Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday Favorites - When Pumpkin Took Over The World.

You know that summer is officially over when the world erupts in pumpkin.

Seriously, when did this become such a thing

Not that I'm complaining. I'm definitely 'Team Pumpkin' and love me a good Pumpkin Spice Latte (Starbucks - 1, Caribou - 0) as much as the next person, but when I saw this the other day at Target, I realized we very well may in jeopardy of pumpkin flavoring taking over the world. 

Disgusting? Or delicious? 
I was going to buy a bag and try them, but then I remembered how much I hate to vomit so I resisted. 

But even though I'm passing on the pumpkin m&m's, there's a lot of other pumpkin things* that are my Favorites, and this week I'm sharing just a few.

*not listed: pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin cream cheese (but not on pumpkin bagels), pumpkin Eggo Waffles, pumpkin cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory, pumpkin spice cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin pie.  
Aaand the next month of Friday Favorites just wrote itself. 



I'm addicted to this Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice swirly bread. Toasted with butter please, and keep 'em comin' (which is why, you might notice, I've wisely crossed out the calories, sugar and sodium per serving. But hey! 0g of saturated fat! Yay!).
Paired with a cuppa joe with a healthy splash of Pumpkin Spice Coffee-Mate in a quiet house and I'm a happy girl every morning from now through October, when I will be sick of it. 


If you follow along on Facebook you might remember something I did last week that was a definite favorite.

I'm as addicted to the candles at Bath & Body Works as one former-inappropriate-crush-who-shall-remain-nameless-until-the-end-of-this-post was to destructive and idiotic behavior. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  
My favorite scents? 
Leaves (which sells out super fast and was the sole reason I went Fall candle shopping so early), Autumn, and of course, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin.

Not pumpkin flavored but sold alongside the deplorable pumpkin m&m's

Like Buddy the Elf, I try to stick to four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup (but I'm not a huge fan of candy canes or syrup).

Every year I buy a bag (or 4) of candy corn and a barrel of peanuts and mix them together. 
Ever tried it?
Tastes just like a Salted Nut Roll.

Locally made in St. Paul! What up, St. Paul.

This year Brach's got wise to the fad and made the mix for us.
Not since that dude stuck his chocolate in her peanut butter has there been a match more gloriously made in heaven.

For those of you reading on an iPad, that big blank space actually contained a YouTube video. 
Sorry you missed it. It was good. 

Things that were happening on the blog, not on the blog, or on social media that you might have missed this week ~

SAVE THE DATE! October 16th - I'm part of a whole gaggle of bloggers throwing a Nationwide Ladies Night Out! Come join me...or someone else...or throw your own shin-dig! Read >>THIS POST<< for all the details.

And because the Night Out is being "sponsored" by the hilarious humor anthology I Just Want To Pee Alonethere's a big giveaway happening right now on Goodreads. Easy-Peasy to enter and 10 copies will be given away! Click HERE to enter!


I'd be remiss not to mention (again) that I'm thrilled to be writing for MamaPop every Tuesday morning (10 a.m. ET -- check local listings). This week I wrote about Britney's comeback...and why I'm embarrassed to care.


This week my main man and former #1 inappropriate crush, Zac Efron, revealed he'd been addicted to cocaine and Ecstasy. And while I'm respectful of the strength and clarity it must have taken for him to seek help, I won't apologize for not forgiving him for the choices that led him there.
Missed it?
Read it HERE.


My kitties were some of the featured pets on BabblePets yesterday! Wanna meet them? Click HERE!


Over on my Facebook page I made a handful of new friends. So if you're one of them and ventured over here to the actual blog, Welcome! Happy to have you along for the ride! And if you like the whole social media thing, follow me on Twitter, won't you?


And don't worry, my friends, I haven't forgotten your Friday gif.

In honor of my impossibly difficult to schedule Sunday night when I have a board meeting to attend, the Prime Time Emmys to watch (and the expected Emmy Wrap-Up to write), and the series finale of Dexter to watch - ALL AT THE SAME TIME - I give you this -

Will Dexter's flame finally be extinguished?
Heh heh. See what I did there?  
I don't know how I'm gonna do it all (carbo loading? Red Bull and Vodka? Red Bull and Vodka hold the Red Bull?), but check back Monday. 
I'm sure I'll still be awake...and I'll fill you in. 

© 2012-2013 You're my favorite today. All Rights Reserved.
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  1. I actually really liked the PSpice M&Ms. Not too pumpkiny...

    1. Well, alrighty then. Sold. (I'm easy like that.) But if I vomit chocolate pumpkin, I'm comin' for ya.

  2. I love the PSL so much I tried to buy a jug of the syrup (they wouldn't sell it to me :() I also buy pumpkin spice coffee to have at home, but I use vanilla creamer with it. Pumpkin creamer is for plain coffee. I have rules, you know...

    I'm also addicted to salted caramel flavored anything. I just bought a salted caramel Nut Goodie while waiting in line at Cub and ate it as soon as I got into my car. Salted caramel mocha creamer is in my fridge now, and salted caramel ice cream at Sebastian Joe's is amazing.

    Off to exercise the pumpkin and salted caramel off... don't think it'll work!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.