Saturday, June 29, 2013


Yesterday came and went without the usual FF post and I'm quite certain there were at least eight of you who missed it and were ready to write a letter. 
Actually, I'd planned it like this all along. 
That's right. Having the Friday Favorites be the Saturday Favorites was all part of my master plan this week. 
At least it was after I was out really late on Thursday night, anyway.
And I thought about scrapping it, but since all eight of you know that I've never missed a FF post (being late doesn't count nor does that one time last fall because I'm the boss) and because I'm a little bit of an obsessive rule-follower (yes, even self-imposed rules) I wouldn't be able to sleep and I'd feel all wormy if I just skipped it. Plus, for the first time in a long time I actually had a short list of favorite things to write about, so really, I had no excuse. 

So, much like getting a birthday present a day after your birthday, I give you now -- The Friday Saturday Favorites. 

Hit it, Napoleon.

(Just because it's Saturday, you didn't think I'd forget your Friday gif, did you?)

1. Felicity -

You guys, HOW HAVE I NEVER WATCHED THIS SHOW?? *shaking head with disappointment*
I know the premise, I know that the über adorable Keri Russell was pretty much exiled, drawn and quartered after she cut her gorgeous hair, I know that it was critically acclaimed and has become a cult classic, and I even know that Scott Foley was my virtual BFF's first husband (of course I know that).

I can now even forgive her for being married before Ben now that I know that IT WAS NOEL!!
But somehow this show has just slipped my radar for the past 14 years.
I blame having a three year old when it first aired (1998) and the disinterest (not to mention the time) to program the damn VCR.
Last weekend I discovered that Netflix has all four seasons and am now hooked.
I'm nothing if not a sucker for shows like this.
(Gilmore Girls is my all time favorite "drama" series, so that might give you an insight into the depth of my television watching preferences.)
I'm only on episode 4, so no spoilers please (other than that catastrophic business with her hair that I already know about...and am now dreading having to witness). I have a feeling I'll be having a lot of "tummy aches" in the next week so I can watch it without interruption.
Although, who am I kidding? No matter how old your kids get, they always, always seem to need you when you're on the potty.

2. Peonies -
I've told you before, in the 23 Moderately Useless Things To Know About Me, that Peonies are my very favorite flower.
I also told you that my little cat, Lucy, loves to eat any plant or flower and since Peonies are one of the 2 billion plants on the Feline Toxic List I cannot cut them from my bushes outside and bring them in to enjoy their gorgeous blooms or intoxicating fragrance because she will eat them and die.

Here's Lucy.

Isn't she way too sweet and cute to die?

Here's a few Peony blooms I cut from my bushes last week but had to put in a vase outside on my deck because of that god damned sweet-and-too-cute-to-die cat.

Peonies - Favorite.
Lucy this week - Not.

3. This song -

*If you're reading this on a iPhone or an iPad, you won't see the YouTube videos here. You lose, except for the fact that you have an iPhone &/or an iPad.

Michael Jackson Bruno Mars's "When I Was Your Man".
For some inexplicable reason, whenever I hear it, it makes me want to cry and I get all tight and squirmy inside, but in a good way, obviously (much like George Michael's "Kissing A Fool". If you know that song, please tell me in the comments so I can love you forever).
Anyway, Bruno Mars is doing some major MJ channeling lately.
Check out his awesome performance on The Voice finale.
If you don't think it's vintage Jackson 5 and if it doesn't get you groovin',  I'll totally get that 'fro.

4. Meeting new people -
Taking a last minute spot on the list this week is the reason this is being posted on Saturday instead of Friday.
Thursday night I attended my friend's book club meeting since they'd just "read" I Just Want To Pee Alone. I use quotes because like most good book clubs, theirs really isn't about the reading of the selected book as much as it is a good excuse to get together and have a drink or three as well as some quality girl time.
These ladies have been a group for 12 years.
They travel together, for god's sake.
I was definitely going in feeling like the outsider and not quite sure what I was doing there, since like I said, the majority of them hadn't actually read the book.
But they couldn't have been more lovely and welcoming to me outsider and even though I (as usual) talked too much and disclosed too much and probably insulted the cook when I couldn't eat the food I'd put on my plate because (unbeknownst to them) I suddenly had a panic attack that my IBS would act up and THAT'S not gonna make a good impression so I actually took my chicken salad sandwich TO-GO which I'm sure made them think I was either one of those loathsome non-eaters or just rude as all hell, it was a really fun -- and funny -- night. 
These ladies talk about vaginas and boob sizes as easily as how bad the mosquitoes are this year, and I sincerely hope that if any of them actually do read this blog they'll accept my apologies for all the rambling I'm certain that I did.
That was the Pinot and the fear of IBS talking.

*Things That Happened Around The Blog This Week*

On Facebook I was talking about these things:

And here on the blog I spent the beginning of the week being snarky (one of my favorite things to be)
with too many bad jokes about "Hot Tugging" in my BACHELORETTE RECAP and then again by defacing the photo of America's former sweetheart in the latest installment of Hot Hollywood Hell.
After all that in-depth writing I turned somewhat thoughtful towards the end of the week, and told you about my ongoing search for the Silver Lining.

If you missed any of those, pour a cup of joe and settle in.
If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom with Felicity.

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  1. I have never seen Felicity. Not sure why as I didn't yet have children when it came out. But now I'm in that stage where Disney has infiltrated every television in our home. How does that happen? Every single one.

    The last book club I was a part of started out with the pouring of wine, about 15 minutes chatting about the book, and a 2 hour wrap-up with more wine and talk of boobs and sex or lack thereof of both. ;)

    I did not see ANY of those Facebook posts. What. The. Hell.

    1. I only see a smattering of yours, too. What'd we ever do to Zuckerberg??
      I periodically just check your page because I'm kind of stalkish like that.
      And if you have Netflix, watch Felicity. We can wear matching "TEAM NOEL" shirts.

  2. I too am infatuated with the Bruno Mars song!!! And I love "Kissing a Fool "! Every time I hear the song I HAVE to sing it! My 5 yr old daughter is not so impressed with it and will shut it off. (But not when we are in the car cause she is strapped in and has the deal with it!) I also loved Felicity!

    1. I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! Seriously, NO ONE ever knows that song when I mention it!! It's so fabulous and retro and makes me SWOOOOOON. I put it on my iHome as my alarm and when it goes off it always works it's way into my dream (which isn't a bad thing) except that I don't wake up when I'm supposed to (which is a bad thing).
      I'm only on episode 6 of Season 1. TOTALLY Team NOEL. (no spoilers...)

  3. OH thank GOD!! I was ready to put out an APB on the FF. Word.
    How can you be upset at that adorable little kitty??

    1. I never am. She's my baby. It's kind of sickening. :P

  4. Felicity, so much fun and drama. Enjoy, because of this show I'm a Scott Foley (or Noel) fan for life.

    1. TEAM NOEL FOREVER!!!! *No spoilers* but I LOOOOVE him. Ben is just meh. His mouth is funny.

  5. Totally agree - Gilmore Girls best drama....followed by Party of Five....of course now I will have to look up Felicity, not sure why I missed that one...children most likely - they seem to be the cause of all missed TV...


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.