Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday Favorites - Dinner Tonight!

If you know one thing about me after following along for the past year and a half (10 of you) or the past few months (all the rest of you), it's that I abhor cooking. Sure, I do it, but only under great duress and usually after bitching about it for the previous 5 or 11 hours (you are welcome, family).

As a result, we have a rotation of easy dinners, which includes:
Pasta with a variety of shit thrown in (sautéed veggies, shrimp or chicken, olive oil and herbs)
Turkey tacos (because ground turkey is the only kind of ground meat my kids will eat, obviously)
Shredded chicken and black bean tacos/burritoes
Crock Pot Honey Sesame Chicken (big time fave) (<< recipe link)
Baked Spaghetti
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

I know most of you know that my kids are supremely picky eaters because of >> THIS POST << (which is my 2nd most read post of all time!) and that many, many of you are in the same boat.
My sisters! We will survive!! And so will our kids!
So if you're looking at that list up there and thinking I'm a big fat liar, let me assure you that of course my children don't eat most of that stuff. Good god, don't make me choke with laughter.
No, they eat a lot of the last three items and the turkey tacos.
And (thank god) a lot of fruit and raw Spinach leaves.
I know, that doesn't make sense to me either, but I don't question it.
I do. not. question it.

Moving on.

One of mine and Husband's favorite comfort meals; cool weather meals (which in Minnesota means any meal from now through May 10th); meals that we'll actually eat the leftovers of, is baked spaghetti.
I came across this recipe a couple of years ago and we love it. I actually like it a lot better than lasagna.
It's easy (which, if you know me you know is key) and you can make it a few hours ahead of time, clean up all the shit you've used and then all you have to clean up after dinner is your plates.
And you know what that means?
More time to drink wine.

So for today's Favorites I'm going all cooking blogger and giving you a "recipe" for Dinner Tonight!
(I think you'll understand the quotes as you keep reading.)

*If you want to see other things I think look good for dinner but that are probably way too labor intensive for me to actually make, follow my "What's for dinner?" board on Pinterest.

Baked Spaghetti


1 box spaghetti noodles (not pictured)
1/3 c parmesan cheese (powdered)
1 container of Ricotta
A lot of red sauce (I use whatever I have in my fridge that doesn't have mold on the lid)
Some shredded mozzarella (or other Italian cheeses)
2 eggs
Italian spices (optional)
NO STICK FOIL (<< key)

Step 1:
Boil your spaghetti noodles (not pictured....because DUH)

Step 2:
While noodles are boiling, whisk eggs and 1/3 c powdered parmesan in medium/large bowl.

Step 3:
Coat the bottom of a medium sized pyrex dish with some red sauce. 
Don't use a's too big.

Step 4:
In a small bowl, mix ricotta and some Italian spices. 
Or don't use the spices.
Then you won't dirty another bowl.

Step 5:
When noodles are done, toss them in the egg/parmesan mixture, making sure to get them nice and eggy (it's what will make them stick together when they bake).

Step 6:
Place half of the noodles in the dish and spread ricotta on top. You won't need to use the whole container of ricotta, unless you really like ricotta.

Step 7:
Spread a lot of red sauce on the ricotta and sprinkle a generous amount of mozzarella on top.

Step 8:
Top with remaining noodles.

Step 9:
Spread a lot of red sauce on top and sprinkle more cheeeeeses.

Step 10:
Cover with NO STICK FOIL. Seriously. The cheese does not stick to it. 

Bake at 350° for 40 minutes.
Bake for about 15 minutes more, or until cheese is melty and delicious.

Step 11:
I actually do serve it with something green (salad, edamame, Appletini...whatever) but for the sake of photography, today it's standing alone.

And top it off with another Favorite that I discovered this week.

Yeah, they're easy bake.
Please tell me that doesn't surprise you.

Bon Appétit!

© 2012-2013 You're my favorite today. All Rights Reserved.
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  1. that looks so good! going to definitely make this one! :) thanks!

  2. That looks delicious.
    We are a pasta family and I need something new to try.

    1. You'll love it! We're a pasta family, too, because my girls will always eat noodles and butter...I just have to remember to take their noodles out before I add all the other stuff to ours. Doesn't always happen. That's when the PB comes out...

  3. That's almost like lasagna, but easy! You know how much I love a good recipe. Thanks for including pictures so I can pin that shizz.

    1. I HATE cooking lasagna noodles. They always rip, and I don't like the taste of those 'no boil' ones. This is better than lasagna, and you could totally add meat in the sauce if you wanted. And pin, pin, pin away! Thanks!! :)

  4. That looks so yummy and easy. Being a coonass, I love to cook, I'm an excellent cook but even I get to a point where I need a no-brainer! Love it!

  5. You complete me. I was pretending that dinner would make itself, perusing facebook and VOILA! I saw this recipe. I can whip this up AND stalk facebook. Win, win.
    Thank you.

    1. Happy to be your completion today. Enjoy your stalking...


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.