and horrific tale of the Dollanganger family is coming to Lifetime. 

And if you're wondering if they're gonna be true to the *ehem* storyline, that look between Chris and Cathy up there should answer your question.

I'll totally be watching. My 11 year old self will not. 

3. American Idol
As a loyal AI fan from season two (sadly, I missed season 1 but have more than made up for it by throwing many dollars Kelly Clarkson's way) until Simon left and Boobs McGee came and it all went to hell, I'm giving it another go this year, all because of three beautiful words: Harry. Connick. Jr. 

As a huge HCJ fan since 1989 when I first bought the "When Harry Met Sally" soundtrack, and as one of the only people I know to not only have seen Hope Floats but who counts it as one of their favorite movies, I'll listen to and watch anything at all he's part of.  

HCJ and Sandra Bullock? How could this not be on everyone's favorite list? 
*Sidenote for all you fans of Parenthood who've never seen Hope Floats, take a look at a young and adorable Mae Whitman who delivers a powerfully mature performance as Bernice - 

Seriously, she'll kill you in this movie with her adorableness. 
But back to HCJ and Idol.  
Since Keith Urban is hard for me to look at (it's the flat-ironed hair...and the obvious make-up) and because while I'd like to believe she is, I do not for a minute think JLo is nearly as warm in real life as she pretends to be at that table, Harry Connick Jr. is what is going to bring American Idol back. Mark my words. He's hilarious and smart and talented -- and in case you missed it up there, easy on the ol' peepers.

twice is nice. 
I'll be watching. Sure, I'll mainly be watching Harry Connick, Jr. but it still counts.

4. The Sound of Music
I know I'm probably THE ONLY PERSON IN AMERICA that is excited to see NBC's LIVE telecast of  The Sound of Music in a few weeks, but I'm okay with that. Everyone seems to be hating on this one pretty hard because of two things. One, HOW DARE THEY REMAKE A CLASSIC? and two, CARRIE UNDERWOOD.

If you're a long time reader of this blog, you know how I feel about Carrie Underwood. You know how Husband feels about Carrie Underwood.

Because of the greenscreen, he thought his hand was on her shoulder. At least that's the story he's sticking with. 
I should also tell you that ever since I was about five years old, The Sound of Music has been one of my family's all time favorites. I cannot count how many times I pretended to be either Gretl or Leisel and belted out the soundtrack while dancing around my living room as a child. There may or may not have been tickets sold. 

I'll admit I was a little skeptical at first. Until I read and saw that what they're doing is basically a filmed (live) version of the play. So to all the naysayers who are complaining about the remake, I'll say this: They're not remaking the movie. They are performing LIVE ON STAGE as has been done thousands of times ON STAGE, as it was even BEFORE IT WAS A MOVIE. 

And as for the whole criticism of Carrie Underwood as Maria? Watch this and tell me she doesn't sound like a songbird...and that you do not want her hair. 

(If you are reading on an iPad, you can search "First look Sound of Music" on YouTube to see the above clip)

My only criticism? My girls are in a show that opens on December 5th and I won't be able to watch it live. Don't think I won't be watching it at 11 p.m., though. Other than that, I say Bravo! to NBC for modernizing the STAGE production and airing a fun show the whole family will be able to watch together. Now stop being so critical and just enjoy it. 

Things that were happening on the blog and not on the blog last week that you might have missed 

Over at MamaPop I was looking at writing about one of my very favorite things: CLOONEY. 
Read it >> HERE <<  Just try not to drool on your keyboard. 

Seems THIS POST I wrote about my addiction to the Target Christmas Corner struck a chord with a lot of other Target Christmas Corner enthusiasts. My people! This isn't the end of this subject...stay tuned!! 

Have a good weekend! Oh, wait. That's right. 
Happy Monday! 

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  1. Your husband feeling Carrie Underwood's shoulder (breast) is creeping me out. And I totally believe I'm the only person in the world who didn't read Flowers in the Attic when I was a tween/teen. Is there group therapy for people like me?

    1. No, you are the only sane one. Stay far, far away from that book. READ IT IMMEDIATELY.

  2. can I even BEGIN to tell you the amount of squee-ing I did reading this post?! You hit every single check point for me. Elf GIF..YES! Princess Bride MUSICAL...oh, yes. I want. Being skeeved out at barely double digits after reading Flowers in the Attic (seriously, they didn't have excellent young adult fiction back in the day) HELL yes!! I shuddered when I saw they were doing a new movie of the book. I can't wait! Harry Connick, Jr realness to start my Monday....Oh YES YES YES!!! I feel like one of only two or three people that makes Hope Floats references on a regular basis.
    You are not the only person anxiously awaiting The Sound of Music TV extravaganze. I have to admit, it is a bit dicey to do it live on TV but it's not that different from doing any stage show. We just don't expect live stuff on TV...but VAMPIRE BILL will be Captain Von Trapp!! That's what I'm talking about. I'm in! I'd be happier with Eric, sure, but beggars can't be choosers. --Lisa

    1. I believe I heard your squee-s all the way in Minnesota. And I'd be lying if I denied that your squee-ing caused me to squee as well. One day we shall squee together.

  3. Yeah, I don't quite get all the hate about The Sound of Music thing. I mean...Carrie Underwood! Not only has that girl got some pipes and is crazy gorgeous, but she does not ride around nekkid on wrecking balls. Know what I'm sayin'?

  4. Back home, we had a skunk named Justin Matisse and Mama would go around yelling at that thing, JUSTIN MATISSE YOU STINK! Do you think that's a coincidence? She'd yell at thing every day until finally she killed it with a club. Well that's sad. If you liked the skunk, but we didn't, I think she still has the club in her purse. I love Hope Floats, and I LOVE Harry Connick Jr!!

    1. I could not love you more right now. The end.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.