Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Favorites - Hey Mikey! She Likes It!

Full disclosure.
It's not Friday.
Well, it is Friday but not right now.
I mean, of course it's Friday right now, but just not while I'm writing this. 
It's actually Thursday and I'm sitting in the Toyota dealership waiting for my oil to be changed.
The oil in my car to be changed (although I wouldn't say no if that scruffy-in-a-good-way mechanic over there wanted to change my oil...). 
I'm overtired, you guys.

I'll be honest; it's not been a super week.
Lots of stresses going on that I'm not gonna go into here because this is a post about Favorites and since that's why you came, that's what I'm gonna deliver, no matter how lame they may be today. 

If you replace Sheldon's head with mine, this may or may not be
how I've been spending a fair amount of time lately.

Since hyperventilating panic attacks aren't really my favorite, let's switch gears (quickly because I don't have a bag with me) and get to a few things that despite my crappy week have given me a small bit of pleasure.
I'm reaching....but here goes.

1. Chex cereal and my new million dollar coffee creations-
I've never been a fan of Chex cereal.
It gets soggy way too fast and for it to be edible to me I need to dump a few tablespoons of sugar into it which just ends up settling into giant wet sugar mountains at the bottom of my bowl.
But recently I discovered Cinnamon Chex and Vanilla Chex and had a total "Hey, Mikey!" moment.

Yes, this is the second time in two weeks that little
Mikey has made an appearance on this blog.
The strangeness of that isn't lost on me. 

Last week I was brewing a fresh cup of coffee as I finished my bowl of Cinnamon Chex, and as usual had about 1/4 of a cup of leftover milk in my bowl. 
Looked at my coffee.
Looked at my bowl.

Then, thanks to my friend Paula (what up, Paula), this morning I tried Vanilla Chex, and yes, Paula it is just like eating cake and milk for breakfast! and then you guys, guess what I did? 

Staged and took a photo of my coffee with my cereal boxes?
Well, of course, but damn if I didn't pour that leftover vanilla milk into my cup of coffee and had one of the most perfectly balanced vanilla lattes-that-wasn't-really-a-latte I've ever had.

You guys, I'm totally onto something.
Now, to figure out how to get Starbucks and the Board of Health to buy it...

2. Felicity - 
I know. 
You're probably screaming FOUL because this is a repeat of a Favorite from two weeks ago, but if I'm being honest about my Favorites from this week, I have to say that watching old Felicity episodes from about 11 - 12 every night has been giving me great pleasure and taking my mind off a few things I want my mind taken off from. 
Again, NO SPOILERS in the comments about future seasons, please, but if you watched it, I'm on the last episode of Season One and all the drama between Noel and Felicity has made me sad and mad and happy and tearful this week. It's exhausting. 
I love it.  

3. Hollywood Game Night - 
You guys, it has become my life's new mission to become a guest on this show. 

I'd kill on this show.

If you can find out how to get me on it, I'll buy you something nice with the 25K I'll win.

4. This -

Small pie?
It's my not-so-strange addiction.
Eggo waffle, peanut butter and bananas.
I have been addicted to this at various times in my life, and then I eat it so often I get sick of it and go a year or two without.
I'm currently back on the wagon, and not only eat one for breakfast every day but often as a mid-afternoon snack as well.
Give it a try. 
You'll thank me.

*Things That Happened Around The Blog This Week*

Even if you follow YMFT on Facebook,  you might have missed a few things since Facebook has a vendetta against bloggers and likes to hide about 80% of our posts and links from about 75% of our readers (don't actually do the math on that).

Thing 2, as usual, was cracking me up...

Tuesday morning I got my haar did when I was supposed to be writing The Bachelorette RECAP so I did the only thing I could do and wrote while I was waiting for the magic to happen. 
I mulit-task like a boss.

Sunday I got retweeted again by @HuffPost Parents with this realization...

And remember last week when Huffington Post Parents retweeted me for the first time??
That tweet made it into their "Funniest Tweets From Parents"!!
And then -- then -- they tweeted about it -

and could you pleaseandthankyouverymuch just LOOK at who I was keeping company with??

Rachel Dratch and Michael Ian Black??

No pressure, now, though, to tweet funny shit. 
First world problems.

Over here on the blog I wrote another letter to the asshat parents who don't parent their kids. Wanna read it? Click those pink words in the previous sentence. They're magic.

And, of course, I was recapping The Bachelorette. It was a snoresville episode which took me over three hours to try and make somewhat interesting, so as you might imagine I'm putting a lot of faith and expectation in next week's 'hometown dates' episode. 
Let's just hope Drew doesn't show her his closet. 

That's gonna do it for today (tomorrow), my friends!

Enjoy your weekend.
I'll be eating copious amounts of Chex cereal and bottling the leftover milk.

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  1. I love how your green drink cup matches your Mac! And SOOOOOOOO cool that you're keeping company with Rachel Dratch and Michael Ian Black. Will you remember the little people when you're sitting at your Hollywood beachfront mansion??

    1. I make it a point to surround myself with as much GREEN as I can. Check out the hair dryers hanging from the ceiling in my salon.
      And OF COURSE I'll remember the minions. You'll all be working for me in cute little overalls.

  2. I really think I need to try that waffly, PB, banana combo..... that looks delicious!! ~Stephanie

    1. Yes. Yes, you do.
      And when you become addicted, pass it on to someone else.
      Pay the waffly love forward. :)

  3. I'm SO trying that waffle concoction. Like right now. *speeds off to Target to buy waffles with wet hair and everything*


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.