Tuesday, September 17, 2013

...And Then My Worlds Collided, And It Was Good.

This is the one where I tell you about how I've been obsessed with pop-culture and celebrity life and Awards Shows for most of my life.

Wait...you already knew that? 

I guess you're right. For the past year and a half I haven't exactly been secretive about my fascination with all things Hollywood. I've certainly spent a lot of time snarking on celebrities and recapping the hits and misses of red carpets, not to mention all those never-ending posts and recaps on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette*.

*If you're new to the class and want to catch up, just go to that tab marked "favorites" up on the top bar. There's links to all the nonsense that I find so irresistible. 

It's no secret that I read not only the print versions of Entertainment Weekly, People, and US each week but the websites daily as well (along with E!, BuzzFeed, Hollywood Reporter and HuffPost Celebrity, just to name a few). I know what you're thinking. 
"Lazy Ass." "How does she have time to work out and scrub bathrooms and cook well balanced meals every night for her family?" 


Listen, they're fiiiine. 
Do not go into my bathroom or open a closet, but on the surface my house is fiiiine. 
My ass, while not Jennifer Aniston tight, is fiiiiine (until I decide to get out of my yoga pants and into my jeans, then notsomuch). 

My extensive knowledge and love of the craft (the craft of sitting on my ass trolling entertainment websites) has finally been validated.

Today I wrote my first post for MamaPop - "The independent voice for parents on pop culture, entertaimnent, gossip, fashion and web culture."

The description might just as well have said, "The website created for Michelle."
That's how much I love it...and have loved it since discovering it about six months ago.

Short, opinionated, often sarcastic and bitchy commentaries on the current goings on in the wide world of pop culture. 

That I can do.

That I've been doing. 

And that I've done....as of today. 

This morning my first article went live on MamaPop! 

I'm super excited at this new venture. 
If you don't already 'like' MamaPop on Facebook, you should. You'll get updates whenever there's a new article posted (like MINE every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. ET!). And feel free to 'like', comment or share. I might not be able to do it in person, but know that I'm holding you tightly and stroking your hair in my mind if you do. 

Thanks for bearing with me while I have my moment. This is exciting and I'm all alone here with no one but the cats. But now I've gotta go. Now that Liam and Miley have called off their engagement, I've got some serious trolling to do. 

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  1. Congrats!!! I love MamaPop and have been reading it faithfully for a year (or 2??). Loved your Britney spear article when I read it this morning. I didn't catch on that it was you but the snarkiness felt familiar!

    Although.....I disagree with calling poor Brit-Brit disgusting. That seemed a little past snarky, bordering on mean...

  2. Loved it and shared the shit out of it! Congrats!

  3. Congrats! You are the perfect person for this! You crack me up and do not feel bad I am the same when it comes to celeb gossip!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.