Monday, June 24, 2013

Hot Hollywood Hell - When Surgery Met Sally

I know that you know and that everyone who has eyes knows that Meg Ryan ain't what she used to be. 

(Sigh. Excuse me while I go watch Sleepless in Seattle. For the eleventy billionth time.)

Since she lays so low lately, whenever a new photo of her surfaces I find myself catching my breath in shock and awe.  
Last week she made an appearance (with her beau, John Cougar Mellencamp) at a film festival in Italy, and this is the photo that has been making the rounds.

Oh, wait.
My bad.
This is the photo that has been making the rounds. 

You can see how I was easily confused.

You guys, it's getting worse
I thought it was bad way back when she decided to go for the Barbara Hershey lips - 

and worse when she appeared to have the fat of 40 thousand baby seals injected into her cheeks -

but now it appears she's had just a little bit more work done.

You guys, that's not even the same shaped head!
Is it just a bad angle?
But I'm banking NOT. 

Hey, I get it.
You get older; your reflection starts to startle you.
I, myself, am dying to find a way to get rid of the bulldog pouches around my mouth, but ironically it's the person who I adored and wanted to be from about 1989 - 1993 who is keeping me from going for it. 

Oh, and maybe THIS GIRL  -

who apparently has a slight MEG RYAN infatuation. 

You guys, what say we age gracefully and without turning ourselves into -- quite literally -- clowns, 'mkay? 

New to the blog?
Hot Hollywood Hell virgin?
You can catch up on all the snark that I feel celebrities deserve with these oldies ~

(The most viewed) HHH - She's Gonna Blow!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for THE BACHELORETTE RECAP #5!! 
(Because I obviously haven't been snarky enough this week.) 
And bring your friends!!

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  1. So sad that just because they CAN afford it, they DO it, because it totally changes their once-beautiful features and makes them look just awful.

  2. Agree! And botox doesn't really bother me (unless they do it to their whole face), it's the cheeks!! Do they NOT see it? I can't UNSEE it so I don't know how that's possible.

  3. Grody. I'm glad I'd already eaten lunch before seeing those pictures. Thank you, though. Loving my wrinkles again!

  4. I had to revisit the Jessica Simpson post and I checked the date. she still pregnant? You never can be sure.

    Poor Meg Ryan. You've Got Mail is one of my favorite movies and she looked so good in it!

  5. Are you positive those are pictures of Meg Ryan???? That's bizarre... she was so adorable. Now? Pretty much freaky.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Eewww!!! This is the #1 reason I did not choose to go into show biz. I have a hard time making good decisions! And plus I don't have any kind of stage talent; acting or singing. ;) thank goodness I'm saved from the horror of seeing my self like that every morning!

  8. GREAT MINDS!! We must have seen the same film fest pics in Italy because that's what set me off today! How funny. Seriously, Megs- put down the syringe and step AWAY from the table. Wow. So sad.

  9. Ugh. I know. So disappointing. I totally thought that Meg Ryan would be like one of the coolest people to hang out with in Hollywood. But that cannot be. She has gotten so weird! I never put the Joker and her together like that in my head, but yah, you're dead on!


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